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    Section 2 B  Example Lesson Plan Templates for
             Support and Continuity Concept

                                           Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................1

Support and Continuity  LP1 .................................................................................. 2

Support and Continuity  LP2.................................................................................. 6

Support and Continuity  LP3................................................................................ 10

Support and Continuity  LP4................................................................................ 15
                     Support and Continuity  LP1

Teacher:      William W. Ellis Jnr.     Date:     Spring 2007                 Duration 45 mins
Content             Physical Education Team Sports                       Day    8      of 20

Unit focus:         Tag/Flag Rugby                                       Grade             8th

Standards:           1.   Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to
                          perform a variety of physical activities
                     2.   Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals, strategies,
                          and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical
                     3.   Participates regularly in physical activity
                     4.   Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
                     5.   Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
                          others in physical activity settings
                     6.   Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
                          and/or social interaction

Focal Concept:       Support and Continuity                  Number of Students:                 40

Type and quantity                                                      Rugby Balls    10
of equipment                                           Flags (2-4 different colors)   40
                                          Collapsible Cones (30 orange & 10 yellow)   40
                                                                        Poly Spots    8

Safety           Inspect teaching area for debris.
                 Establish specific directions for game fields.
                 Establish buffer zones between group activity areas.

Objectives           1. SWBAT demonstrate at least 3 effective support strategies through the
                        game of Ultimate Rugby (rugby version of ultimate Frisbee).
                     2. SWBAT to comprehend that the ability of the passer to make a successful
                        pass is directly dependent upon the ability of the receivers to run in to
                        open positions.
                     3. SWBAT calculate their resting pulse prior to the start of activity
                     4. SWBAT increase their heart rate as a result of actively participating in the
                        game of ultimate rugby.

Activity/Time                             Explanation                            Instructional
Warm up Activity      Prior to activity, take resting pulse.                    Shout loud
6 minutes
                      Pick up & Put Down. In groups of 5 students will jog       Straddle the
                      around a 10 yard by 10 yard grid while continuously        ball
                      passing the ball. On the teachers double whistle, the
                      ball carrying student will place the ball on the ground.
                      One of the group members will shout my ball and
                      then pick up the ball and continue to warm up.

Set-Induction         In the past week or so weve been focusing on             3 seconds or 3
2 minutes             developing our rugby skills. Today were going to          steps
                      combine the new skills that youve learned with a
                      the concept of support and continuity.                   No overhead
                      Were going to do this through playing a game that
                      youre familiar with, Ultimate Frisbee. Instead of
                      using a Frisbee youll use a rugby ball.
                      The rules are the same except that you can run with
                      the ball however you cannot use an overhead
                      (Quarterback) pass. If your flag is pulled you must
                      pass the ball within 3 steps or 3 seconds.

Initial Game          Ultimate Rugby: Running Version 5v5 games                  Must pass to
5 minutes             (See Game Pack)                                            score
                      25 yards wide 50 yards long.

Initial Game          What did you do to support the ball carrier?             No overhead
Modification          What might make the game harder for the ball              passing.
5 minutes             carrier?                                                  Max 3 steps
                      How would limiting running with the ball, affect the
                      responsibility of the support players?

                      Example modification:
                      Play Ultimate Rugby: No running version. A player
                      receiving the ball can only pivot to make a pass. No
                      overhead passing. This increases emphasis on the
                      support runners.

Tactical Awareness     Questions:
5 minutes                  Which offensive player/s determine when to         50/50
                              pass the ball? The ball carrier or her
                           What influences the ball carriers decision to     an open
                              pass the ball?                                   receiver
                           When was it most effective to pass the ball?
                           What strategies enabled the support players
                              to move to open space?
                           What type of passes were most successful
                              and why?

                       Repeat game with students testing out various
                       theories and identified strategies.
Student Decision            How can teammates of the ball carrier create      Crossing
Making                         open spaces for themselves or for other         patterns
5 minutes                      receivers on their team?                        Change of
                            What are the main things a support player         direction
                               can do to make help the ball carrier make an
                               effective pass?
                            Which of these things are most important?
                            Which are least important?
                            How can we test these theories

Skill Execution        Repeat game with modifications to allow students to
8 minutes              test out various their theories and identified

                       Perhaps a silent game, long passes only, short passes
                       only, etc.
Developmental          e.g. create numerical advantage to challenge            Change
Modifications (if      supporters / defenders. When on defense, one player     Continuous
appropriate)           must remain in attacking 遜 and one player must          attackers
6 minutes              remain in defending 遜 of the field. This gives the
                       attacking team a +1 numerical advantage.
                       Alternatively create a 4 v 4 game with 2 continuous
                       attackers, creating 6 always on the attacking team.

Assessment      SWBAT explain an demonstrate 3 skills strategies
2 minutes       effectively supporting the ball carrier.
                - number of successful passes
                - Rubric- positioning relative to ball carrier

                How effective was the game of Ultimate Rugby in
                elevating students heart rates to their target zone?

                What % of students in target hrt rate zone?
Closure         Was Ultimate Rugby an easy or hard game to play?
1 minute        On a turnover, should the team that gained
                possession react quickly or plan their attack?
                      Support and Continuity  LP2

Teacher:      William W. Ellis Jnr.       Date:      Spring 2007                 Duration 45 mins
Content               Physical Education Team Sports                        Day    9      of 20

Unit focus:           Tag/Flag Rugby                                        Grade           8th

Standards:            1.   Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed
                           to perform a variety of physical activities
                      2.   Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals,
                           strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of
                           physical activities
                      3.   Participates regularly in physical activity
                      4.   Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
                      5.   Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
                           others in physical activity settings
                      6.   Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
                           and/or social interaction

Focal Concept:        Support and Continuity                    Number of Students:               40

Type and quantity                                                       Rugby Balls    10
of equipment                                            Flags (2-4 different colors)   40
                                           Collapsible Cones (30 orange & 10 yellow)   40
                                                                         Poly Spots    8

Safety            Inspect teaching area for debris.
                  Create Zig zag or checkerboard grids so that players dont accidentally run into
                  other grids and interfere with that activity.

Objectives            5. SWBAT successfully pass the rugby ball multiple times to supporting
                         teammates while running in a 10m x 10m grid
                      6. SWBAT pass the rugby ball successfully to open teammates while
                         running in a 10m x 10m grid with one defender.

Activity/Time                                     Explanation                          Instructional

Warm up Activity      Hot Potato (See Game Pack)
6 minutes
                      In groups of 4/5 players run around the 10yd by 10        Talk
                      yd grid in any direction. The aim game is to make as
                      many passes as possible in a set time period (30 secs,
                      45 secs etc., ). The player that receives the ball
                      cannot pass back to the player that passed the ball to
                      them. Repeat 2-3 times. Modification if ball is
                      dropped team starts counting from 0.

Set-Induction         In basketball, soccer, and many other sports that        No forward
2 minutes             youve played, the ability of players to run into         passes
                      positions where they can make themselves open is
                      essential. Rugby is no different. Running off the
                      ball and into open positions is a key. How many people
                      have played keep away in basketball or soccer? Today
                      we're going to play a rugby version of this game to
                      demonstrate how we can effectively support our
                      teammates and thus maintain continuity of play and

Initial Game          4 v 1 Keep Away. (10 yd x 10 yd grids) (See Game
5 minutes             Pack)
                                                                                5 second rule
                      In your groups of 5 one player is IT. On the whistle
                      IT tries to intercept the ball thats being passed
                      around the grid. Ball carriers cannot move with the
                      ball. The defender IT gets a point for each
                      interception, each time the ball hits the ground and
                      each time the possession team runs out of bounds.
                      Ball carrier cannot hold on to the ball for longer than
                      5 secs.

Initial Game          How did you support the ball carrier?                 No overhead
Modification          How did you prevent IT from getting the ball?       passing.
5 minutes             How can we make this game easier / harder?

                      e.g. harder = 3 v 1 keep away

                      Reduce the number of offensive players from 4 to 3.
                      Introduce rule of no overhead passing.

                      Interception or dropped ball results in a turnover.
                      How many total tries scored by both teams?

Tactical Awareness    Questions:
5 minutes                 As defenders, were you more successful in
                             the first game or the second game?
                          When you individually had possession of the
                             ball, what made your job easier?
                          What strategies could the attacking team use
                             to distract the defenders and create
                         Students test out their skills / strategies to
                         become more effective at supporting.

Student Decision             How important are your running lines when     Running
Making                        trying to get into an open space?             crossing
5 minutes                    How are you communicating with each other?    patterns.
                             What options does the ball carrier have
                             How can the supporting players guarantee
                              that one of them is in an open position?
                             What can we do to work better as a team
                              when in support?
                             Which of these things is most important &

                      Students discuss their theories and test them in
                      their groups

Skill Execution        Incorporate Modified games to focus on identified        Quick re-
8 minutes              skills / strategies.                                     starts.

                       e.g. Continuity - Turnover: On receiving a turnover
                       the team that gains possession must re-start with 3
                       new attackers within 10 seconds or they will turnover
                       the ball back to the other team.

                       Limiting supporting space / options  3 v 2 keep away.

                       Changing supporting dynamics - Increase the width
                       of the grids. 15 yds x 15 yds. Flag version of Keep
                       Away. 3 v 2 in grids. Players can run with the ball
                       except when their flag is pulled. 3 second or 3 step
                       rule applies as does the returning the flag rule.
                       No spinning to evade having the flag pulled.

