This presentation discusses excavation and trenching safety. It outlines the key safety requirements including proper sloping, shoring or benching of trench walls based on soil type and depth. Collapses are the most common accident and can occur rapidly. Proper planning, inspections for cracking or bulging walls, and emergency procedures are essential. Ladders or ramps are required for entry/exit and spoils must be kept back from the trench edge.
2. This presentation was prepared in support of the Department of
Buildings Excavation and Trench Safety Guidelines Flyer. It
illustrates what, in the author’s opinion, are the most important
issues related to excavation and trenching safety.
This presentation, as well as the guidelines flyer, are for
informational purposes only. All such work must comply with
the requirements in the NYC Building Code and the relevant
rules and regulations. You must also comply with all relevant
federal and state laws.
The presentation provides links to these as well as to other
relevant Internet publications.
3. The Department of Buildings
has identified excavation and
trenching as areas where
code compliance needs
improvement. The attached
flyer is being handed out to
remind contractors, workers
and the general public of the
basic safety rules for
excavation and trenching.
DOB FlyerDOB Flyer
4. At about the same time,
OSHA published its own
card intended to remind the
public of the safety rules for
Photo Courtesy OSHA
5. Contractors Shall Comply with both OSHAContractors Shall Comply with both OSHA
Regulations and the NYC Building CodeRegulations and the NYC Building Code
6. Trench Walls will CollapseTrench Walls will Collapse
Typically, trenches are only open for a short period of time
(minutes or hours). The walls of any trench will eventually
collapse; it is merely a matter of time. Short-term apparent
stability is a temptation for a contractor to send workers into a
dangerous trench in hopes of rapid progress and financial gain.
Death or serious injury can result.
Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, fourth
Edition Chapter 93 - Construction
Jack Mickle, Jack L. Mickle & Associates
7. 38%
Cave-in is the most common accident
in Excavation & Trenching
Trenching/Excavation AccidentsTrenching/Excavation Accidents
J. Irizarry et al .
Analysis of
Safety Issues
in Trenching
8. 37 % of all trenching
accidents occur at depths
less than 5 feet
J Irizarry et all . Analysis of Safety Issues in Trenching Operations
AccidentsAccidents vsvs. Trench Depth. Trench Depth
9. Project Value Percent Cumulative
1 Under 50,000 28.51 28.51
2 50,000 - 250,000 18.81 47.38
3 250,000 - 500,000 10.35 57.73
4 500,000 - 1,000,000 8.94 66.67
MostMost FatalitiesFatalities Occur in SmallOccur in Small
Construction ProjectsConstruction Projects
28 %
10. Most Fatalities Occur:Most Fatalities Occur:
•In trenches 5 feet to 14 feet deep
•In collapses that developed extremely
•Additional [secondary] collapses are very
•Co-workers attempting to rescue
someone can also become victims
12. Plan Before You Start ExcavatingPlan Before You Start Excavating
Inspect the site. Collect information.
List the risks.
Mitigate or eliminate potential
Establish minimum rate of
Have written site safety plan,
including emergency procedures
13. Understand Protection RequirementsUnderstand Protection Requirements
Determine project requirements and conditions
Understand basic soil identification
Understand available protection choices
– Benching
– Shoring
– Terms
– Selection
– Installation and Removal
Understand effects of water
14. Refer to §27-1032 of the NYC Building
Code ( and
OSHA’s regulations ( for
details on the proper protection of an
excavation or trench.
15. Soil Identification - GeneralSoil Identification - General
See NYC Building Code Subchapter 11 -
Foundations Article 4.
16. NYC Building Code and SoilNYC Building Code and Soil
Classification Intended for Excavation
Protection and Sheet Piling
– Hard
– Likely to crack or crumble
– Soft sandy filled in loose soil
In most cases the top layer where excavation
takes place is fill. It’s worked and placed by
man and has undetermined properties.
17. OSHA Soil Classification SystemOSHA Soil Classification System
Soil classification system means, for the purpose of this
subpart, a method of categorizing soil and rock deposits in a
hierarchy of Stable Rock, Type A, Type B, and Type C, in
decreasing order of stability. The categories are determined
based on an analysis of the properties and performance
characteristics of the deposits and the environmental
conditions of exposure
•Stable Rock
•Type A Soils
•Type B Soils
•Type C Soils
18. Continued
Visual Determination-Soil ClassVisual Determination-Soil Class
Soil class by OSHA is dependent on the condition
of the soil in the vicinity of the excavation. Check
Cracked ground at top or wall of excavation.
Fill [earth the was added or disturbed]
Excavation soil that is exposed to vibrations
from traffic or construction equipment.
Poor drainage around excavation or water
20. Safety GuidelinesSafety Guidelines
Each side of an excavation or
trench which is 5 feet or deeper
must be protected by
sheeting/bracing shoring or
sloped unless it is cut from
22. Continued
Shoring Systems SelectionShoring Systems Selection
Soil type must be known
Depth and width of the excavation must be known
One must be familiar with the NYC Building Code
30. Do not work in an excavation or trench
filled with running or standing water.
31. •Use of special support or shield systems
approved by a registered professional engineer.
•Water removal equipment, i.e. well pointing,
used and monitored by a competent person.
