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An Assessment of the Emotional Assets of Students in the
               Bernards Township School District
                                     Prepared by Kirk Harlow, Dr.P.H.
                                             September 2012

                                         Executive Summary
         The results of a survey of 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students in Bernards Township, NJ School
District conducted in Spring 2012 are presented in this report. The survey was similar to the survey
conducted in Spring 2005. The survey was designed to examine the Developmental Assets of students.
Developmental Assets are factors, that if present, may help prevent or protect against high-risk behavior
such as drug abuse or delinquency.
                                   Survey Design and Distribution
        The design of the 2005 survey was a collaborative effort involving staff of the Bernards
Township Health Department, staff from the Bernards Township School District, and Kirk Harlow,
Dr.P.H. of Midwestern State University/DecisionStat. The 2012 survey incorporated items from that
survey, with the addition of some new items to examine areas not in the original survey.
        Survey items to assess the Developmental Assets and other content areas were developed in two
ways. First, twenty-five of the surveys questions were taken directly from the Search Institute Profiles
of Student Life: Attitudes and Behaviors.1 This instrument was designed by the Search Institute as a tool
to examine Developmental Assets, and the items selected were identified by the design group as
representative of the Developmental Asset areas to be assessed.
        The remaining questions were designed specifically for this survey. These items were designed
to capture information on a number of risk behaviors including alcohol and drug use. The purpose of this
information was to provide an estimate of the prevalence of high-risk behavior. In addition, it was
necessary to assess the association of the strength of Developmental Assets with risk behaviors. Some of
the other information that was collected included demographics, student cheating, bullying, potential
adult confidants, and extra-curricular activities.
         The target population for the survey included all 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in the School
District. Parents were informed of the survey and asked to grant permission to complete the survey.
Surveys were provided to students whose parents granted permission. Teachers distributed the surveys in
their classrooms and the surveys were completed at that time. Students were encouraged to complete all
survey items, but were advised that they could leave a question blank if they did not want to answer it.
All questionnaires were anonymous and sent to DecisionStat for entry and tabulation.
        The response rates by gender and grade are presented in Table 1. There were 1035 completed
surveys, resulting in an overall response rate of 56%. As Table 1 shows, there are some notable
differences in responses rates when looked at by gender and grade. In particular, the response rate was
quite low for 8th graders. There were some difficulties with survey distribution for this grade because the
survey was distributed at the end of the school year.

    Items were used with written permission from the Search Institute, Minneapolis, MN., Copyright 1996.
Table 1. Response Rates by Grade and Gender
                                       Grade         Males   Females         Total
                                        6th          56%      62%            59%
                                        8th           31%      33%           32%
                                       10th           77%      84%           80%
                                       12th           48%      63%           56%
                                       Total          53%      60%           56%

                                       Results and Conclusions
        Overall, most of the students surveyed reported high levels of Developmental Assets. This
suggests that most students had in place factors that contribute to reducing risk behaviors. Three
summary tables designed to provide an overview of the survey results are presented below. These tables
provide the results of selected survey items that represent each of the Developmental Asset categories.
While the summary tables do not include the results of all the survey items, the general results presented
are consistent with those discussed in detail in the report.
        The mean scores for seven of the eight Developmental Asset categories are presented in Table 2.
Because the Developmental Asset category, Constructive Use of Time, was measured in terms of
participation in activities, the results are presented separately in Table 3.
        Table 2 indicates high mean scores across the Developmental Asset categories; results consistent
with the more detailed frequency scores noted in the report. As Table 3 shows, about three-fourths of the
students indicated participation in some athletic or intramural activity, and most students considered the
participation at least worthwhile.

                 Table 2. Summary Mean Scores for Seven Developmental Asset Categories by Grade
                                                           Grade in School
                             6th              8th               10th               12th            Total
   Asset Categories     Mean     Count  Mean      Count    Mean     Count    Mean      Count    Mean   Count
Support summary         4.1      264           3.8   153     3.7       364           3.9   257   3.9   1038

