Dan Rubenfeld, Ethan Levy, and I were each asked to discuss how we would transform Super Mario Bros. 3 into a free-to-play game as part of the "Evil Game Design Challenge." I took the tack of attempting to deeply horrify fans of the original game. The audience voted my presentation as the most evil.
4. Super Mario Bros....
¡ñ Is notable for crisp controls.
¡ñ Requires precise timing.
¡ñ Fans decry modern games as 'too easy'
¡ñ In other words:
Way too hard for our demographic!
5. It's All Gotta be Clicks
¡ñ Click to move.
¡ñ Click to defeat enemies.
You know, like Indiana Jones
Adventure World.
¡ñ ...swipes to jump in mobile suck.
¡ñ Annoying confirm dialog for keyboard use
when entering Flash full-screen.
¡ñ Charge energy for every click ¨C Ka-Ching!
6. Content Creation Costs $
¡ñ Need to spin out content for months of play.
¡ñ So we want players to grind levels repeatedly.
We need:
¡ñ Mastery stars!
¡ñ Gate content: "You need 2 stars in stage 2-1 to
unlock stage 2-2."
7. ¡ñ One of the core appeals of Super Mario Bros.
¡ñ But incompatible with grind replay.
¡ñ We need: Algorithmically generated
¡ñ Sayonara, careful level design... but necessary
to support our business model.
Careful Level Design
8. $ for Energy, Lives, Powerups
¡ñ Energy and lives regen on timers, but...
¡ñ "You're out of energy! Buy more for 4 gems?"
¡ñ "You died! Continue for 5 gems?"
¡ñ "A Super Mushroom would help you here. Buy
one for 10 gems?"
9. Speaking of Powerups...
¡ñ Mario can carry/use only one at a time...
¡ñ But we want to sell you lots...
¡ñ We need an inventory.
¡ñ Plus, we can sell you:
More inventory slots!
10. ...And Other Permanent Stat Increases
¡ñ "One more max Life for 20 gems."
¡ñ "Triple-jumps for 40 gems."
¡ñ "Faster energy regen for 50 gems."
11. 'Course, We Need Virals
¡ñ Invite Friends (like, 20 seconds into NUF)
¡ñ Daily free gifts
¨C Energy & Powerups, inventory caps (buy but
not receive above them)
¡ñ Brag shares (must uncheck tiny box or shared
¡ñ Staffing...
12. Staffing?
¡ñ "Ask three friends to staff your castle to unlock
World 2."
¡ñ "...or unlock now for 10 gems."
¡ñ Oh, and "Maria is searching the castle for the
PrincessXX. Come back in 24 hours to see if she
found him!"
13. 24 Hours?
¡ñ Only damn metrics your mgmt is going to care
about in geoalpha are 1-day retention and time
on site.
¡ñ So the FUE gives you 20-30 minutes of
gameplay + a hard stop and call to return
¡ñ 'Cause we don't even get to launch if we don't
massage our metrics.
¡ñ Gaming the system is Job One!
14. New Worlds Gated by...
¡ñ Mastery stars.
¡ñ Staffing (or pay to bypass).
¡ñ Later on, an expansion resource
¨C Rare drop, or pay to buy.
¡ñ Timer (or pay to bypass).
15. Consumables & Bypasses Good, But...
¡ñ We need more Ka-Ching!
¡ñ Bonus Worlds for hard currency only.
¡ñ Week 2: a stage you NEED powerups to beat.
¨C We don't give you enough.
¨C MUST spam or monetize to progress.
16. Plus: Timed Quest Sequences
¡ñ 12+ quests, most requiring grind.
¡ñ New world, available for 2 weeks only.
¡ñ Big reward at the end: "Play as Princess Peach!
She can Triple Jump!"
¡ñ Each play requires a new special resource.
¡ñ Players seeded with some, + rare drop, + ask
friends for more.
¡ñ Daily cap on # you can receive.
17. Timed Quest Sequence (pt. 2)
¡ñ Tuned so you will NOT have enough of the
special resource to complete in the available
¡ñ Unless you pay! Ka-ching!
¡ñ Suck the marks in with enough seeded
resources... Have them invest time and
emotional energy... Hold out a big reward...
¡ñ Double Ka-ching!
18. Plus the Usual Crap
¡ñ Hard currency/$ ratio at some weird prime, like
7, so it's harder for the marks to figure out how
much they're actually spending.
¡ñ Daily reward slot machine with HC cost for
more spins.
¡ñ "Get gems at 30% off but only if you act now."
¡ñ "You've got 2 extra inventory slots for the next
week" (but have to pay to keep them
19. Nice Little Game You Got There...
¡ñ Ah, nostalgia...
¡ñ Get over it!
¡ñ There's money to be made, boys.