Developmental          e.g. 2 games against 2 other groups to test and asses    Change
Modifications (if      skills and strategies. Other groups can observe         Continuous
appropriate)           what went well, what went less well? Etc.                attacker/s
6 minutes
Assessment             1.  SWBAT pass the rugby ball at least 15 times in
2 minutes                  30 seconds to teammates while running in a 10m x
                           10m grid
                       2. SWBAT pass the rugby ball to an open
                           teammate while running in a 10m x 10m grid with
                           one defender.
                       3. Demonstrate 3 effective skills for supporting the
                           ball carrier.
                       4. Demonstrate 2 ways to effectively support the
                           ball carrier while they are running.
                       - Rubrics: positioning, running angles
                       - Stats: # successful catches before interception.
Closure                How active do supporting players need to be to be
1 minute               able to get open for a pass?
                       Which game was easier to defend in? 4v1 or 3 v 1
                       Keep Away or the 3 v 2 running Keep Away?
                      Support and Continuity  LP3

Teacher:      William W. Ellis Jnr.       Date:     Spring 2007                  Duration 45 mins
Content               Physical Education Team Sports                        Day    10     of 20

Unit focus:           Tag/Flag Rugby                                        Grade            8th

Standards:            1.   Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed
                           to perform a variety of physical activities
                      2.   Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals,
                           strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of
                           physical activities
                      3.   Participates regularly in physical activity
                      4.   Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
                      5.   Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
                           others in physical activity settings
                      6.   Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
                           and/or social interaction

Focal Concept:        Support and Continuity                   Number of Students:                 40

Type and quantity                                                       Rugby Balls    10
of equipment                                            Flags (2-4 different colors)   40
                                           Collapsible Cones (30 orange & 10 yellow)   40
                                                                         Poly Spots    32

Safety            Inspect teaching area for debris.
                  Establish specific directions for 4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 drills.
                  Establish buffer zones (at least 10 yards) between group activity areas.

Objectives            7. SWBAT successfully pass the ball to an open supporting player on the run
                         without loosing possession of the ball against defense.
                      8. SWBAT explain and demonstrate effective realignment having passed a
                         ball to a supporting player.
                      9. SWBAT explain and demonstrate 3 effective running lines that can be
                         used to support the ball carrier while on the run.

Activity/Time                            Explanation                           Instructional
Warm up Activity      Star Drill (See Game Pack) Why is peripheral vision
6 minutes             important?
                      At one 10m by 10 m grid, 4 students are at each cone.
                      2 adjacent groups start with a ball at the front of      Heads up
                      their group. Students run diagonally across grid
                      handing off the ball to the player on the other side.
                      Increase from 2 balls/grid to 4 balls per grid.

Set-Induction         Yesterday we worked on passing the ball to              No forward
2 minutes             supporting players in a grid. In rugby you can only      passes
                      pass the ball laterally or backwards. There are NO
                      forward passes allowed. Today were going to play
                      games that incorporate the no forward pass rule.
                      How might this affect how we support the ball

Initial Game          4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 game (see Game pack Offensive         Commit the
5 minutes             games).                                                 defender to
                      In a 10m wide and 25m long channel 4 defenders are       the ball
                      located at the 6m, 12m, 18m and 24m spots                carrier.
                      (designated by poly spots). Defenders can only move
                      laterally and attempt to pull the flag of the ball       Pass at the
                      carrier. Four attacking players advance down the         right time.
                      channel attempting to pass the ball to a supporting
                      player without getting their flag pulled.
                      If their flag is pulled they are out of that drill run
                      through. On reaching the other end possession is
                      switched. Tries are scored if the attacking team is
                      able to advance the ball past the last defender.

Initial Game         As a defender, what made it easy to defend against a     V formation.
Modification         team?                                                    Depth in
5 minutes            How could the supporters have made your job              support
                     As a supporter, what allowed you to speed up when
                     you received a pass?
                     What was the most effective place for you to stand,
                     to receive a pass while running?
                     Why did you sometimes have to slow down to catch
                     the ball?
                     As a ball

                     Aim: Focus on supporting from depth (i.e. diagonally
                     behind the ball carrier)

                     Play modified 4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 game All players must
                     receive a pass before a try is scored at the end.
                     Thus, passes may have to go in both directions
                     throughout the grid, to ensure everyone receives a

Tactical Awareness   Questions:
5 minutes                In the initial 4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 game what          Defense
                            tactics did the teams use to advance the ball?
                         Did providing a numerical advantage to the
                            offense make it easier to score? If so how?
                         How did everyone having to receive a pass
                            effect your alignment in support?
                         Once you passed the ball, what was the most
                            effective thing for you to do to become
                            eligible to receive another pass?

                     Play modified game.defenders can only pick one
                     defender and must stick to them. However, attackers
                     must make 2 passes between defenders. Focus 
                     realignment for effective continuity.

Student Decision              What supporting strategies can you use to        Out wide
Making                         maximize the offense's numerical advantage?
5 minutes                     How did your teammates supporting from
                               depth help you as a ball carrier?
                              As a supporter, what was the most effective
                               pass for you to receive (hard, soft, short,
                               looping, in front of me, behind me, etc)?
                              How would it affect the game if the
                               defenders were allowed to move forwards,
                               backwards and laterally?
                              What 3 things would you concentrate on to
                               react effectively to this change in the game?
                              Rank them in importance

Skill Execution        Defenders can move up and back 3m as well as             Quick re-
8 minutes              laterally and may move between defenders.                starts.
                            How did the ability of the defenders to move
                               forward and backwards 3 yards change
                            What was harder?
                            How did you overcome that most effectively?
                            What are the options for the ball carrier?
                            What are the 3 most important factors to be
                               a successful supporter?

