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By Snaa Hussain
 Growth of the heart is dynamic, occurring during:
 Postnatal development
 Environmental & pathological conditions
 Physiological growth of the heart in general mediated by:
 Developmental programmes
 Mechanical load
 Locally derived/circulating growth factors
 Pathological cardiovascular growth is generally mediated by:
 Similar factors as physiological growth
 Superimposed myocardial injury
 Cardiovascular ageing is a growing concern
due to the population of the UK ageing
Fig 2: Population by age, UK, 1983, 2008 and 2033(www.Direct.gov.co.uk)
 In 1983, there were just over 600,000 people in the UK
aged 85 and over
 Since then, the numbers have more than doubled
reaching 1.3 million in 2008
 By 2033 this figure is to rise again reaching 3.2 million,
accounting for 5% of the total population
 Cardiovascular ageing is a continuous process; the rate
varies amongst individuals, altered by different influences:
 Physiological changes
 Previous disease
 Surgery in younger life
 Individual life style
 Main morphological change:
 Structure of cardiac tissue & chambers
 Conduction system
 Coronary arteries
 Most obvious change is an increase in left ventricular wall thickness
 Increase in systolic pressure
 Corresponding increase in arterial stiffness and delayed progress
 Similarly, coronary blood flow hemodynamics & coronary vascular
resistance become impaired as a function of age
 With these properties continue to deteriorate;
 Leading first to depressed cardiac functional reserve
 and subsequently to overt failure & death
 The heart is made up of cardiomyocytes,
 Contractile muscle cells
 75% of the total volume of the myocardium
 Make contact to neighbouring myocytes via intercalated disks
 Discs run longitudinally to provide lateral contact
 Intercalated disks consist of three main specialised components:
 Gap junctions
 Adherens junctions
 Desmosomes are another type of adherens junctions;
 Integrators of mechanical integrity
 Provide insertion sites for desmin-containing intermediate filaments
 Leading to formation of a transcellular cytoskeletal network
 Promotes longitudinal force transmission
 Therefore desmin is found in all contracting cardiomyocytes
 With age cardiomyocytes reduce in number
 Attributable to apoptosis as well as necrosis
 Partial compensatory increase in the size of
myocytes that survive
 Observations in humans and animals suggest
that myocyte maturation & ageing are
characterised by loss of replicative potential,
telomeric shortening & the expression of age-
associated proteins p16INK4a and p53
 When the heart undergoes immense pressure/workload,
ventricular myocytes grow in response to this, and is
known as hypertrophy
 Initial excessive mechanical stress is corrected towards towards
 Laplace Law
  increased wall thickness decreases wall stress
 Hyperplasia is the increase in cell number
 Principle feature of cardiac growth during foetal & neonatal
 First 3 to 4 weeks of life, cardiac myocytes double in number
 During the late gestation period, dividing cells rapidly decrease
in number
 Thereafter, normal growth of heart is via hypertrophy
 Paradigm that the heart is a postmitotic organ
incapable of regenerating parenchymal cells was
established 1970s
 Therefore the only response for cardiomyocytes
to stress is hypertrophy and apoptosis
 This is now being questioned by studies carried
out within the last 3 decades to show that there
is also evidence of regeneration via stem cells
 Replicating cardiomyocytes resemble small
amplifying cells that have originated by activation of
progenitor cells
 Progenitor cells:
 Relatively undifferentiated cell types that are derived from
asymmetric stem cells division and lack the capacity to self renew
 Stem cells
 Cells that have not yet taken on the identity of any specific
cell type
 No dedicated function
 Proliferation is dependant on a functional telomere
 Telomeres are chromatin structures composed of tandem G-
repeats bound to an array of proteins that cap the ends of
 The presence of stem cells resident in the heart itself was first
reported by Beltrami et al 2003
 c-Kit receptor found on bone marrow stem/progenitor cells have
recently been identified on cardiac stem cells
 Proto-oncogene member of the receptor tyrosine kinase family
 Closely related to platelet derived growth factors
 Regulates a variety of biological responses
 Cell proliferation
 Plays a major role in regulating the myocardial balance of angiogenic
cytokines and therefore controls cardiomyocyte regeneration and
 Do old hearts possess c-Kit+ cells, a marker of
progenitor cells & this ability for hyperplasia
to occur in the old heart?
 Additionally does the amount of c-Kit
expressed change with age?
 Western Blotting
 Freeze thaw
 ProteinAssay analysis
 C-Kit Antibody(Santa Cruz)
 Desmin Antibody(Dako)
 Used desmin antibody to detect if there was protein in the assay
and for complete transfer of protein to membrane, as desmin is
not as costly as the c-Kit antibody
 The ECL was carried out for three different timings, 5, 7 & 10
Evidence that hyperplasia is possible in the aged
Evidence that hyperplasia is possible in the aged
 The results show that there is more c-kit expression in the
young rat samples than the old rat samples but never the
less there is still expression of c-kit in the old samples.
