The jews bloodline and alien race explained origin.docxBalaji A(Kalki)
The document claims that Jews are actually aliens who came to Earth in spaceships long ago. It says they have different physical characteristics like their heart being in the middle and a different blood type. It accuses Jews of establishing the current political/economic system to rule over and abuse humans. The author presents themselves as an avatar of God sent to punish Jews and save Earth by implementing a new system without money or capitalism. They provide "hints" intended to help identify Jews and encourage killing them, which they say would be legal.
Evidence of my time of posting this documents.docxBalaji A(Kalki)
The document discusses various topics related to secret societies, alien races, and conspiracies attempting to control the world. It provides links to slides and videos about illuminati, climate change, financial crises, and proposes a "better system". It describes facing threats and politics from a company called Primesoft and individuals like Peter Marshall and Suraj Shetty. It requests help in getting a CEO position and compensation promised from Primesoft. It warns about alien races like "Alien Parayans" attempting to kill the author through various means.
The document claims that an alien race of Jews from the planet Paldeian came to Earth, looking similar to humans but with their heart in the middle and different blood type. They defeated humans in war and began ruling over and abusing them. When Jesus came to warn people, the Jews had him crucified and later beheaded to oppose his message. Now the Jews secretly rule the world through systems like the US government and Masonry. They established control over many countries and assassinated leaders who opposed them, like Abraham Lincoln and JFK. The author claims to be an avatar of God sent to end the rule of the Jews and Masons and establish a better system of government.
the sooniyam gay war on me that is Lord Kalki by Pussymasonary and Jews to ki...Balaji A(Kalki)
Illuminati and jews are real they tortured me for last 6 years and with the help of china and russia President i survived one of their plan to make me false messiah and for last 3 years they are torturring me with sooniyam with the help of almighty lord Jesus whos an avatar of Lord Almighty Lord Brahma and failed in all the challenges till date
This document discusses theories about the Rothschild family secretly controlling global politics, economics, and media over centuries to maintain their power and wealth. It argues that the Rothschilds have hidden their true status as the wealthiest family by putting assets under the names of proxies like the Rockefellers, Morgans, and Buffett. It claims the Rothschilds orchestrated events like the breakup of Yugoslavia and Ukraine's 2014 revolution to further their interests, and blackmailed President Clinton into bombing Yugoslavia in 1999. The document speculates the Rothschilds control governments, banks, companies, and media through secret contracts and influence world events from the shadows.
The document discusses several issues related to climate change and humanity. It argues that climate change is an important problem facing the planet, as Earth is the only planet currently habitable. However, humans are damaging the planet for the sake of money and profit. If the planet is destroyed, there will be nowhere else for humanity to live. The document calls for unity among humans and empathy for the environment and each other, in order to address climate change and other issues through a shared goal of sustainability.
The document proposes a new bottom-up political system where people have more direct involvement and transparency through technology. Key aspects include:
1) Creating an app that connects all villages and cities, allowing people to see how their taxes are spent and what government is working on.
2) Involving people in decision making from local to national levels on issues like budgets, policies, and military matters.
3) Using dashboard technology for voters to participate in conversations and decisions live.
4) Making government finances and projects transparent to the public to reduce corruption.
This document discusses the illusory and destructive nature of modern society, arguing that most people are trapped in an endless loop programmed by media and social pressures to chase money and status. It claims powerful secret organizations actually control the global financial and political systems to manipulate populations for their own ends. The document calls for people to wake up from this "matrix" and unite to fight corruption and save the planet, suggesting the author may face retaliation for revealing such truths.
The Climate Change is Real if you go out and Check the Temperature in the summer you will get the Climate whats stopping the Climate Change Reversing and the Rules and Regulations we built. so this Government has to be Changed and its has to be RE Engineered and it has be freed from the Bankers and the Illuminatis who control the Corporate and the Banking and Media.
How Illuminati and the secret occult control the governments 2.0 Balaji A(Kalki)
The document discusses several conspiracy theories about the Illuminati and New World Order, including that:
1) Powerful families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers control the world through various organizations and by establishing the banking and governmental systems.
