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DIY Alcohol Gel Dispenser Station
Joenard Chinito Camarista and Alex Chele Dahinten
DIY Alcohol Gel Dispenser

1. Project Inspiration
2. History of Antiseptic Practise
3. Need for Alcohol Dispensers in the Developing World
4. Project Summary
   i.     Bottle Holder Design
   ii.    Awareness Campaign
   iii.   Trial Station Locations
   iv.    DIY Assembly Manual
5. Future Work
6. Thank You
Project Inspiration
Originally, we set out to make a soap dispenser that
could withstand the highly alkaline soaps hospitals

It shifted towards making an alcohol gel dispenser
after our host dad, Dr. Mercado, informed us about
the Nicaraguan governments recent interest to
promote alcohol gel in place of soap and water.
A Bit of History of Antiseptic

19th century - IgnacFulopSemmelweis sanitized with chlorinated lime
(Time in-between  soap and water)
1988 - the first alcohol-based hand sanitizer was marketed in America
as Purell.
Need for Alcohol Dispensers in the
           Developing World
Alcohol gel as a better alternative to soap and water:

1. Dont require towels  less money
2. Require less time to use
Project Summary

 Bottle Holder Design; simple and elegant.
  Makes use of locally available materials and
  costs less than C$23 (1 USD) to manufacture.

 Awareness Campaign; associated poster and
  recorded announcement     used to raise
  awareness about the dangers of diseases
  spreading at hospitals.

 Assembly Manual; in order for anyone to be
  able to build the dispenser on their own, a
  thorough and easy to read instruction manual
  was created.
Bottle Holder Design
Alcohol Gel Station

  Poster                          Alcohol Gel
Awareness Campaign: Poster
Awareness Campaign: Announcement
Hospital Santiago Jinotepe

Emergency Room           Entrance Hall               Canteen
 High traffic.           High traffic               Approx. 90% staff eat
 Very sick patients.     Strategically placed        here during lunch
 Perfect location for     next to hand scanner        (breakfast and dinner
  infection.               for staff.                  served for night shift).
 Both doctors/           Right next to a patient    Staff are now able to
  nurses as well as        waiting area.               disinfect their hands
  patients will                                        before and after a
  benefit.                                             meal.
DIY Assembly Manual

Allows for this dispenser to be manufactured by anyone, anywhere.

   Easy to follow.
   Pictures of every step.
   Leaves room for creativity (materials).
   Open source design.
   Contact details.
Future Work

 Follow-up on Hospital Santiago trial (3
 Find a better solution to securing the bottle.
 Translate assembly manual into Spanish.
 Translate poster into other languages incl.
 EWH PTM list

In the near future, we hope to get this project
to the point where EWH can distribute the
assembly manual and awareness campaign
amongst its partner hospitals and the
developing world!
Contact Us

Alex Dahinten                         JoenardCamarista
EWH STEM Health Program Coordinator   Student,The City College of New York
alex.dahinten@gmail.com               joenard.camarista@macaulay.cuny.edu

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EWH Secondary Project - DIY Alcohol Gel Station (Joenard & Alex)

  • 1. DIY Alcohol Gel Dispenser Station Joenard Chinito Camarista and Alex Chele Dahinten 1
  • 2. DIY Alcohol Gel Dispenser 1. Project Inspiration 2. History of Antiseptic Practise 3. Need for Alcohol Dispensers in the Developing World 4. Project Summary i. Bottle Holder Design ii. Awareness Campaign iii. Trial Station Locations iv. DIY Assembly Manual 5. Future Work 6. Thank You
  • 3. Project Inspiration Originally, we set out to make a soap dispenser that could withstand the highly alkaline soaps hospitals use. It shifted towards making an alcohol gel dispenser after our host dad, Dr. Mercado, informed us about the Nicaraguan governments recent interest to promote alcohol gel in place of soap and water.
  • 4. A Bit of History of Antiseptic Practice 19th century - IgnacFulopSemmelweis sanitized with chlorinated lime solutions. (Time in-between soap and water) 1988 - the first alcohol-based hand sanitizer was marketed in America as Purell.
  • 5. Need for Alcohol Dispensers in the Developing World Alcohol gel as a better alternative to soap and water: 1. Dont require towels less money 2. Require less time to use
  • 6. Project Summary Bottle Holder Design; simple and elegant. Makes use of locally available materials and costs less than C$23 (1 USD) to manufacture. Awareness Campaign; associated poster and recorded announcement used to raise awareness about the dangers of diseases spreading at hospitals. Assembly Manual; in order for anyone to be able to build the dispenser on their own, a thorough and easy to read instruction manual was created.
  • 8. Alcohol Gel Station Awareness Poster Alcohol Gel Dispenser
  • 11. Hospital Santiago Jinotepe Emergency Room Entrance Hall Canteen High traffic. High traffic Approx. 90% staff eat Very sick patients. Strategically placed here during lunch Perfect location for next to hand scanner (breakfast and dinner infection. for staff. served for night shift). Both doctors/ Right next to a patient Staff are now able to nurses as well as waiting area. disinfect their hands patients will before and after a benefit. meal.
  • 12. DIY Assembly Manual Allows for this dispenser to be manufactured by anyone, anywhere. Easy to follow. Pictures of every step. Leaves room for creativity (materials). Open source design. Contact details.
  • 13. Future Work Follow-up on Hospital Santiago trial (3 stations) Find a better solution to securing the bottle. Translate assembly manual into Spanish. Translate poster into other languages incl. English! EWH PTM list In the near future, we hope to get this project to the point where EWH can distribute the assembly manual and awareness campaign amongst its partner hospitals and the developing world!
  • 15. Contact Us Alex Dahinten JoenardCamarista EWH STEM Health Program Coordinator Student,The City College of New York alex.dahinten@gmail.com joenard.camarista@macaulay.cuny.edu adahinten@ewh.org

Editor's Notes

  1. Semmelweisreduced infection among the pregnant women he tended to.Purell was marketed to the food service industry and hospitals as a fast and easy way to maintain clean hands when washing them with soap and water would take too long or was not an option.
  2. Put symbols in intro of repairs.
  3. Put symbols in intro of repairs.