This document discusses mobile phone strategy from an evolutionary biology perspective. It analyzes Apple's initial iPhone launch as employing a risky but high-reward K-selection strategy. Android and iOS were then able to expand their ecosystems across the market rapidly using exponential growth models. Old strategies like Motorola, Samsung and Nokia's many product r-selection portfolios or Nokia's later K-selection smart devices failed to achieve dominance. The document advocates considering r-selection and K-selection strategies based on the current market situation to maximize the chances of a product or platform becoming the dominant species.
2. Summary
Apple iPhone took a strategy of K-Selection at 2007. Risky but
nothing too much to loose. Successfully invade and disturb the
market quickly.
iPhone shock in the eco system is too big to be dominated by
iPhone alone.
iOS and Android had expanded their eco system over the market
at full potential growth rate.
Old Motorola, Samsung and Nokias r-Selection strategy (many
product as possible in portfolio) in feature phone was failed to
dominant market any more.
K-Selection strategy by Nokia smart device is also failed to
dominate market from 2010-2013. WM6 &WM7 couldnt compete
with Android nor iOS neither.
From 2010, r-Selection strategy could be back for Android.
Because Android platform is now dominated and stabilized.
From 2010, Nokia choose a kind of K-Selection strategy but it was
too expensive for Nokia. Too late. Risk of the strategy is realized.
3. Why Biology is Important for
We may learn something from
Especially, from evolutionary
Evolutionary biology
And little bit of math!
4. Live long and prosper
All creatures want to live long and be prosperous.
5. Ecologic world of mobile phone
What happen in 2007?
2007 June
6. Invasive species : European rabbit
infestation in Australia
Disrupt ecosystem
Cause species loss
Consume all resources
Change landscape
9. Exponential Growth
Also known as a J-curve
Growth is a fixed percentage of
the whole (e.g., 10% per day or
Population is growing at its full
biotic potential
10. Logistic Growth
Also known as S-curve
Growth slows as the population
approaches Carrying Capacity
Populations stabilize at carrying
11. Where was Nokia at 2012?
volumes sold >
operating profit>
13. Company Confidential. 息 2010 Nokia. 13
Its all about
Natural selection!
Ecological selection(Fitness) & Sexual selection (Sexy)
14. Company Confidential. 息 2010 Nokia 14
So if you want to be
selected by nature ,
need to choose
15. r-Selected Species
r = Growth rate
Reproduce young
High reproductive rates
Many small offspring
Found in unstable or
unpredictable environments
17. K-Selected Species
K = Carrying Capacity
Reproduce later in life
Low reproductive rates
Fewer large offspring
Stable or predictable
19. What Determines Population
Size or Carrying Capacity?
Environmental Resistance
All the limiting factors that
tend to reduce population
growth rates
Balance between biotic
potential & environmental
resistance determines
growth rate
20. What are some Limiting
Factors? Environmental
Limiting factors:
21. Dominant Species
Who is the dominant species in
earth? Human!
Versatile surviving skill(language
and culture)
Reproduce later (over 30? Now)
Low reproductive rate (almost
Long-lived ( over 60yrs)
Stable of predictable environments
(after world war II)
22. So What?
What is carrying capacity of mobile phone business?
What is best point between r-selection and K-selection continuum?
How can we be a dominant species?
Users Selection is Natures Selection
24. Company Confidential. 息 2010 Nokia 24
r-K continuum
r-Selected K-Selected
Many as
possible The One
Area Defense
One by one
Multiple choice but depends on
current situation