2) The Illuminati use techniques like propaganda through media and entertainment to manipulate people's minds and perceptions in order to maintain control and power.
3) Various secret societies are involved in the conspiracy to rule the world through establishing global governance systems and engaging in mind control programming techniques.
this is the NWO of illuminatis and some Updated info I have added please go through all the DOcuments of mine like Economical Crisis and BAnk sectors working etc.
How Illuminati s and the secret occult control the governmentBalaji A(Kalki)
The document discusses various conspiracy theories about the Illuminati and their alleged control of governments and societies across the world. It claims that a small group of elite families including the Rothschilds and Rockefellers control major institutions like banking, media, and governments through different layers and subgroups. It asserts that these secret societies aim to establish a "New World Order" and have influenced the establishment of bodies like the United Nations and central banking systems to expand their control globally.
The document summarizes the key events that led to the 2008 global financial crisis and warns of a potential upcoming meltdown. It describes how American homeownership became unsustainable as people took on loans they couldn't repay, leading to a housing market crash. This was exacerbated by many citizens living in debt through credit cards. Continued interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve mean people have to pay more for money they've already borrowed, risking an infinite debt loop. If wage growth does not keep up as the cost of living increases, this could trigger another global financial crisis similar to 2008.
Marketing Comparison between Inbound and outbound marketing Balaji A(Kalki)
Marketing involves promoting and selling products or services through activities like market research and advertising. It follows the marketing concept of anticipating customer needs better than competitors to satisfy organizational goals. The document also discusses types of marketing such as inbound or digital marketing and compares their strengths, advantages, how they work, and costs.
This document provides a project report on framing an SEO and digital marketing strategy for UNI Logistics Agencies Private Limited. It includes an introduction to digital marketing, profiles the logistics and digital marketing industries, outlines the company and research problems, objectives, scope and limitations of the study. It also reviews relevant literature on topics including the impact of e-commerce, trends in online advertising, online banner advertising, branding on the web, and web advertising strategies. The goal is to reform the company's website using current SEO and social media marketing trends to build the brand through a complete digital marketing solution.
The document proposes a new bottom-up system of government using modern technology:
1. The current system is not meeting people's basic needs for happiness and has become corrupt, with people enslaved to money and destroying the environment.
2. The new system would be bottom-up, with voters directly participating in government through a dashboard technology that allows live participation and decision making.
3. This new approach could help eradicate problems like war, pollution and issues with neighboring countries by empowering people and communities to directly solve problems.
Our early human ancestors evolved from chimpanzees in Africa as they began moving from trees to the ground to escape predators, which led them to start running on land and using tools. This was the first step in human evolution. Due to climate changes like ice ages, humans had to adapt to scavenge dead animals and hunt herbivores using stone weapons. They began living in communities and using fire, wheels, and metals. However, conflict arose as some wanted adventure while others wanted peace, leading humans to separate. The development of kingdoms, money, businesses, and religion further divided humans and led to issues like slavery, corruption, war, and environmental destruction.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
The Climate Change is Real if you go out and Check the Temperature in the summer you will get the Climate whats stopping the Climate Change Reversing and the Rules and Regulations we built. so this Government has to be Changed and its has to be RE Engineered and it has be freed from the Bankers and the Illuminatis who control the Corporate and the Banking and Media.
How Illuminati and the secret occult control the governments 2.0 Balaji A(Kalki)
The document discusses several conspiracy theories about the Illuminati and New World Order, including that:
1) Powerful families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers control the world through various organizations and by establishing the banking and governmental systems.
2) The Illuminati use techniques like propaganda through media and entertainment to manipulate people's minds and perceptions in order to maintain control and power.
3) Various secret societies are involved in the conspiracy to rule the world through establishing global governance systems and engaging in mind control programming techniques.
this is the NWO of illuminatis and some Updated info I have added please go through all the DOcuments of mine like Economical Crisis and BAnk sectors working etc.