 The t-test showed that there is a significant difference in
the expression of c-kit with age where p<0.05 and df=9.
 The results obtained were as expected and that the c-kit
expression was positive in both young and old samples but
with a significant difference with the increase in age.
 Both the desmin and c-kit results showed that there was a
decrease in expression in the older rat samples.
 In this study it was found that c-kit was expressed in
both young and old tissue samples.
 The use of western blotting on c-kit expression has
not been carried out before with the c-kit antibody on
old tissue, therefore the known concentration of the
primary antibody to use was a trial and error theory
for most of this study as to see whether the
concentration being used was enough for the c-kit to
be expressed.
 The results showed that with an increase in age the
amount of c-kit expression was decreased but still
showed quite strong bands with a 1:200 dilution of
 Cell regeneration would be anticipated to be enhanced in the
presence of injury in an attempt to attenuate organ damage
and restore its physiological function.
 This was not considered feasible in the myocardium until
 The recent paradigm shift in cardiac biology toward the
heart as an organ capable of self-renewal and repair has
created new opportunities for treatment of heart disease.
 These replicating myocytes may reside in the heart or
represent the committed progeny of circulating primitive
cells that homed to the myocardium.
 In the clinical investigation by Dimmeler et al., it states
that the local injection of bone marrow cells to the
infracted mouse heart results in significant reconstruction
of the necrotic myocardium and remarkable improvement
in ventricular function.
 With research like this one cardiac stem cell therapy can
have a positive result on the ageing heart as there is a
rapid increase in the older population in the UK and other
western areas.
 Ageing affects decrease in the functional reserve of the
heart and loss of myocytes contributes to the attenuation
of the response of the old heart to sudden changes in
ventricular loading
 A study carried out by Fransioli et al has revealed that the use of genetic
engineering and conventional immunochemistry allowed them to
validate the identity of c-Kit expressing cells using both the transgene
and c-Kit protein expression as markers.
 Evidence presented shows the association of c-Kit expressing cells in
postnatal development, response to myocardial infarction, and the
commitment of these cells to cardiogenic lineages, thereby supporting a
role for c-Kit cells in myocardial growth and repair following injury.
 For further study opportunities would be to look at c-kit expression via
immunochemistry, perfusions, and genetic engineering and looking at c-
Kit expression in the hypertrophied heart, and comparing it to neonatal
cell growth, foetal, adolescence and senescence cell growth of the
 Also to look at what stem cell therapy can bring in the future in regards
to myocardial repair and regeneration.
 The discovery that stem cells reside in the heart and constantly
give rise to a myocyte progeny has changed dramatically our
interpretation of the aetiology of heart failure of multiple causes
and offered novel therapeutic options for the management of this
devastating disease.
 With increasing acceptance of c-Kit+ cells as an authentic source
for cellular-based myocardial repair, the challenge is to enhance
the potential of these cells to mediate regenerative processes in
the damaged heart.
 GFP tagging of the c-Kit population as done by Fransioli et al., will
be a valuable approach for in vivo tracking of cells following injury.
 Focusing future studies on this type of study, with manipulations
to enhance the survival and growth of stem cells with cytokines
and paracrine factors, may boost cellular repair processes in the
damaged heart.
 ANVERSA, P., PALACKAL, T., SONNENBLICK, E., OLIVETTI, G., MEGGS, L. and CAPASSO, J., 1990. Myocyte cell loss and myocyte cellular hyperplasia in the
hypertrophied aging rat heart. Circulation research, 67(4), 871-885.
 ANVERSA, P., ROTA, M., URBANEK, K., HOSODA, T., SONNENBLICK, E., LERI, A., KAJSTURA, J. and BOLLI, R., 2005. Myocardial aging. Basic research in
cardiology, 100(6), 482-493.
 BALLARD, V.L.T. and EDELBERG, J.M., 2007. Stem Cells and the Regeneration of the Aging Cardiovascular System. Circulation research, 100(8), pp. 1116-1127.
A. and ANVERSA, P., 2007. Human cardiac stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(35), 14068-14073.
KAJSTURA, J., NADEL-GINARD, B., and ANVERSA, P., 2003. Adult cardiac stem cells are multipotent and support myocardial regeneration. Cell, 114, pp. 763-776.
HOSODA, T., MOSNA, F., CRIBBS, L., LERI, A., KAJSTURA, J., ANVERSA, P. and HOUSER, S.R., 2007. Adolescent Feline Heart Contains a Population of Small,
Proliferative Ventricular Myocytes With Immature Physiological Properties. Circulation research, 100(4), pp. 536-544.
 CHIEN, K.R., 2004. Stem cells: Lost in translation. Nature, 428(6983), 607-608.
