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? 22 nd March – World Water Day
? Water is essential for survival and growth of plants and animals
? 70% of our body weight is water
We use water for
? Drinking
? Bathing
? Brushing
? Washing utensils
? Washing clothes
? Toilets
? Cleaning floor
? Gardening and many more
Where do we get water from?
? Lakes
? Rivers
? Ponds
? Wells
? Water in taps comes from rivers, lakes or wells
? 2/3rd of the earth is covered with water
? Most of this water is in oceans and seas
? The water in the oceans and seas have many salts dissolved in it, the water is
? So it is not fit for drinking and other domestic, agricultural, and industrial needs
? Yet oceans play an important role in supplying the water we used
? Afterall the water we drink is not saline
Class Work
Q1. When is world water day celebrated?
Q2. _____ % of our body weight is water
Q3. What % of earth surface is covered with water?
Q4. What are the natural sources of water?
Q5. Why most of the water is not fit for drinking?
Q6. Write any five uses of water.

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Evs water

  • 2. ? 22 nd March – World Water Day ? Water is essential for survival and growth of plants and animals ? 70% of our body weight is water
  • 3. We use water for ? Drinking ? Bathing ? Brushing ? Washing utensils ? Washing clothes ? Toilets ? Cleaning floor ? Gardening and many more
  • 4. Where do we get water from? ? Lakes ? Rivers ? Ponds ? Wells ? Water in taps comes from rivers, lakes or wells
  • 5. ? 2/3rd of the earth is covered with water ? Most of this water is in oceans and seas ? The water in the oceans and seas have many salts dissolved in it, the water is saline ? So it is not fit for drinking and other domestic, agricultural, and industrial needs ? Yet oceans play an important role in supplying the water we used ? Afterall the water we drink is not saline
  • 6. Class Work Q1. When is world water day celebrated? Q2. _____ % of our body weight is water Q3. What % of earth surface is covered with water? Q4. What are the natural sources of water? Q5. Why most of the water is not fit for drinking? Q6. Write any five uses of water.