Developmental          4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v1 v 1 (4 offense 6 defense)           Alternate 1
Modifications (if      4 v 2 v 2 (4 offense, 2 defense). Start with             player on
appropriate)           defenders picking spots (attackers) and sticking with    defense after
6 minutes              them.                                                    each drill.

                       Players are not able to continue to participate in the
                       drill once their flag has been pulled.

                       Amend to Pass, Defend, Attack or (see Game Pack)

Assessment      How many groups made it to the end without dropping
2 minutes       the ball?
                How many groups made it to the end without having a
                flag pulled?
                How many passes were made laterally / backward vs.
                Percentage of times each group had players
                supporting from depth?
                How many times did each player pass and receive the
                ball back n 5 minutes?
                Students demonstrate 3 effective running lines for a
                supporting player.

Closure         What contributed to the success or failure of a
1 minute        group's ability to score a try? Ideally in relation to
                the player in possession of the ball, where should the
                supporting players position themselves? What
                should you do once you have passed the ball?
                      Support and Continuity  LP4

Teacher:      William W. Ellis Jnr.       Date:     Spring 2007                  Duration 45 mins
Content               Physical Education Team Sports                        Day    11     of 20

Unit focus:           Tag/Flag Rugby                                        Grade           8th

Standards:            1.   Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed
                           to perform a variety of physical activities
                      2.   Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals,
                           strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of
                           physical activities
                      3.   Participates regularly in physical activity
                      5.   Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
                           others in physical activity settings
                      6.   Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
                           and/or social interaction

Focal Concept:        Support and Continuity                   Number of Students:                40

Type and quantity                                                       Rugby Balls    16
of equipment                                            Flags (2-4 different colors)   40
                                           Collapsible Cones (30 orange & 10 yellow)   40
                                                                         Poly Spots    8-12
                                                                         Hula Hoops    8-12

Safety            Inspect teaching area for debris.
                  Establish specific directions for game fields.
                  Establish buffer zones between group activity areas.

Objectives            10. SWBAT explain and demonstrate that tactically with a numerical
                          advantage if the ball is passed quickly before, or from the point of flag
                          removal, the numerical advantage to the offense is enhanced (i.e. 5 v 3 ->
                          4 v 2, -> 3 v1) and thus continuity maintained.
                      11. SWBAT explain and demonstrate the 3 most effective strategies as a
                          supporter to maintain continuity.
                      12. SWBAT explain and demonstrate the responsibilities of the attacker and
                          defender during the Tag Transaction and its affect upon continuity.
                      13. SWBAT explain and demonstrate how the rule of advantage, allows a team
                          to benefit from a turnover and maintain continuity.

Activity/Time                            Explanation                            Instructional
Warm up Activity      Rob the Nest
6 minutes
                      At one 10yd by 10 yd grid, 4 students are at each         Talk
                      cone. 7 Rugby balls are placed in the middle of the
                      grid. One at a time players from each group (corner)      Peripheral
                      run to the center or to other groups to collect 1 ball.   vision.
                      Upon retrieving a ball the player places the ball by      Team talk
                      their cone. Once all the balls are gone from the
                      middle of the grid, players may rob a ball from
                      another corner and return it to their corner.

Set-Induction         Yesterday we played supporting games that allowed        No forward
2 minutes             you to practice the skills of running against a series    passes
                      of defenders. Today we're going to play games that
                      incorporate several defenders. This will mean you
                      need to focus even more on the support and
                      continuity skills and strategies you have learnt in
                      previous sessions"

Initial Game          4 v 4 flag rugby games (See Game Pack).                   Defenders
5 minutes                                                                       must return
                      Rules dependent upon experience. Encourage lateral        flag
                      pass, and enforce immediate pass upon being tagged
                      (3 steps / 3 seconds)  see rules and glossary Tag

                      How many tries scored by both teams?

Initial Game               In this initial game was it easy to score?      No overhead
Modification               What strategies enhanced the ability of the     passing.
5 minutes                   team to advance the ball?                       Max 3 steps
                           How did running forward help your team?
                           As an attacker, what must you do once you
                            get tagged with the ball?
                           As a defender, what must you do once you tag
                            the ball carrier?
                           How could we make this game easier for the
                            attacking team?

                     Offense 2+ vs Defense

                     Provide the offense with a 2+ numerical advantage a
                     5 v 3 game. (2 defensive players rotate out after
                     each defensive series to the other team).

                     Interception or dropped ball results in an immediate
                     How many total tries scored by both teams?

Tactical Awareness   Questions:
5 minutes                Did providing a numerical advantage to the        Defense
                            offense make it easier?
                         How did this affect the space available for
                            the supporters?
                         When you get tagged as the ball carrier, does
                            play continue?
                         So, what does that mean with regard to which
                            direction you should run with the ball?
                         And how should you support the ball carrier
                            as he/she is running forward?

                     Play game again: e.g. Students play focusing on
                     running forward and supporting close to the ball
                     carrier at depth.