Boundaries summary      3.8      264           3.7   153     3.6       364           3.4   257   3.6   1038
Commitment to
                        4.1      264           4.0   153     4.0       364           4.1   257   4.0   1038
learning summary
Positive identity
                        4.1      264           3.8   153     3.4       364           3.6   257   3.7   1038
Social competency
                        3.7      264           3.8   153     3.7       364           3.7   257   3.7   1038
Positive values
                        4.0      264           3.7   153     3.7       364           3.7   257   3.8   1038
                        3.2      264           2.8   153     3.0       364           3.0   257   3.0   1038
Table 3. Participation in Athletics/Intramural Sports
                               Have you participated in Athletics/Intramural
                                      Yes                         No
            Grade in School   Row N %       Count       Row N %        Count
                  6th           76.9%           90        23.1%           27
                  8th           80.2%           85        19.8%           21
                 10th           80.7%          292        19.3%           70
                 12th           74.9%          191        25.1%           64
                Total           78.3%          658        21.7%          182
                                   If yes, how worthwhile do you think your participation was?
                                Not worthwhile          Somewhat worthwhile         Very worthwhile
            Grade in School   Row N %       Count       Row N %        Count    Row N %       Count
                  6th            3.4%            3        22.7%           20      73.9%          65
                  8th           12.0%           11        32.6%           30      55.4%          51
                 10th            9.5%           28        29.7%           88      60.8%         180
                 12th            7.3%           14        33.0%           63      59.7%         114
                Total            8.4%           56        30.1%          201      61.5%         410

         A number of questions were asked regarding inappropriate behavior including stealing, physical
fighting, skipping class, going to the principals office, alcohol use, and drug use. These questions were a
subset of the of the asset category, Positive Values. The two areas with the highest proportions of student
involvement were use of alcohol and drugs. These results are summarized in Table 4. As the table
shows, the quantity of use of both alcohol and drugs increases with grade level. By 12th grade, nearly one
fourth of the respondents indicated getting drunk more than five times in the past three months. Slightly
less than one fourth of the 12th graders indicated using drugs six times in the past year.

                                  Table 3. Use of Alcohol and Drugs by Grade
                                                               Grade in School
                                      6th              8th         10th               12th        Total
                                Count Column Count Column Count Column N         Count Column Count Column
                                          N%              N%             %                N%          N%
 In the past 3 months, have you drunk beer, wine, or
 hard liquor, not counting religious occasions?
         Never                  160     93.6%     105    82.0% 143    39.5%       50    19.8%     458   50.1%
         1 or 2 times              9     5.3%       15   11.7% 101    27.9%       52    20.6%     177   19.4%
         3 or 4 times              1     0.6%        4    3.1%  52    14.4%       47    18.6%     104   11.4%
         5 or more times           1     0.6%        4    3.1%  66    18.2%      104    41.1%     175   19.1%
 In the past 3 months, how many times have you
 gotten drunk?
         Never                  165     98.8%     116    92.1% 224    62.2%      102    40.0%     607   66.9%
         1 or 2 times              0     0.0%        5    4.0%  68    18.9%       52    20.4%     125   13.8%
         3 or 4 times              0     0.0%        2    1.6%  38    10.6%       40    15.7%      80    8.8%
         5 or more times           2     1.2%        3    2.4%  30      8.3%      61    23.9%      96   10.6%
 In the past year, how often used a drug other than
 alcohol to get high?
         Never                  113     98.3%       96   91.4% 267    74.2%      138    53.9%     614   73.4%
         1 or 2 times              2     1.7%        4    3.8%  29      8.1%      36    14.1%      71    8.5%
         3 or 4 times              0     0.0%        1    1.0%  15      4.2%      15     5.9%      31    3.7%
         5 or 6 times              0     0.0%        1    1.0%   6      1.7%       8     3.1%      15    1.8%
         More than 6 times         0     0.0%        3    2.9%  43    11.9%       59    23.0%     105   12.6%
In general, the findings are quite positive. The findings suggest that the students surveyed have
high levels of Developmental Assets in place. In addition, analysis of the relationship between the
Developmental Asset categories and alcohol and drug use indicates that many of the Developmental
Assets are protective; that is, the presence of an asset is associated with lower involvement in
inappropriate behaviors. Thus, strengthening the Developmental Assets of students should contribute to
the prevention of risk behaviors.
        While the results are positive, one problem area was the use of alcohol and drugs among the 10th
and 12 graders. Nearly one fourth of 12th graders indicated getting drunk five or more times in the past

