This document provides steps for using conditional formatting in Excel to format cells differently based on their values. It describes creating a table with target and sales data and a status column using formulas. It then explains how to change the font of the status column to Wingdings 3 symbols, and how to set up conditional formatting rules to color code cells with different statuses ("p", "tu", or "q") differently. The rules can be single cell rules or multiple rules to format multiple statuses with separate colors.
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Excel Conditional Formatting
1. Excel Conditional Formatting
Use Excel conditional formatting to set rules for cell formatting
based on cell value or another cell.
Wingdings 3 Symbols in Validation List
p >
tu =
q < q
h tu
5. Step1>Createatable:
Name Target Sales Status
A 100 90 q IF(E6>D6,"p",IF(E6=D6,"tu","q"))
B 105 106 p IF(E7>D7,"p",IF(E7=D7,"tu","q"))
C 150 125 q IF(E8>D8,"p",IF(E8=D8,"tu","q"))
D 200 200 tu IF(E9>D9,"p",IF(E9=D9,"tu","q"))
E 180 80 q IF(E10>D10,"p",IF(E10=D10,"tu","q"))
6. Step 2 >
Select status area and change the font.
Home >> Font >>> Wingdings 3
Name Target Sales Status
A 100 90 q
B 105 106 q
C 150 125 q
D 200 200 tu
E 180 80 q
7. Add
e from
Step 3 >
For single Conditional Formatting (Single Status)
For Multiple Conditional Formatting (Multiple Status)
Name Target Sales Status
A 100 90 q
B 105 106 q
C 150 125 q
D 200 200 tu
E 180 80 q
Home>>Conditional Formatting >>> New Rule>>>>> Format only cells
that contain.>>>>Edit the Rule Description>> Cell Value >>Equal to
>> (Value lick (P)) >> Format of color>> (for P)
Home>>Conditional Formatting >> Manage Rules (for multiple
selection)>>> New Rules>>>>
<<< Cell Value >>Equal to >> Value lick (P,TU,Q)>> Format of color>>
(Separate for P,TU,Q)