This document provides information about an upcoming symposium on new technologies, health, and well-being organized by the Association for Research on Psychosocial Stress. The one-day symposium will be held on October 7th, 2016 at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. It will feature plenary lectures, workshops, and a poster session exploring the effects of e-technologies used in work and healthcare on health and well-being. The symposium is aimed at researchers and practitioners interested in these topics. Registration is required before October 1st and costs 90 euros.
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Exciting Symposium New technologies, Health, and Well-being
1. Friday, October 7th 2016, Tilburg University
General Information
Date: Friday, October 7th 2016
Symposium: 09.00 - 17.00 uur (room DZ1, Dante building)
Entrance fee: euro 90,00
Registration: Saskia Diesbergen (
before 1 October 2016
Travel directions:
Dr. Pascale le Blanc Human Performance Management Group,
Eindhoven University of Technology
Dr. Daantje Derks Department of Work and Organizational Psychology,
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dr. Mirela Habibovi Elisabeth-TweeSteden Ziekenhuis /
Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology, Tilburg
New Technologies,
Health and Well-being
A symposium organized by the Association for Research on Psychosocial Stress
New technologies have become an indispensable part of our work and private lives.
Despite of their facilitating role, the use of these technologies may require so much
attention that it becomes a source of distress and negative well-being.
This one-day symposium is aimed at both researchers and practitioners with an
interest in e-applications. The focus will be on the application of e-technologies in
work and health care, and their effects on health and well-being. The conference
program comprises a mixture of plenary lectures, workshops and a poster session,
guaranteeing ample opportunities for exchange of information and discussion
between speakers and participants.
We hope to meet you on October 7th 2016 at Tilburg University in The Netherlands
Information regarding final program will be published soon on the website
Prof. Dr. P. Cuijpers - Department of Clinical Psychology,
Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. K. Korrelboom - PsyQ / Tilburg University, Tilburg,
The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. H. Riper - Department of Clinical Psychology,
Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. C. Axtell - Sheffield University Management School,
Sheffield, England
Dr. P. Peeters - Department of Business Administration,
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
J. Piera Jimenez - Badalona Serveis Assistencials, Badalona, Spain
H. Nijp Msc - University of Applied Sciences Arnhem-
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
C. van der Meer MSc - AMC Psychiatry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands