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Evoluci坦n hist坦rica de la
epidemia de VIH / SIDA
 en el Per炭 y en el Mundo
  Dra. Margot Vidal Anzardo

          M辿dico Epidemi坦logo
     Instituto de Medicina Tropical
        Alexander von Humboldt
 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Evolucion historica2
Prevalence of HIV Infection
            in Adult Population, Latin
           America and the Caribbean,

    Prevalence in adult

               2    - 8%
               1    - 2%
               0.5 - 1%
               0.1 - 0.5%
               0 - 0.1%

UNAIDS: World HIV/AIDS Epidemics Report 2002
Prevalence of HIV Infection
           in Adult Population, Latin
          America and the Caribbean,

   Prevalence in adult

             2    - 8%
             1    - 2%
             0.5 - 1%
             0.1 - 0.5%
             0 - 0.1%

UNAIDS: World HIV/AIDS Epidemics Report 2002
Prevalence of HIV Infection
         in Adult Population, Latin
        America and the Caribbean,

 Prevalence in adult

            2    - 8%
            1    - 2%
            0.5 - 1%
            0.1 - 0.5%
            0 - 0.1%

UNAIDS: World HIV/AIDS Epidemics Report 2002
Prevalence of HIV Infection
          in Adult Population, Latin
         America and the Caribbean,

  Prevalence in
  adult population

             2    - 8%
             1    - 2%
             0.5 - 1%
             0.1 - 0.5%
             0 - 0.1%

UNAIDS: World HIV/AIDS Epidemics Report 2002
Evolucion historica2
Evolucion historica2

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Evolucion historica2

  • 1. Evoluci坦n hist坦rica de la epidemia de VIH / SIDA en el Per炭 y en el Mundo Dra. Margot Vidal Anzardo M辿dico Epidemi坦logo Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • 5. Prevalence of HIV Infection in Adult Population, Latin America and the Caribbean, 1986 Prevalence in adult population 2 - 8% 1 - 2% 0.5 - 1% 0.1 - 0.5% 0 - 0.1% UNAIDS: World HIV/AIDS Epidemics Report 2002
  • 6. Prevalence of HIV Infection in Adult Population, Latin America and the Caribbean, 1991 Prevalence in adult population 2 - 8% 1 - 2% 0.5 - 1% 0.1 - 0.5% 0 - 0.1% UNAIDS: World HIV/AIDS Epidemics Report 2002
  • 7. Prevalence of HIV Infection in Adult Population, Latin America and the Caribbean, 1996 Prevalence in adult population 2 - 8% 1 - 2% 0.5 - 1% 0.1 - 0.5% 0 - 0.1% UNAIDS: World HIV/AIDS Epidemics Report 2002
  • 8. Prevalence of HIV Infection in Adult Population, Latin America and the Caribbean, 2001 Prevalence in adult population 2 - 8% 1 - 2% 0.5 - 1% 0.1 - 0.5% 0 - 0.1% UNAIDS: World HIV/AIDS Epidemics Report 2002