 DIMMELER, S. and LERI, A., 2008. Aging and Disease as Modifiers of Efficacy of Cell Therapy. Circulation research, 102(11), pp. 1319-1330.
 FAZEL, S., 2006. Cardioprotective c-kit+ cells are from the bone marrow and regulate the myocardial balance of angiogenic cytokines.
SUSSMAN, M.A., 2008. Evolution of the c-kit-Positive Cell Response to Pathological Challenge in the Myocardium. Stem cells, 26(5), 1315-1324.
 FUSTER, V., O'ROURKE, R.A., WALSH, R. and POOL-WILSON, P., 2007. Hurst's The Heart. 12 edn. McGraw-Hill Medical.
 GUAN, K. and HASENFUSS, G., 2007. Do stem cells in the heart truly differentiate into cardiomyocytes? Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 43(4), 377-387.
 HACHAMOVITCH, R., WICKER, P., CAPASSO, J.M. and ANVERSA, P., 1989. Alterations of coronary blood flow and reserve with aging in Fischer 344 rats. AJP -
Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 256(1), H66-73.
 KAJSTURA, J., HOSODA, T., BEARZI, C., ROTA, M., MAESTRONI, S., URBANEK, K., LERI, A. and ANVERSA, P., 2008. The Human Heart: A Self-Renewing Organ.
Clinical and TranslationalScience, 1(1), 80-86.
 OPIE, L.H., 2004. Heart Physiology From Cell to Circulation. 4 edn. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
 RIBERA-CASADO, J.M., 1999. Ageing and the cardiovascular system. Z Gerontol Geriat, 32, pp.412-419.
 SHARPLESS, N.E. and DEPINHO, R.A., 2007. How stem cells age and why this makes us grow old. Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology, 8(9), 703-713.
 www.Direct.gov.co.uk. Viewed online on Thursday 27th August 2009.

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Evidence that hyperplasia is possible in the aged

  • 2. Growth of the heart is dynamic, occurring during: Embryogenesis Postnatal development Maturity Senescence Environmental & pathological conditions Physiological growth of the heart in general mediated by: Developmental programmes Mechanical load Locally derived/circulating growth factors Pathological cardiovascular growth is generally mediated by: Similar factors as physiological growth Superimposed myocardial injury
  • 3. Cardiovascular ageing is a growing concern due to the population of the UK ageing Fig 2: Population by age, UK, 1983, 2008 and 2033(www.Direct.gov.co.uk)
  • 4. In 1983, there were just over 600,000 people in the UK aged 85 and over Since then, the numbers have more than doubled reaching 1.3 million in 2008 By 2033 this figure is to rise again reaching 3.2 million, accounting for 5% of the total population Cardiovascular ageing is a continuous process; the rate varies amongst individuals, altered by different influences: Physiological changes Previous disease Surgery in younger life Individual life style
  • 5. Main morphological change: Structure of cardiac tissue & chambers Conduction system Coronary arteries Most obvious change is an increase in left ventricular wall thickness Increase in systolic pressure Corresponding increase in arterial stiffness and delayed progress Similarly, coronary blood flow hemodynamics & coronary vascular resistance become impaired as a function of age With these properties continue to deteriorate; Leading first to depressed cardiac functional reserve and subsequently to overt failure & death
  • 6. The heart is made up of cardiomyocytes, Contractile muscle cells 75% of the total volume of the myocardium Make contact to neighbouring myocytes via intercalated disks Discs run longitudinally to provide lateral contact Intercalated disks consist of three main specialised components: Gap junctions Adherens junctions Desmosomes Desmosomes are another type of adherens junctions; Integrators of mechanical integrity Provide insertion sites for desmin-containing intermediate filaments Leading to formation of a transcellular cytoskeletal network Promotes longitudinal force transmission Therefore desmin is found in all contracting cardiomyocytes
  • 7. With age cardiomyocytes reduce in number Attributable to apoptosis as well as necrosis Partial compensatory increase in the size of myocytes that survive Observations in humans and animals suggest that myocyte maturation & ageing are characterised by loss of replicative potential, telomeric shortening & the expression of age- associated proteins p16INK4a and p53
  • 8. When the heart undergoes immense pressure/workload, ventricular myocytes grow in response to this, and is known as hypertrophy Initial excessive mechanical stress is corrected towards towards normal Laplace Law increased wall thickness decreases wall stress Hyperplasia is the increase in cell number Principle feature of cardiac growth during foetal & neonatal periods First 3 to 4 weeks of life, cardiac myocytes double in number During the late gestation period, dividing cells rapidly decrease in number Thereafter, normal growth of heart is via hypertrophy
  • 9. Paradigm that the heart is a postmitotic organ incapable of regenerating parenchymal cells was established 1970s Therefore the only response for cardiomyocytes to stress is hypertrophy and apoptosis This is now being questioned by studies carried out within the last 3 decades to show that there is also evidence of regeneration via stem cells
  • 10. Replicating cardiomyocytes resemble small amplifying cells that have originated by activation of progenitor cells Progenitor cells: Relatively undifferentiated cell types that are derived from asymmetric stem cells division and lack the capacity to self renew Stem cells Cells that have not yet taken on the identity of any specific cell type No dedicated function Proliferation is dependant on a functional telomere Telomeres are chromatin structures composed of tandem G- repeats bound to an array of proteins that cap the ends of chromosomes
  • 11. The presence of stem cells resident in the heart itself was first reported by Beltrami et al 2003 c-Kit receptor found on bone marrow stem/progenitor cells have recently been identified on cardiac stem cells c-kit: Proto-oncogene member of the receptor tyrosine kinase family Closely related to platelet derived growth factors Regulates a variety of biological responses Chemotaxis Cell proliferation Apoptosis Adhesion Plays a major role in regulating the myocardial balance of angiogenic cytokines and therefore controls cardiomyocyte regeneration and repair
  • 12. Do old hearts possess c-Kit+ cells, a marker of progenitor cells & this ability for hyperplasia to occur in the old heart? Additionally does the amount of c-Kit expressed change with age?