How Illuminati s and the secret occult control the governmentBalaji A(Kalki)
The document discusses various conspiracy theories about the Illuminati and their alleged control of governments and societies across the world. It claims that a small group of elite families including the Rothschilds and Rockefellers control major institutions like banking, media, and governments through different layers and subgroups. It asserts that these secret societies aim to establish a "New World Order" and have influenced the establishment of bodies like the United Nations and central banking systems to expand their control globally.
The document summarizes the key events that led to the 2008 global financial crisis and warns of a potential upcoming meltdown. It describes how American homeownership became unsustainable as people took on loans they couldn't repay, leading to a housing market crash. This was exacerbated by many citizens living in debt through credit cards. Continued interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve mean people have to pay more for money they've already borrowed, risking an infinite debt loop. If wage growth does not keep up as the cost of living increases, this could trigger another global financial crisis similar to 2008.
Marketing Comparison between Inbound and outbound marketing Balaji A(Kalki)
Marketing involves promoting and selling products or services through activities like market research and advertising. It follows the marketing concept of anticipating customer needs better than competitors to satisfy organizational goals. The document also discusses types of marketing such as inbound or digital marketing and compares their strengths, advantages, how they work, and costs.
This document provides a project report on framing an SEO and digital marketing strategy for UNI Logistics Agencies Private Limited. It includes an introduction to digital marketing, profiles the logistics and digital marketing industries, outlines the company and research problems, objectives, scope and limitations of the study. It also reviews relevant literature on topics including the impact of e-commerce, trends in online advertising, online banner advertising, branding on the web, and web advertising strategies. The goal is to reform the company's website using current SEO and social media marketing trends to build the brand through a complete digital marketing solution.
The document proposes a new bottom-up system of government using modern technology:
1. The current system is not meeting people's basic needs for happiness and has become corrupt, with people enslaved to money and destroying the environment.
2. The new system would be bottom-up, with voters directly participating in government through a dashboard technology that allows live participation and decision making.
3. This new approach could help eradicate problems like war, pollution and issues with neighboring countries by empowering people and communities to directly solve problems.
Our early human ancestors evolved from chimpanzees in Africa as they began moving from trees to the ground to escape predators, which led them to start running on land and using tools. This was the first step in human evolution. Due to climate changes like ice ages, humans had to adapt to scavenge dead animals and hunt herbivores using stone weapons. They began living in communities and using fire, wheels, and metals. However, conflict arose as some wanted adventure while others wanted peace, leading humans to separate. The development of kingdoms, money, businesses, and religion further divided humans and led to issues like slavery, corruption, war, and environmental destruction.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
Evidence of my time of posting this documents.docx
3. ALIEN PARAYANS blood line proof:
Illuminati song
My uploads of same video if they delete theirs
the new system explained2.0
Illuminati song
My uploads of same video if they delete theirs
Origin :
The Climate Change and the Havoc on Mother earth :
Climate change and humanity verge of Collapses
4. /mobile/balaji1046/the-climate-change-and-the-sick-
Financial Crisis :
Upcoming Financial Meltdown
Illuminati and System Control :
Illuminati Government and their Control
The Better System :
The Better System and Better
Future /mobile/balaji1046/my-vision-about-the-future-
the new system explained2.0
I even found they are goona keep plots till the end with brain control
I was joined as a inside sales specialist and I was working under Peter Marshall in
inside sales team. I uncovered the truth the Indian team is not working properly so I
sold out that to peter Marshall and that brought problem to the president who's taking
care of marketing his name is Suraj and he is working under another president
Prabhakar and this two throwed me out because of this for that company I worked
like anything. I changed the company marketing methodology and I changed the
website and so on. I gave the next financial crisis when it's going to happen and how
to evade by investing in gold. Like wise I gave my best and I been promised with a
house in Hyderabad and good salary by Peter Marshall with that company and I am
sure there is a house in Hyderabad and the company is paying taxes on my
pan card.BBIPB2201G
In brief:
in india this two Primesoft presidents came with a girl her name Kavya who's
daughter of Prabhakar and they told me I have to marry her inorder to get to the
CEO position because they want that company which is promised by peter
Marshall.And it's been 3 years they said go out and study business analyst course
and they will re hire and give me back my position.but I am always getting
threatened.if I call back they are threatening my career I am unable to use that
experience certificate they gave me in any other company.If I want to get back to the
company I should marry that girl kavays who s prabhakar Ramakrishnan
daughter.Here in India Suraj and Prabhakar are the person's who's creating problem
5. and Peter Marshall I believed in him even he is not replying to the mails.please give
me back my position by talking to the concern person s .
