DevOpsDays Gothenburg presentation where we explain how an earlier career in Systems Administration helped us kick ass in running Continuous Integration.
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Everything I learned about Continuous Integration, I learned from Systems Administration
1. Everything I know
about CI
I learned from Systems Administration
Julian Simpson, The Build Doctor Ltd
with Tom Sulston, ThoughtWorks Ltd
#3: - audience can ask questions\n- this is a loose structure to talk about CI. Ask questions if you like.\n- it’s about dev, but from ops point of view\n
#5: - cfengine - annoying guy on list- 2004: started running cruisecontrol\n- 2006: puppet - 2010: Started consulting in London- 2011: LondonCI meetup\n- Most things I see are broken\n
#13: Doug McIroyThis is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.\nGreat design philosophy\n
#18: Operating system packages rock - explain sums\nPuppet and Chef - we know configuration management\nYou have to understand something /before/ you automate it\n\n
#19: We understand Disk I/O\nAnecdote of Sam’s CI server\nCI is a CPU/RAM/disk intensive activity\n\n
#20: CI outages cost money\n6 developers * 300/day\nthey should do without without servers\nbut who does\nCI is a production system\n
#21: Trouble shooting skills: strace, lsof, apptrace, dtrace, top,iostat\nBuilds are meant to break\n
#22: It’s the gateway to production\nYou’d be crazy not to do so\n