  • 13. Western Blotting Freeze thaw ProteinAssay analysis ECL 48hrs C-Kit Antibody(Santa Cruz) Desmin Antibody(Dako) Used desmin antibody to detect if there was protein in the assay and for complete transfer of protein to membrane, as desmin is not as costly as the c-Kit antibody The ECL was carried out for three different timings, 5, 7 & 10 minutes.
  • 16. The results show that there is more c-kit expression in the young rat samples than the old rat samples but never the less there is still expression of c-kit in the old samples. The t-test showed that there is a significant difference in the expression of c-kit with age where p<0.05 and df=9. The results obtained were as expected and that the c-kit expression was positive in both young and old samples but with a significant difference with the increase in age. Both the desmin and c-kit results showed that there was a decrease in expression in the older rat samples.
  • 17. In this study it was found that c-kit was expressed in both young and old tissue samples. The use of western blotting on c-kit expression has not been carried out before with the c-kit antibody on old tissue, therefore the known concentration of the primary antibody to use was a trial and error theory for most of this study as to see whether the concentration being used was enough for the c-kit to be expressed. The results showed that with an increase in age the amount of c-kit expression was decreased but still showed quite strong bands with a 1:200 dilution of antibody.
  • 18. Cell regeneration would be anticipated to be enhanced in the presence of injury in an attempt to attenuate organ damage and restore its physiological function. This was not considered feasible in the myocardium until recently. The recent paradigm shift in cardiac biology toward the heart as an organ capable of self-renewal and repair has created new opportunities for treatment of heart disease. These replicating myocytes may reside in the heart or represent the committed progeny of circulating primitive cells that homed to the myocardium.
  • 19. In the clinical investigation by Dimmeler et al., it states that the local injection of bone marrow cells to the infracted mouse heart results in significant reconstruction of the necrotic myocardium and remarkable improvement in ventricular function. With research like this one cardiac stem cell therapy can have a positive result on the ageing heart as there is a rapid increase in the older population in the UK and other western areas. Ageing affects decrease in the functional reserve of the heart and loss of myocytes contributes to the attenuation of the response of the old heart to sudden changes in ventricular loading
  • 20. A study carried out by Fransioli et al has revealed that the use of genetic engineering and conventional immunochemistry allowed them to validate the identity of c-Kit expressing cells using both the transgene and c-Kit protein expression as markers. Evidence presented shows the association of c-Kit expressing cells in postnatal development, response to myocardial infarction, and the commitment of these cells to cardiogenic lineages, thereby supporting a role for c-Kit cells in myocardial growth and repair following injury. For further study opportunities would be to look at c-kit expression via immunochemistry, perfusions, and genetic engineering and looking at c- Kit expression in the hypertrophied heart, and comparing it to neonatal cell growth, foetal, adolescence and senescence cell growth of the myocardium. Also to look at what stem cell therapy can bring in the future in regards to myocardial repair and regeneration.
  • 21. The discovery that stem cells reside in the heart and constantly give rise to a myocyte progeny has changed dramatically our interpretation of the aetiology of heart failure of multiple causes and offered novel therapeutic options for the management of this devastating disease. With increasing acceptance of c-Kit+ cells as an authentic source for cellular-based myocardial repair, the challenge is to enhance the potential of these cells to mediate regenerative processes in the damaged heart. GFP tagging of the c-Kit population as done by Fransioli et al., will be a valuable approach for in vivo tracking of cells following injury. Focusing future studies on this type of study, with manipulations to enhance the survival and growth of stem cells with cytokines and paracrine factors, may boost cellular repair processes in the damaged heart.
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