three months. The results presented in the body of the report suggested that one segment of this group
may be individuals with high participation in activities, especially sports. This suggests that the use of
alcohol may be part of a set of social norms. These results are similar to those from the 2005 survey.
        It should be noted that the Developmental Asset categories are very broad constructs. The
summary tables do not fully reflect some of the variation within the developmental asset categories. In
addition, even though the overall scores are positive, noteworthy proportions of students had low scores
in some categories. Some additional findings of note follow.
            While parental support was high, about one-fourth of all students indicated feeling too
             much pressure from parents to do well.
            About half of the students indicated getting support from teachers, but only 30% of all
             students indicated feeling that teachers cared about them.
            Students indicated feeling that school rules were clear, but not necessarily family rules.
             In addition, it appeared that punishment for breaking family rules was not consistent. An
             inverse relationship between the clarity of family rules and involvement in risk behavior
             such as alcohol or drug use was found.
            Students indicated knowing how to set limits, but they also indicated acting without
             thinking. Thus, even though they were high on the Social Competence category, there is
             the potential for impulsive behavior to override self-regulatory behavior.
            By 10th grade over 25% of the students indicated cheating on a test two or more times in
             the past year. About two-thirds of 10th and 12th graders indicated copying homework two
             or more times in the past year.
                                       Implications of the Results
         The results of the survey indicated that most students possess high levels of the development
assets. In general, there was little change from the results of the 2005 survey. Given the high levels of
Developmental Assets, this is positive since it indicates that those levels have continued. There are,
however, some areas that merit further consideration.
                 There appears to be a fair amount of alcohol use that may be occurring among students
                  participating in athletic programs. This result also was found in the 2005 survey. This
                  suggests that a concerted effort may be needed to address the risk associated with alcohol
                  use among these students.
                 There were very clear positive relationships between the Developmental Assets and lower
                  involvement in risk behaviors. While many students have high scores for the assets,
                  exploring measures that may strengthen the assets for at risk students should be considered.
                 Cheating in school has become a national problem, and the surveys results indicate the
                  problem also is present in these students. It may be useful to explore approaches for
                  reducing cheating.
   There was an identified relationship between thrill seeking and impulse control, and high-
    risk behavior. While students indicated being able to say no, they also indicated that
    impulses could reduce resistance. Developing programs that focus not only on resistance,
    but impulse control, may be worthwhile. In addition, targeting high-risk students such as
    those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may be of value.
   The results of the survey, in an appropriate format, should be made available not only to
    adults in the community, but also the students. Giving back the results is empowering, and
    an opportunity to open discussion about the issues examined in the survey. The results may
    also be applicable in a number of classes as illustrations of concepts. Sharing the results
    can be a useful approach for strengthening student and community engagement in the

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Executive summary an assessment of developmental assets bernard 2012 (2)