Student Decision              If you can avoid being tagged, what is the       Out wide
Making                         advantage to your team?
5 minutes                     If you can pass before you are tagged, what
                               is the advantage to your team?
                              How does committing a defender affect the
                               space available to your supporters?
                              What is the most effective thing a ball
                               carrier can do if a supporter sees space in
                               front of them?
                              How should the supporter communicate this
                              Apart from the ball carrier running forward
                               and supporting from depth, what else can we
                               do to create space?
                              How does passing the ball affect the
                               defensive team?

Skill Execution        Play game with 1+ numerical advantage for offensive      Quick re-
8 minutes              team (one defender switches).                            starts.

                       Emphasize continuity of play play on with immediate
                       turnover to non offending team for dropped passes
                       by explaining & playing the advantage rule.

                       Forward passes & out of bounds, also result in a
                       turnover, defense must retreat 5 steps (7m on a full
                       size youth flag rugby field). On receiving a turnover
                       the team that gains possession must re-start within
                       10 seconds or they will turnover the ball to the other

                       Defending team must allow pass from tag and should
                       be defending from onside position (see rules).

Developmental          Increase the width of the field. 35m x 50m               Change
Modifications (if                                                               Continuous
appropriate)           Finish with a return to 5 v 5 game full format. 5        attackers
6 minutes              minute game.

                       Competition / Round robin.

Assessment      What was the difference in the number of total tries
2 minutes       scored in the 4 v 4 game vs 5 v 3 game?

                How many successful passes were made from a tag?

                How many successful passes were made before a

                Demonstrate responsibilities of attacker and
                defender during the tag transaction?

                How many tries were scored after an advantage has
                been awarded?
Closure         How does communication help your team?
1 minute        What is the best direction to run when you have the
                Does play stop or continue if you get tagged?
                What about if you make a mistake?
                So, as a supporter, what were the most effective
                supporting strategies in enabling your team to score

                Provide one positive comment to at least 2 members
                of your team.

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Example lesson plans[1]

