1. The document provides examples of various types of poisonings, including acute fluoride poisoning in Pakistan which led to one death, chromium poisoning from ingesting leather tanning solution which was fatal, and radiation poisoning from polonium exposure which causes nausea, vomiting and hair loss before potential death within weeks to months.
2. Other cases discussed include the suspected radiation poisoning death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and carbon monoxide poisoning from smoking shisha which can lead to neurological symptoms.
3. Different poisons from plants are also outlined, including atropine from nightshade, hemlock which was used to execute Socrates, and the use of curare-tipped arrows by Amazon tribes.
2. Acute fluoride poisoning
? Acute fluoride poisoning from a public water system in a village in
Pakistan indicated fluoride poisoning in 29% of the residents who
drank water from the implicated well¡1 person died .. The reason
was the excess amount of fluoride in water .the patient has elevated
serum fluoride concentration and serum lactate dehydrogenase.
? illness consisting of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or
numbness or tingling of the face or extremitie
3. Chromium poisioning
? A woman ingested 400 ml of leather tanning solution containing 48 g
of basic chromium sulphate (CrOHSO4). This substance forms
hydrogen ions and trivalent chromium when it reacts with tissue
proteins. The patient died of cardiogenic shock, complicated by
pancreatitis and gut mucosal necrosis and haemorrhage. There are no
reported cases of toxicity due to oral ingestion of trivalent chromium.
4. Radiation poisioning
? Polonium's effect, known as "acute radiation syndrome," first causes
nausea, vomiting, anorexia and diarrhea. After a latent phase, victims
experience hair loss and bone marrow failure and, if they do not
recover, die with History reveals other frightening cases of radiation
poisoning caused by ignorance, industrial disasters and even criminal
intent.in weeks to months.
5. Case:
? former Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat's death was in the news in a
case of suspected radiation poisoning. Swiss scientists announced
they had found 18 times the normal levels of polonium in Yasser
Arafat's rib, pelvis and in soil stained with his decaying organs,
concluding that he was poisoned.
6. Carbon monoxide poisioning
? Carbon monoxide poisoning has been reported as a result of
exposure to various sources of smoke, such as car exhaust fumes,
home water heaters and tobacco smoke. We describe a case of
symptomatic, moderately severe carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in
a young Mediterranean man after smoking a waterpipe, or shisha.
This case highlights the importance of considering carbon monoxide
exposure in patients presenting with non-specific neurological
symptoms to the em Symptoms of mild acute poisoning will include
light-headedness, confusion, headaches, vertigo, and flu-like effects;
larger exposures can lead to significant toxicity of the central nervous
system and heart, and even deathergency department (ED).
7. Alkaloid atropine poisioning
? Famous users of nightshade are not confirmed, but legend has it that
when Agrippina the Younger hired the serial killer Locusta to kill the
Roman emperor Claudius, she used nightshade. Before he became
king in 1040, Macbeth supposedly used nightshade to poison an army
of Danes who invaded Scotland.
? Atropine is used during surgery to regulate the heartbeat, decrease
salivation, and paralyze muscles. In eye surgery, it relaxes the muscles
and dilates the eye. Another drug found in nightshade is scopolamine
8. Hemlock poisoning
? The most famous case of hemlock poisoning was that of Greek
philosopher Socrates in 399 BC. The 70-year-old was found guilty of
heresy in a trial in Athens. His sentence was death by hemlock, and he
had to drink the poison by his own hand. Socrates drank up, then
walked around until he noticed his legs were heavy.
9. Arsenic poisoning
? Arsenic kills by inhibiting the production of necessary enzymes. Small
amounts of arsenic ingested over time (possibly through drinking
water) can raise the probability of cancer. Acute poisoning causes
stomach cramps, diarrhea, confusion, convulsions, vomiting, and
death. Murder by arsenic was popular in the Middle Ages as the
substance was easy to procure and the symptoms of poisoning
resembled those of cholera. Now, evidence of arsenic poisoning is
easier to find. Chronic arsenic ingestion can be found months, even
years later in the victim's hair and fingernails. The most famous
arsenic poisoners were the Borgia family in the Middle Ages. It was
said that a little arsenic improved the taste of wine, and the gracious
Borgias made sure their guests had the best-tasting wine p
10. curare
? Death by curare is relatively slow and horrific, as the victim is awake
and aware but cannot move or even speak. However, if artificial
respiration is performed until the poison subsides, the victim will
survive. Indigenous tribes of the Amazon basin used curare-laden
arrows to hunt game for food. Curare does not affect those who eat
the animals who were killed by it. A slightly different recipe for curare
is used when the intended target is human, such as that used during
tribal war. Curare has also been adapted for use as a muscle relaxant
during surgery.