  • 1. An Assessment of the Emotional Assets of Students in the Bernards Township School District Prepared by Kirk Harlow, Dr.P.H. September 2012 Executive Summary The results of a survey of 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students in Bernards Township, NJ School District conducted in Spring 2012 are presented in this report. The survey was similar to the survey conducted in Spring 2005. The survey was designed to examine the Developmental Assets of students. Developmental Assets are factors, that if present, may help prevent or protect against high-risk behavior such as drug abuse or delinquency. Survey Design and Distribution The design of the 2005 survey was a collaborative effort involving staff of the Bernards Township Health Department, staff from the Bernards Township School District, and Kirk Harlow, Dr.P.H. of Midwestern State University/DecisionStat. The 2012 survey incorporated items from that survey, with the addition of some new items to examine areas not in the original survey. Survey items to assess the Developmental Assets and other content areas were developed in two ways. First, twenty-five of the surveys questions were taken directly from the Search Institute Profiles of Student Life: Attitudes and Behaviors.1 This instrument was designed by the Search Institute as a tool to examine Developmental Assets, and the items selected were identified by the design group as representative of the Developmental Asset areas to be assessed. The remaining questions were designed specifically for this survey. These items were designed to capture information on a number of risk behaviors including alcohol and drug use. The purpose of this information was to provide an estimate of the prevalence of high-risk behavior. In addition, it was necessary to assess the association of the strength of Developmental Assets with risk behaviors. Some of the other information that was collected included demographics, student cheating, bullying, potential adult confidants, and extra-curricular activities. The target population for the survey included all 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in the School District. Parents were informed of the survey and asked to grant permission to complete the survey. Surveys were provided to students whose parents granted permission. Teachers distributed the surveys in their classrooms and the surveys were completed at that time. Students were encouraged to complete all survey items, but were advised that they could leave a question blank if they did not want to answer it. All questionnaires were anonymous and sent to DecisionStat for entry and tabulation. The response rates by gender and grade are presented in Table 1. There were 1035 completed surveys, resulting in an overall response rate of 56%. As Table 1 shows, there are some notable differences in responses rates when looked at by gender and grade. In particular, the response rate was quite low for 8th graders. There were some difficulties with survey distribution for this grade because the survey was distributed at the end of the school year. 1 Items were used with written permission from the Search Institute, Minneapolis, MN., Copyright 1996.
  • 2. Table 1. Response Rates by Grade and Gender Grade Males Females Total 6th 56% 62% 59% 8th 31% 33% 32% 10th 77% 84% 80% 12th 48% 63% 56% Total 53% 60% 56% Results and Conclusions Overall, most of the students surveyed reported high levels of Developmental Assets. This suggests that most students had in place factors that contribute to reducing risk behaviors. Three summary tables designed to provide an overview of the survey results are presented below. These tables provide the results of selected survey items that represent each of the Developmental Asset categories. While the summary tables do not include the results of all the survey items, the general results presented are consistent with those discussed in detail in the report. The mean scores for seven of the eight Developmental Asset categories are presented in Table 2. Because the Developmental Asset category, Constructive Use of Time, was measured in terms of participation in activities, the results are presented separately in Table 3. Table 2 indicates high mean scores across the Developmental Asset categories; results consistent with the more detailed frequency scores noted in the report. As Table 3 shows, about three-fourths of the students indicated participation in some athletic or intramural activity, and most students considered the participation at least worthwhile. Table 2. Summary Mean Scores for Seven Developmental Asset Categories by Grade Grade in School 6th 8th 10th 12th Total Asset Categories Mean Count Mean Count Mean Count Mean Count Mean Count Support summary 4.1 264 3.8 153 3.7 364 3.9 257 3.9 1038 Boundaries summary 3.8 264 3.7 153 3.6 364 3.4 257 3.6 1038 Commitment to 4.1 264 4.0 153 4.0 364 4.1 257 4.0 1038 learning summary Positive identity 4.1 264 3.8 153 3.4 364 3.6 257 3.7 1038 summary Social competency 3.7 264 3.8 153 3.7 364 3.7 257 3.7 1038 summary Positive values 4.0 264 3.7 153 3.7 364 3.7 257 3.8 1038 summary Empowerment 3.2 264 2.8 153 3.0 364 3.0 257 3.0 1038 summary