  • 1. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Section 2 B Example Lesson Plan Templates for Support and Continuity Concept Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................1 Support and Continuity LP1 .................................................................................. 2 Support and Continuity LP2.................................................................................. 6 Support and Continuity LP3................................................................................ 10 Support and Continuity LP4................................................................................ 15
  • 2. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Support and Continuity LP1 Teacher: William W. Ellis Jnr. Date: Spring 2007 Duration 45 mins (minutes) Content Physical Education Team Sports Day 8 of 20 Unit focus: Tag/Flag Rugby Grade 8th Standards: 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities 3. Participates regularly in physical activity 4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction Focal Concept: Support and Continuity Number of Students: 40 Type and quantity Rugby Balls 10 of equipment Flags (2-4 different colors) 40 Collapsible Cones (30 orange & 10 yellow) 40 Poly Spots 8 Safety Inspect teaching area for debris. Establish specific directions for game fields. Establish buffer zones between group activity areas. Objectives 1. SWBAT demonstrate at least 3 effective support strategies through the game of Ultimate Rugby (rugby version of ultimate Frisbee). 2. SWBAT to comprehend that the ability of the passer to make a successful pass is directly dependent upon the ability of the receivers to run in to open positions. 3. SWBAT calculate their resting pulse prior to the start of activity 4. SWBAT increase their heart rate as a result of actively participating in the game of ultimate rugby.
  • 3. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Activity/Time Explanation Instructional Cues Warm up Activity Prior to activity, take resting pulse. Shout loud 6 minutes Pick up & Put Down. In groups of 5 students will jog Straddle the around a 10 yard by 10 yard grid while continuously ball passing the ball. On the teachers double whistle, the ball carrying student will place the ball on the ground. One of the group members will shout my ball and then pick up the ball and continue to warm up. Set-Induction In the past week or so weve been focusing on 3 seconds or 3 2 minutes developing our rugby skills. Today were going to steps combine the new skills that youve learned with a the concept of support and continuity. No overhead passes Were going to do this through playing a game that youre familiar with, Ultimate Frisbee. Instead of using a Frisbee youll use a rugby ball. The rules are the same except that you can run with the ball however you cannot use an overhead (Quarterback) pass. If your flag is pulled you must pass the ball within 3 steps or 3 seconds. Initial Game Ultimate Rugby: Running Version 5v5 games Must pass to 5 minutes (See Game Pack) score 25 yards wide 50 yards long. Initial Game What did you do to support the ball carrier? No overhead Modification What might make the game harder for the ball passing. 5 minutes carrier? Max 3 steps How would limiting running with the ball, affect the responsibility of the support players? Example modification: Play Ultimate Rugby: No running version. A player receiving the ball can only pivot to make a pass. No overhead passing. This increases emphasis on the support runners.
  • 4. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Tactical Awareness Questions: 5 minutes Which offensive player/s determine when to 50/50 pass the ball? The ball carrier or her teammates? What influences the ball carriers decision to an open pass the ball? receiver When was it most effective to pass the ball? What strategies enabled the support players to move to open space? What type of passes were most successful and why? Repeat game with students testing out various theories and identified strategies. Student Decision How can teammates of the ball carrier create Crossing Making open spaces for themselves or for other patterns 5 minutes receivers on their team? Change of What are the main things a support player direction can do to make help the ball carrier make an effective pass? Which of these things are most important? Which are least important? How can we test these theories Skill Execution Repeat game with modifications to allow students to 8 minutes test out various their theories and identified strategies. Perhaps a silent game, long passes only, short passes only, etc. Developmental e.g. create numerical advantage to challenge Change Modifications (if supporters / defenders. When on defense, one player Continuous appropriate) must remain in attacking 遜 and one player must attackers 6 minutes remain in defending 遜 of the field. This gives the attacking team a +1 numerical advantage. Alternatively create a 4 v 4 game with 2 continuous attackers, creating 6 always on the attacking team.
  • 5. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Assessment SWBAT explain an demonstrate 3 skills strategies 2 minutes effectively supporting the ball carrier. - number of successful passes - Rubric- positioning relative to ball carrier How effective was the game of Ultimate Rugby in elevating students heart rates to their target zone? What % of students in target hrt rate zone? Closure Was Ultimate Rugby an easy or hard game to play? 1 minute On a turnover, should the team that gained possession react quickly or plan their attack?
  • 6. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Support and Continuity LP2 Teacher: William W. Ellis Jnr. Date: Spring 2007 Duration 45 mins (minutes) Content Physical Education Team Sports Day 9 of 20 Unit focus: Tag/Flag Rugby Grade 8th Standards: 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities 3. Participates regularly in physical activity 4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction Focal Concept: Support and Continuity Number of Students: 40 Type and quantity Rugby Balls 10 of equipment Flags (2-4 different colors) 40 Collapsible Cones (30 orange & 10 yellow) 40 Poly Spots 8 Safety Inspect teaching area for debris. Create Zig zag or checkerboard grids so that players dont accidentally run into other grids and interfere with that activity. Objectives 5. SWBAT successfully pass the rugby ball multiple times to supporting teammates while running in a 10m x 10m grid 6. SWBAT pass the rugby ball successfully to open teammates while running in a 10m x 10m grid with one defender. Activity/Time Explanation Instructional Cues
  • 7. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Warm up Activity Hot Potato (See Game Pack) 6 minutes In groups of 4/5 players run around the 10yd by 10 Talk yd grid in any direction. The aim game is to make as many passes as possible in a set time period (30 secs, 45 secs etc., ). The player that receives the ball cannot pass back to the player that passed the ball to them. Repeat 2-3 times. Modification if ball is dropped team starts counting from 0. Set-Induction In basketball, soccer, and many other sports that No forward 2 minutes youve played, the ability of players to run into passes positions where they can make themselves open is essential. Rugby is no different. Running off the ball and into open positions is a key. How many people have played keep away in basketball or soccer? Today we're going to play a rugby version of this game to demonstrate how we can effectively support our teammates and thus maintain continuity of play and possession. Initial Game 4 v 1 Keep Away. (10 yd x 10 yd grids) (See Game 5 minutes Pack) 5 second rule In your groups of 5 one player is IT. On the whistle IT tries to intercept the ball thats being passed around the grid. Ball carriers cannot move with the ball. The defender IT gets a point for each interception, each time the ball hits the ground and each time the possession team runs out of bounds. Ball carrier cannot hold on to the ball for longer than 5 secs.