•Safety harnesses and lifelines used in
conformance with 29 CFR 1926.104.
•Surface water diverted away from the trench.
Employees removed from the trench during
•Trenches carefully inspected by a competent
person after each rain and before employees are
permitted to re-enter the trench.
Accumulating or Standing Water Must Do’sAccumulating or Standing Water Must Do’s
33. Regularly check the walls of an
excavation or trench for cracks,
bulges and spalling. Check the
shoring for signs of distress --
especially after a rain storm.
34. •Area at the top of the trench
•Trench walls
•Excavated area at trench bottom
•Excavation protection system
Daily Inspections Should Include:Daily Inspections Should Include:
35. Site Conditions Can Change RapidlySite Conditions Can Change Rapidly
Weather conditions. Inspect several times each
day in case of :
∗ Heavy rains and flooding
∗ Hot or Cold Temperatures
∗ Heavy Snow or Snow Melting
40. Excavator left for the weekend too
close to the trench edge. The
improperly benched excavation might
41. Underground Installations - OSHAUnderground Installations - OSHA
(b)(1) The estimated location of utility installations, such as
sewer, telephone, fuel, electric, water lines, or any other
underground installations that reasonably may be expected to
be encountered during excavation work, shall be determined
prior to opening an excavation.
(b)(2) Utility companies or owners shall be contacted .. to
locate utility installations.
(b)(3) When excavation operations approach the estimated
location of underground installations, the exact location of the
installations shall be determined by safe and acceptable
(b)(4) While the excavation is open, underground installations
shall be protected, supported or removed as necessary to
safeguard employees.
42. Stability of Adjacent StructuresStability of Adjacent Structures
Excavation below the base of an existing
foundation is not permitted as the
foundation or the excavation wall might
Shoring is required when:
•A controlled inspection is required.
•A licensed engineer needs to specify
procedure and protection.
Lack of such measures is one of the major
causes of recent building distress and
44. Each open side of an excavation or
trench shall have a guardrail or a
solid enclosure.
45. Each excavation or trench shall have a
way out such as a ladder or ramp.
46. Access to and exit from the trench require the :
•Trenches 4 ft or more in depth should be provided
with a fixed means of egress.
•Spacing between ladders or other means of egress
must be such that a worker will not have to travel
more than 25 ft laterally to the nearest means of
•Ladders must be secured and extend a minimum
of 36 in (0.9 m) above the landing.
•Metal ladders should be used with caution,
particularly when electric utilities are present.
Trench Ingress and EgressTrench Ingress and Egress
47. Continued
Special AttentionSpecial Attention
Removal of excavation support systems must be
planned and usually proceed from the bottom up.
Placing as well as removal of shoring or protecting
systems shall be executed without inducing collapse.
Must backfill together or immediately after removal of
support system.
Must follow specifications. All shoring members or any
other protecting system shall be assembled together
as per specs.
Various elements of the support systems must be
securely connected together and shall not be
subjected to loads beyond their capacity such as those
resulting from large vehicles or equipment.
48. •Installation of the support system is closely
coordinated with the excavation of the trench.
•Workers are protected from cave-ins, structural
collapse, or accidentally being hit during installation
and removal of the support system. [1541.1(e)(1)(E)]
• Removal of shoring or other protective systems
starts at the bottom of the excavation. Members are
released slowly so structural failures will be noticed.
•Backfilling progresses with the removal of support
systems from excavations. [1541.1(e)(1)(F)]
Trenches and Excavations Checklist -
Special AttentionSpecial Attention
49. Trench RescueTrench Rescue
Often, one death or severe injury in a trench is
compounded by a poorly thought-out rescue
attempt. The victim and rescuers may become
trapped and overcome by deadly gases, fumes or
lack of oxygen; drowned; or mutilated by machines
or rescue ropes.
With failed rescue attempts, most of the dead are
would-be rescuers. Emergency teams trained in
trench rescue should be contacted immediately in
the event of a cave-in.
Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Fourth Edition
Chapter 93 - Construction
Jack Mickle, Jack L. Mickle & Associates
50. Basic Rules of Trench RescueBasic Rules of Trench Rescue
Immediately get help from units trained in
trained in trench/confined space rescue
Call 911
Do not enter trench
Get people out of the trench
51. •.New York City Building Code$vid=BldgCd2:viewBC
•.CDC -Occupational Fatalities During Trenching and Excavation Work –United States, 1992-2001
•.CIRPC-University of Tennessee, Knoxville –An Analysis Of Fatal Events In The Construction
Industry –2001 prepared for Office of Statistics –OSHA
•. CIRPC-University of Tennessee, Knoxville –An Analysis Of Fatal Events In The Construction
Industry –2000
•.CIRPC-University of Tennessee, Knoxville –An Analysis Of Fatal Events In The Construction
Industry –1999 prepared for Office of statistics –OSHA
•. Charles Culver et all. Analysis of Construction Fatalities - The OSHA Data Base 1985-1989
•.Larry C. Brown et all , Ohio State University Trenching And Excavation Safety Principles
•.J Irizarry et al . Analysis Of Safety Issues In Trenching Operations, Purdue University
•Trenches and Excavations Checklist - Taken from the "Tailgate Meetings that Work : A Guide to
Effective Construction Safety Training" series