Due to this politics Suraj shetty and other people are not allowing me inside my own
company.already there is a police complaint and waiting for court order against
Primesoft president prabhakar Ramakrishnan who did the same instead of giving me
the company and position as CEO they played politics this complaint gave by the
Primesoft itself in 2017 all i want is my company ,my CEO position and blocked
salary and the house in Hyderabad.more details in below.
They might lie I am working from home which is a another lie they always lie Suraj
sheety and Akshay sheety husband and wife teaming up against me because last
three years I was working in a different companies located in different different
Emails to the company clearly states that I am the ceo.
For more confirmation check my pancard number.:BBIPB2201G
They are paying taxes but I am not working in the company
I need my salary and the position and the house and the cut from the investment
consultation for peter Marshal in gold who's said he will give 25 percent from the
I have mailed this issue to all over the world. I am an activist .i want to change this
world and the system. The sooner I get a position the soon the world will be
changed. I am after the world change please find the below links and know the
secrets of the government and the system and illuminati control and our origin.
I been cornered by a internal politics team Suraj and Prabhakar and Akshaya and
They are holding the company mr.peter Marshall gave me.please check with the
owner even Peter Marshall .
Emails to Suraj clearly states that I am the ceo.
For more confirmation check my pancard number.:BBIPB2201G
6. They are paying taxes but I am not working in the company.
even Peter Marshall he is hiding information about me and the company and my
CEO position and ownership
After several mails i came to me understand even Peter Marshall is neglecting my
mails and letting me suffer and he is a illuminati alien parayans as well . Whose a
secret society members as well as the alien race Alien parayans
For Peter Marshall:
I gave so many consulting for marketing as well as for investment.which Includes
gold investment and said I have invested and right now the gold made huge
upswing so I need my cut plus my CEO position in primesoft as you promised.i am
not getting any confirmation even he is not replying to emails that's why I sent mails
again and again.
After that I left that company and its problems.
I joined a different company but there also I been facing the same problem instead of
making me as a manager for marketing they created a ceo position and marry
they're girl in pondicherry.i found out and refused they throwed me out
Peter Marshall secret society Freemasonry planned to kill me like this in several
companies like I am spy who came to visit the company for primesoft in background
verification they are giving but I left the company.
Please take action.
I been blackmailed by Suraj where ever I go I been sent out because the primesoft
giving a background verification as CEO so the other companies sending me out and
I gave a police complaint as well where my relative company also there crew
Chennai and my relatives also behind please stop this and let me walk away
with my full money that you promised I know your in the top 120 world's
richest give me my cut and position and never start anything with me like you
guys did for the last 4 years
I already gave a complaint but I didn't get any positive response on this.
The company name primesoft ip solutions , Hyderabad Gachibowli.
Please check my pancard details they bought a house and still they are paying
my salary.
7. My pancard number: BBIPB2201G
This is what I created documents to unite the world. Please read about the illuminatis
and Freemasonry to understand the whole picture.
And so many issue because of Peter Marshall company primesoft I gave so many
complaint s .
I sent so many emails I am getting calls from Suraj in unexpected time and they are
threatening me instead of replying to the mail.
If I got justice and my position back I can talk more about the core origin of this
system and it's problems because people only listen to a successful person.
so the humanity and the bad system also will be changed. i am kind of a
Scientist.please Check and lets create a new world.
