In this presentation we introduce a new decentralized, non-custodial and open-source protocol that will provide an autonomous interest rate market to lenders and borrowers while setting interest rates based on credit supply and demand, enabling users to frictionlessly exchange the time value of their crypto assets at both variable and fixed interest rates for the first time in DeFi.
Aside from taking loans and making deposits at variable interest rates from a Variable Rate Pool, this protocol enables users to do so at fixed rates as well through the interaction with several Fixed Rate Pools, each one representing a specific maturity date. Interest rates are determined based on the credit utilization rate of each Fixed Rate Pool.
4. For example: Alice, Bob and Cata
Fixed monthly salary
They cant pay a
variable interest
rate loan that
changes every 13
They can pay a
鍖xed interest
rate loan for a
number of
9. In 2008, the Bitcoin Blockchain decentralized trust with a single crypto
currency: Bitcoin
How it started: Bitcoin
10. In 2014, the Ethereum blockchain decentralized trust with a single virtual
machine that can run smart contracts like tokens, NFTs and DAOs.
How its going: Ethereum
30. Disclaimer
This presentation is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute investment advice or a
recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any investment and should not be used in the evaluation of the merits
of making any investment decision. It should not be relied upon for accounting, legal or tax advice or investment
recommendations. This presentation reflects current personal opinions of the author and are subject to change
without being updated.