  • 3. Table 3. Participation in Athletics/Intramural Sports Have you participated in Athletics/Intramural sports? Yes No Grade in School Row N % Count Row N % Count 6th 76.9% 90 23.1% 27 8th 80.2% 85 19.8% 21 10th 80.7% 292 19.3% 70 12th 74.9% 191 25.1% 64 Total 78.3% 658 21.7% 182 If yes, how worthwhile do you think your participation was? Not worthwhile Somewhat worthwhile Very worthwhile Grade in School Row N % Count Row N % Count Row N % Count 6th 3.4% 3 22.7% 20 73.9% 65 8th 12.0% 11 32.6% 30 55.4% 51 10th 9.5% 28 29.7% 88 60.8% 180 12th 7.3% 14 33.0% 63 59.7% 114 Total 8.4% 56 30.1% 201 61.5% 410 A number of questions were asked regarding inappropriate behavior including stealing, physical fighting, skipping class, going to the principals office, alcohol use, and drug use. These questions were a subset of the of the asset category, Positive Values. The two areas with the highest proportions of student involvement were use of alcohol and drugs. These results are summarized in Table 4. As the table shows, the quantity of use of both alcohol and drugs increases with grade level. By 12th grade, nearly one fourth of the respondents indicated getting drunk more than five times in the past three months. Slightly less than one fourth of the 12th graders indicated using drugs six times in the past year. Table 3. Use of Alcohol and Drugs by Grade Grade in School 6th 8th 10th 12th Total Count Column Count Column Count Column N Count Column Count Column N% N% % N% N% In the past 3 months, have you drunk beer, wine, or hard liquor, not counting religious occasions? Never 160 93.6% 105 82.0% 143 39.5% 50 19.8% 458 50.1% 1 or 2 times 9 5.3% 15 11.7% 101 27.9% 52 20.6% 177 19.4% 3 or 4 times 1 0.6% 4 3.1% 52 14.4% 47 18.6% 104 11.4% 5 or more times 1 0.6% 4 3.1% 66 18.2% 104 41.1% 175 19.1% In the past 3 months, how many times have you gotten drunk? Never 165 98.8% 116 92.1% 224 62.2% 102 40.0% 607 66.9% 1 or 2 times 0 0.0% 5 4.0% 68 18.9% 52 20.4% 125 13.8% 3 or 4 times 0 0.0% 2 1.6% 38 10.6% 40 15.7% 80 8.8% 5 or more times 2 1.2% 3 2.4% 30 8.3% 61 23.9% 96 10.6% In the past year, how often used a drug other than alcohol to get high? Never 113 98.3% 96 91.4% 267 74.2% 138 53.9% 614 73.4% 1 or 2 times 2 1.7% 4 3.8% 29 8.1% 36 14.1% 71 8.5% 3 or 4 times 0 0.0% 1 1.0% 15 4.2% 15 5.9% 31 3.7% 5 or 6 times 0 0.0% 1 1.0% 6 1.7% 8 3.1% 15 1.8% More than 6 times 0 0.0% 3 2.9% 43 11.9% 59 23.0% 105 12.6%
  • 4. In general, the findings are quite positive. The findings suggest that the students surveyed have high levels of Developmental Assets in place. In addition, analysis of the relationship between the Developmental Asset categories and alcohol and drug use indicates that many of the Developmental Assets are protective; that is, the presence of an asset is associated with lower involvement in inappropriate behaviors. Thus, strengthening the Developmental Assets of students should contribute to the prevention of risk behaviors. While the results are positive, one problem area was the use of alcohol and drugs among the 10th and 12 graders. Nearly one fourth of 12th graders indicated getting drunk five or more times in the past th three months. The results presented in the body of the report suggested that one segment of this group may be individuals with high participation in activities, especially sports. This suggests that the use of alcohol may be part of a set of social norms. These results are similar to those from the 2005 survey. It should be noted that the Developmental Asset categories are very broad constructs. The summary tables do not fully reflect some of the variation within the developmental asset categories. In addition, even though the overall scores are positive, noteworthy proportions of students had low scores in some categories. Some additional findings of note follow. While parental support was high, about one-fourth of all students indicated feeling too much pressure from parents to do well. About half of the students indicated getting support from teachers, but only 30% of all students indicated feeling that teachers cared about them. Students indicated feeling that school rules were clear, but not necessarily family rules. In addition, it appeared that punishment for breaking family rules was not consistent. An inverse relationship between the clarity of family rules and involvement in risk behavior such as alcohol or drug use was found. Students indicated knowing how to set limits, but they also indicated acting without thinking. Thus, even though they were high on the Social Competence category, there is the potential for impulsive behavior to override self-regulatory behavior. By 10th grade over 25% of the students indicated cheating on a test two or more times in the past year. About two-thirds of 10th and 12th graders indicated copying homework two or more times in the past year. Implications of the Results The results of the survey indicated that most students possess high levels of the development assets. In general, there was little change from the results of the 2005 survey. Given the high levels of Developmental Assets, this is positive since it indicates that those levels have continued. There are, however, some areas that merit further consideration. There appears to be a fair amount of alcohol use that may be occurring among students participating in athletic programs. This result also was found in the 2005 survey. This suggests that a concerted effort may be needed to address the risk associated with alcohol use among these students. There were very clear positive relationships between the Developmental Assets and lower involvement in risk behaviors. While many students have high scores for the assets, exploring measures that may strengthen the assets for at risk students should be considered. Cheating in school has become a national problem, and the surveys results indicate the problem also is present in these students. It may be useful to explore approaches for reducing cheating.
  • 5. There was an identified relationship between thrill seeking and impulse control, and high- risk behavior. While students indicated being able to say no, they also indicated that impulses could reduce resistance. Developing programs that focus not only on resistance, but impulse control, may be worthwhile. In addition, targeting high-risk students such as those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may be of value. The results of the survey, in an appropriate format, should be made available not only to adults in the community, but also the students. Giving back the results is empowering, and an opportunity to open discussion about the issues examined in the survey. The results may also be applicable in a number of classes as illustrations of concepts. Sharing the results can be a useful approach for strengthening student and community engagement in the school.