I gave complaints to tamilnadu and Hyderabad for tamilnadu it's not there region for
Hyderabad i gave online complaints as well as mail i didn't get any positive response
i police peoples are good cops that's why i am gave complaint to all the police
station.please take this forward .
the man i am talking about he is an illuminati who planned to murder me by giving
the company to me and played politics he is Peter Marshall he is an jew race which
is an alien race there heart will be in the middle for humans it will be in left side
corner cuff him and bring him to justice and my money and position.
Surely Peter Marshall will give a act like he have heart disease or he died long
ago kind of stuff please read the below to understand the whole situation they
control the world and they don't want to change it for the good.
That's why they planned murder me through politics in several companies where
ever i worked.
he is a government official in usa who painted me black inside this very nation india
where ever i go i been thrown out not getting a proper hike and respect in corporate
8. companies from 2017 it's happening i didn't get a job and he is military unit head
even Donald Trump usa and uk presidents all are involved in my plot to kill me.they
are alien race which landed here after lord Krishna's death they call themselves alien
parayans which is the second religion came after Hinduism they created the
diversified into multiple religion like Muslim and Christianity
For proof:
Every religions timeline video which is supporting video.
The Origin :
A video I have found which almost prove we are in the brink of collapse
because videos influence human mind than writings I am unable to make one
but I found this was usefull I am sending it along with my presentations.
The Climate Change and the Havoc on Mother earth :
Climate change and humanity verge of Collapses
Financial Crisis :
Upcoming Financial Meltdown
Illuminati and System Control :
Illuminati Government and their Control
9. The Better System :
The Better System and Better Future
the new system explained2.0
ALIEN PARAYANS blood line proof:
/balaji1046/jacob-and-the-alien parayans-family-line-proof-
some of my other marketing and Re engineering works done by me which also
claimed to done by Pottamari white bosidiking siddharth malhothra
10. Very important Read all the above links before approaching the above World
Leaders and read other marketing and re engineering documents as well in
the slideshare account because sissy pussy jews freemasonary really is a
sissymasonary godlevel sissy pottamari alli kuthi pundinga gays ate shit like
its belongs to the white whore bosidike king sissy pussy sidharth malhothra or
some other persons or illuminatis
The greatest form of Knowledge is learned by Own by their Own Research.
This are the different types of illuminatis they have the name may confuse the media
people because they are illuminatis too
2001- Anthrax is going to kill us
2002- West Nile Virus is going to kill us
2003- SARS is going to kill us
2005- Bird Flu is going to kill us
2006- Ecoli is going to kill us
2008- Financial Collapse is going to kill us
2009- Swine Flu is going to kill us
11. 2012- The Mayan calendar predicts the world ending
2013- North Korea is going to cause WW III
2014- Ebola Virus is going to kill us
2015- ISIS is going to kill us
2016- Zika Virus is going to kill us
2018- Nipah Virus going to kill us.
2020- Corona Virus is going to kill us
The truth is It's a bio war created by the alien parayans alien race you can see
the time line and the last proof is corona virus first they spreded in china
inorder to kill them and prevent 3 world war and they have created so many
issues while they have taken the gay sooniyam war when we point out they
started to spread in their own country now it's looks like we four horsemen did
they are aliens they been ruling world almost 300 years and they're here
almost 5000 years they are controlling this world through 7 sins please Believe
me I am kalki who found out the secret alien race Alien parayans and
illuminatis and the four horsemen and the future kings got the list and waiting
for the gay sooniyam war end that's why they're not talking about the
illuminatis and alien parayans alien race etc.