  • 8. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Initial Game How did you support the ball carrier? No overhead Modification How did you prevent IT from getting the ball? passing. 5 minutes How can we make this game easier / harder? e.g. harder = 3 v 1 keep away Reduce the number of offensive players from 4 to 3. Introduce rule of no overhead passing. Interception or dropped ball results in a turnover. How many total tries scored by both teams? Tactical Awareness Questions: 5 minutes As defenders, were you more successful in the first game or the second game? When you individually had possession of the ball, what made your job easier? What strategies could the attacking team use to distract the defenders and create indecision? Students test out their skills / strategies to become more effective at supporting. Student Decision How important are your running lines when Running Making trying to get into an open space? crossing 5 minutes How are you communicating with each other? patterns. What options does the ball carrier have How can the supporting players guarantee that one of them is in an open position? What can we do to work better as a team when in support? Which of these things is most important & why? Students discuss their theories and test them in their groups
  • 9. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Skill Execution Incorporate Modified games to focus on identified Quick re- 8 minutes skills / strategies. starts. e.g. Continuity - Turnover: On receiving a turnover the team that gains possession must re-start with 3 new attackers within 10 seconds or they will turnover the ball back to the other team. Limiting supporting space / options 3 v 2 keep away. Changing supporting dynamics - Increase the width of the grids. 15 yds x 15 yds. Flag version of Keep Away. 3 v 2 in grids. Players can run with the ball except when their flag is pulled. 3 second or 3 step rule applies as does the returning the flag rule. No spinning to evade having the flag pulled. Developmental e.g. 2 games against 2 other groups to test and asses Change Modifications (if skills and strategies. Other groups can observe Continuous appropriate) what went well, what went less well? Etc. attacker/s 6 minutes Assessment 1. SWBAT pass the rugby ball at least 15 times in 2 minutes 30 seconds to teammates while running in a 10m x 10m grid 2. SWBAT pass the rugby ball to an open teammate while running in a 10m x 10m grid with one defender. 3. Demonstrate 3 effective skills for supporting the ball carrier. 4. Demonstrate 2 ways to effectively support the ball carrier while they are running. - Rubrics: positioning, running angles - Stats: # successful catches before interception. Closure How active do supporting players need to be to be 1 minute able to get open for a pass? Which game was easier to defend in? 4v1 or 3 v 1 Keep Away or the 3 v 2 running Keep Away?
  • 10. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Support and Continuity LP3 Teacher: William W. Ellis Jnr. Date: Spring 2007 Duration 45 mins (minutes) Content Physical Education Team Sports Day 10 of 20 Unit focus: Tag/Flag Rugby Grade 8th Standards: 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities 3. Participates regularly in physical activity 4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction Focal Concept: Support and Continuity Number of Students: 40 Type and quantity Rugby Balls 10 of equipment Flags (2-4 different colors) 40 Collapsible Cones (30 orange & 10 yellow) 40 Poly Spots 32 Safety Inspect teaching area for debris. Establish specific directions for 4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 drills. Establish buffer zones (at least 10 yards) between group activity areas. Objectives 7. SWBAT successfully pass the ball to an open supporting player on the run without loosing possession of the ball against defense. 8. SWBAT explain and demonstrate effective realignment having passed a ball to a supporting player. 9. SWBAT explain and demonstrate 3 effective running lines that can be used to support the ball carrier while on the run.
  • 11. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Activity/Time Explanation Instructional Cues Warm up Activity Star Drill (See Game Pack) Why is peripheral vision 6 minutes important? Talk At one 10m by 10 m grid, 4 students are at each cone. 2 adjacent groups start with a ball at the front of Heads up their group. Students run diagonally across grid handing off the ball to the player on the other side. Increase from 2 balls/grid to 4 balls per grid. Set-Induction Yesterday we worked on passing the ball to No forward 2 minutes supporting players in a grid. In rugby you can only passes pass the ball laterally or backwards. There are NO forward passes allowed. Today were going to play games that incorporate the no forward pass rule. How might this affect how we support the ball carrier? Initial Game 4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 game (see Game pack Offensive Commit the 5 minutes games). defender to In a 10m wide and 25m long channel 4 defenders are the ball located at the 6m, 12m, 18m and 24m spots carrier. (designated by poly spots). Defenders can only move laterally and attempt to pull the flag of the ball Pass at the carrier. Four attacking players advance down the right time. channel attempting to pass the ball to a supporting player without getting their flag pulled. If their flag is pulled they are out of that drill run through. On reaching the other end possession is switched. Tries are scored if the attacking team is able to advance the ball past the last defender.
  • 12. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Initial Game As a defender, what made it easy to defend against a V formation. Modification team? Depth in 5 minutes How could the supporters have made your job support harder? As a supporter, what allowed you to speed up when you received a pass? What was the most effective place for you to stand, to receive a pass while running? Why did you sometimes have to slow down to catch the ball? As a ball Aim: Focus on supporting from depth (i.e. diagonally behind the ball carrier) Play modified 4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 game All players must receive a pass before a try is scored at the end. Thus, passes may have to go in both directions throughout the grid, to ensure everyone receives a pass. Tactical Awareness Questions: 5 minutes In the initial 4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 game what Defense tactics did the teams use to advance the ball? Did providing a numerical advantage to the offense make it easier to score? If so how? How did everyone having to receive a pass effect your alignment in support? Once you passed the ball, what was the most effective thing for you to do to become eligible to receive another pass? Play modified game.defenders can only pick one defender and must stick to them. However, attackers must make 2 passes between defenders. Focus realignment for effective continuity.
  • 13. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Student Decision What supporting strategies can you use to Out wide Making maximize the offense's numerical advantage? 5 minutes How did your teammates supporting from depth help you as a ball carrier? As a supporter, what was the most effective pass for you to receive (hard, soft, short, looping, in front of me, behind me, etc)? How would it affect the game if the defenders were allowed to move forwards, backwards and laterally? What 3 things would you concentrate on to react effectively to this change in the game? Rank them in importance Skill Execution Defenders can move up and back 3m as well as Quick re- 8 minutes laterally and may move between defenders. starts. How did the ability of the defenders to move forward and backwards 3 yards change things? What was harder? How did you overcome that most effectively? What are the options for the ball carrier? What are the 3 most important factors to be a successful supporter? Developmental 4 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v1 v 1 (4 offense 6 defense) Alternate 1 Modifications (if 4 v 2 v 2 (4 offense, 2 defense). Start with player on appropriate) defenders picking spots (attackers) and sticking with defense after 6 minutes them. each drill. Players are not able to continue to participate in the drill once their flag has been pulled. Amend to Pass, Defend, Attack or (see Game Pack)
  • 14. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Assessment How many groups made it to the end without dropping 2 minutes the ball? How many groups made it to the end without having a flag pulled? How many passes were made laterally / backward vs. forwards? Percentage of times each group had players supporting from depth? How many times did each player pass and receive the ball back n 5 minutes? Students demonstrate 3 effective running lines for a supporting player. Closure What contributed to the success or failure of a 1 minute group's ability to score a try? Ideally in relation to the player in possession of the ball, where should the supporting players position themselves? What should you do once you have passed the ball?
  • 15. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Support and Continuity LP4 Teacher: William W. Ellis Jnr. Date: Spring 2007 Duration 45 mins (minutes) Content Physical Education Team Sports Day 11 of 20 Unit focus: Tag/Flag Rugby Grade 8th Standards: 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities 3. Participates regularly in physical activity 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction Focal Concept: Support and Continuity Number of Students: 40 Type and quantity Rugby Balls 16 of equipment Flags (2-4 different colors) 40 Collapsible Cones (30 orange & 10 yellow) 40 Poly Spots 8-12 Hula Hoops 8-12 Safety Inspect teaching area for debris. Establish specific directions for game fields. Establish buffer zones between group activity areas. Objectives 10. SWBAT explain and demonstrate that tactically with a numerical advantage if the ball is passed quickly before, or from the point of flag removal, the numerical advantage to the offense is enhanced (i.e. 5 v 3 -> 4 v 2, -> 3 v1) and thus continuity maintained. 11. SWBAT explain and demonstrate the 3 most effective strategies as a supporter to maintain continuity. 12. SWBAT explain and demonstrate the responsibilities of the attacker and defender during the Tag Transaction and its affect upon continuity. 13. SWBAT explain and demonstrate how the rule of advantage, allows a team to benefit from a turnover and maintain continuity.
  • 16. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Activity/Time Explanation Instructional Cues Warm up Activity Rob the Nest 6 minutes At one 10yd by 10 yd grid, 4 students are at each Talk cone. 7 Rugby balls are placed in the middle of the grid. One at a time players from each group (corner) Peripheral run to the center or to other groups to collect 1 ball. vision. Upon retrieving a ball the player places the ball by Team talk their cone. Once all the balls are gone from the middle of the grid, players may rob a ball from another corner and return it to their corner. Set-Induction Yesterday we played supporting games that allowed No forward 2 minutes you to practice the skills of running against a series passes of defenders. Today we're going to play games that incorporate several defenders. This will mean you need to focus even more on the support and continuity skills and strategies you have learnt in previous sessions" Initial Game 4 v 4 flag rugby games (See Game Pack). Defenders 5 minutes must return Rules dependent upon experience. Encourage lateral flag pass, and enforce immediate pass upon being tagged (3 steps / 3 seconds) see rules and glossary Tag Transaction. How many tries scored by both teams?
  • 17. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Initial Game In this initial game was it easy to score? No overhead Modification What strategies enhanced the ability of the passing. 5 minutes team to advance the ball? Max 3 steps How did running forward help your team? As an attacker, what must you do once you get tagged with the ball? As a defender, what must you do once you tag the ball carrier? How could we make this game easier for the attacking team? Offense 2+ vs Defense Provide the offense with a 2+ numerical advantage a 5 v 3 game. (2 defensive players rotate out after each defensive series to the other team). Interception or dropped ball results in an immediate turnover. How many total tries scored by both teams? Tactical Awareness Questions: 5 minutes Did providing a numerical advantage to the Defense offense make it easier? How did this affect the space available for the supporters? When you get tagged as the ball carrier, does play continue? So, what does that mean with regard to which direction you should run with the ball? And how should you support the ball carrier as he/she is running forward? Play game again: e.g. Students play focusing on running forward and supporting close to the ball carrier at depth.
  • 18. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Student Decision If you can avoid being tagged, what is the Out wide Making advantage to your team? 5 minutes If you can pass before you are tagged, what is the advantage to your team? How does committing a defender affect the space available to your supporters? What is the most effective thing a ball carrier can do if a supporter sees space in front of them? How should the supporter communicate this space? Apart from the ball carrier running forward and supporting from depth, what else can we do to create space? How does passing the ball affect the defensive team? Skill Execution Play game with 1+ numerical advantage for offensive Quick re- 8 minutes team (one defender switches). starts. Emphasize continuity of play play on with immediate turnover to non offending team for dropped passes by explaining & playing the advantage rule. Forward passes & out of bounds, also result in a turnover, defense must retreat 5 steps (7m on a full size youth flag rugby field). On receiving a turnover the team that gains possession must re-start within 10 seconds or they will turnover the ball to the other team. Defending team must allow pass from tag and should be defending from onside position (see rules). Developmental Increase the width of the field. 35m x 50m Change Modifications (if Continuous appropriate) Finish with a return to 5 v 5 game full format. 5 attackers 6 minutes minute game. Competition / Round robin.
  • 19. FLAG RUGBY LESSON PLAN Assessment What was the difference in the number of total tries 2 minutes scored in the 4 v 4 game vs 5 v 3 game? How many successful passes were made from a tag? How many successful passes were made before a turnover? Demonstrate responsibilities of attacker and defender during the tag transaction? How many tries were scored after an advantage has been awarded? Closure How does communication help your team? 1 minute What is the best direction to run when you have the ball? Does play stop or continue if you get tagged? What about if you make a mistake? So, as a supporter, what were the most effective supporting strategies in enabling your team to score tries. Provide one positive comment to at least 2 members of your team.