It's not a war between religion or nationality or power nor money it's a war between
the humans and alien race Alien parayans it's a war between the right and wrong it's
a war between adharma and dharma please join with beloved world leaders mr
narendra modi prime minister of India and mr. Viladamir Putin president of Russia
and mr. Xi jinping president of people republic china and Shinzo abe prime minister
of Japan they know illuminatis and alien race Alien parayans list but I put a treaty to
12. not to kill the four followers and my family members if they want they can killl me
because me they last so I said this to them they kept sooniyam for my family and
threatened the four followers as well like they will keep sooniyam for them and will
create problems in their own nations so the four followers didn't help me in this gay
sooniyam war but Freemasonry still creating problems like protests in india,china,
Russia and corona virus outbreak it's all because of Freemasonry head Jacob
Rothschild and peter Marshall and the UK royal family who all are alien parayans
alien race and other alien parayans and illuminatis doing
only beleive the above world leaders who i entrusted mr narendra modi prime
minister of India ,mr viladamir Putin president of Russia,mr xi jinping president
of china and mr Shinzo abe prime minister of Japan they are the future kings
who is my four horsemen and four followers they should rule this very earth
and killl all this alien parayans alien race and illuminatis.
Please kill all this illuminatis who came and acted in this sooniyam gay war
under Peter Marshall and Jacob Rothschild even the gay kuchikari paiyan gay
illuminati Alli punda ,alli kuthi , pootamari kuthi sakilli alli kuthi siddhart
malhothra and the whore potta mari kuchikari alli punda ,alli kuthi , pootamari
kuthi sakilli alli kuthi sissy pussy sissy pussy jews lilly collins who's the white
gay king and white whore queen in the chess game alien parayans and
illuminatis played and please kill all the white kings in the gay gay sooniyam
war who are all came as a white king and queen even kill the kavya who's the
real satan.
there is a secret blood line elected everytime in usa presidential election except
Barack Obama everyone is alien race Alien parayans who controls this world through
Freemasonry and illuminatis and if you born a jew you will be rich this are the clues
for the future kings and the generation to note and their paladiens alien race their
blood line and heart will be in the middle and their hair will be blond and some human
mated half lings where there for themhair colour will be different please check twice
about the heart and the blood test because humans also have golden hair colour hair
colour example Donald trump and resse witherspoon, Richard branson and boris
jhonson and peter marshall and Jacob rothchild and madona and bill gates and bill
Clinton and warren buffet all are palediens alien race which is alien parayans here and
fallen angels you guys can kill the aliens its not a problem but killing a human whos
having a gold colour hair will be an issue then you will be fucked its against the law
killing the alien race will be legal and you will get rewards as well.
,,,, editor@hindu,,,, mail@ind
Cc:,,,, mlae,,,, premie,,,, c,,, "JOHNSON, Boris"
<>,,, angela.merkel@bu,,,, Lawyer@chinatra,,, dsd,, EBC <>, TTABInfo <>,
OCCOfeedback <>, Aam Aadmi Party
<>,,, narendramodi1, "MAY, Theresa"
t,,,, delpol.service@d,, registry-greffe@scc-,,, business.india@on,,,, rajaajtak,,,, yadramban,,, anilmanc
They changed all the date and made me katsued it with sooniyam and i am unbale to
remember the date but i did all this in 2014 itself. Evidence attached in this
and till date pussymasonary failed in all the challenges and saying they will turn off
the internet and sattalite communications and the date of my documents and kill my
family and my sister family in UK and my future wives and thier family and the four
genrals and their family and going to spread some other viruses and kill people and
kill my CEO and already killer my CRO from Xerago and the people whos trying to
help me they are eating my shit.
Help me guys save me i am kalki avatar Balaji Ak from Srimushnam
Tamilnadu,8144668884 my number and help me i will save this world by killing all
the jews except few and kill the bad guys and create my system
Thanks & Regards,
Balaji Arul AK
17. /balajiA47/pussy-jews-origindocx-253305491
ALIEN PARAYANS blood line proof:
Illuminati song
My uploads of same video if they delete theirs
the new system explained2.0
Illuminati song
My uploads of same video if they delete theirs
Origin :
The Climate Change and the Havoc on Mother earth :
Climate change and humanity verge of Collapses
Financial Crisis :
Upcoming Financial Meltdown
Illuminati and System Control :
Illuminati Government and their Control
The Better System :
The Better System and Better
Future /mobile/balaji1046/my-vision-about-the-future-
18. the new system explained2.0