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Global Organic Supply Chains

             New business models for the 21st century created by
                                 Organic Revolution Worldwide

Organic imports have            Who represents the consumer? Who within the supply chain
increased as U.S. demand for     represents the best interests of the consumer?
organic products has
exceeded domestic supply.              The grower who is removed geographically from the
US Department of Agriculture-           end-user?
accredited groups certified            The freight company trying to preserve its margins?
27,000 producers and                   The food processing facility that has to manufacture on
handlers worldwide to the U.S.          a mass scale to justify its investments?
organic standard in 2007, with         The wholesaler who relies on supermarkets to shift
approximately 16,000 in the             enough volume?
United States and 11,000 in            Or maybe the retailer who has to turn over its inventory
over 100 foreign countries.            within a reasonable period of time to keep consumers
                                       interested  who has to keep the freshest fruits and
                                        vegetables and beat its competition on price?
AgricultureJune2009           Our role is to interact with the whole supply chain, offer the
                                 consumer nutritional organic choices, educate growers and
                                 food processors, but above all maintain integrity of the first
                                 universal organic brand.
Although scientific evidence still does
                                           not guarantee that organics are
                                                 better for your health than
                                      conventional food, many consumers
                                        have already made up their minds:
                                                     No Pesticides Wanted!

                                     The farming industry worldwide recognizes
             The world of
                                     to some extent the need to differentiate
            organic food
              permits the            their products by improving quality,
     consumer to return              vertically integrating with their supply chain
       to the days when
                                     or certifying their produce as organic.
     all food was grown
         without artificial          Under pressure from consumers who are
                fertilizers          beginning to understand the direct
                                     correlation between their personal food
    The United States is the         consumption and their health coupled
    largest consumer market
    for organic food at almost       with the dramatic rise of working women in
    $50 billion. It is three times   Western countries, we anticipate an
    the size of the next largest
    market Germany and five          ongoing shift in consumption towards
    times the size of the
    number three United              organic products leading to a battle for
                                     market share centered on a War of
                                     Labels offered by different food suppliers.

2                                                 息 Organic Revolution Worldwide LLC January 2010
Food of the Gods

    Organic Revolution Worldwide perceives a generational
    opportunity to capture slices of the supply chain for organic               Over the past 70
    products worldwide by working directly with co-operatives of                years, game
    growers as well as their distribution chain, offering an opportunity
                                                                                changers in the
    to enhance their crop portfolio through organic and bio-dynamic
    farming methods, positioning them competitively in the                      food industry have
    marketplace and guiding them through the morass of regulatory,              been
    logistical and marketing issues that they face in order to match
                                                                                preservatives to
    buyer expectations.
                                                                                enhance shelf life,
    The singe biggest limitation to the trend towards organics is price
    as there is still clearly an arbitrage between conventionally
                                                                                nutrition content,
    produced foods and their organic counterparts. The value chain              packaging and
    structure offers ample opportunities for improvement especially             regulatory labeling
    from the consumers point of view. We believe that we can
    shape the structure of that value chain by focusing on the
    customer and translating our assessment back upstream to                     Australia has 37% of
    growers and food processors.                                                 all land certified to
    Our business model is to collapse the supply chain down to its key
                                                                                 organic standards,
    elements, educate the grower on what the consumer is seeking                 four times that of
    and pool together similar growers with similar classes of product.           Argentina in second
    Growers receive the benefits of scale and maximize their profits.            place and six times
    At the other end of the chain, we identify products of interest to
                                                                                 that of Brazil
    consumers, reach out to the sources of the ingredients and
    convert them into a finished product with an enhanced nutrition

3                                                                   息 Organic Revolution Worldwide LLC January 2010

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Executive Summary Jan2010

  • 1. Global Organic Supply Chains New business models for the 21st century created by Organic Revolution Worldwide Organic imports have Who represents the consumer? Who within the supply chain increased as U.S. demand for represents the best interests of the consumer? organic products has exceeded domestic supply. The grower who is removed geographically from the US Department of Agriculture- end-user? accredited groups certified The freight company trying to preserve its margins? 27,000 producers and The food processing facility that has to manufacture on handlers worldwide to the U.S. a mass scale to justify its investments? organic standard in 2007, with The wholesaler who relies on supermarkets to shift approximately 16,000 in the enough volume? United States and 11,000 in Or maybe the retailer who has to turn over its inventory over 100 foreign countries. within a reasonable period of time to keep consumers interested who has to keep the freshest fruits and vegetables and beat its competition on price? Source:USDepartmentof AgricultureJune2009 Our role is to interact with the whole supply chain, offer the consumer nutritional organic choices, educate growers and food processors, but above all maintain integrity of the first universal organic brand.
  • 2. Although scientific evidence still does not guarantee that organics are better for your health than conventional food, many consumers have already made up their minds: No Pesticides Wanted! The farming industry worldwide recognizes The world of to some extent the need to differentiate organic food permits the their products by improving quality, consumer to return vertically integrating with their supply chain to the days when or certifying their produce as organic. all food was grown without artificial Under pressure from consumers who are fertilizers beginning to understand the direct correlation between their personal food The United States is the consumption and their health coupled largest consumer market for organic food at almost with the dramatic rise of working women in $50 billion. It is three times Western countries, we anticipate an the size of the next largest market Germany and five ongoing shift in consumption towards times the size of the number three United organic products leading to a battle for Kingdom market share centered on a War of Labels offered by different food suppliers. 2 息 Organic Revolution Worldwide LLC January 2010
  • 3. Food of the Gods Organic Revolution Worldwide perceives a generational opportunity to capture slices of the supply chain for organic Over the past 70 products worldwide by working directly with co-operatives of years, game growers as well as their distribution chain, offering an opportunity changers in the to enhance their crop portfolio through organic and bio-dynamic farming methods, positioning them competitively in the food industry have marketplace and guiding them through the morass of regulatory, been logistical and marketing issues that they face in order to match preservatives to buyer expectations. enhance shelf life, The singe biggest limitation to the trend towards organics is price as there is still clearly an arbitrage between conventionally nutrition content, produced foods and their organic counterparts. The value chain packaging and structure offers ample opportunities for improvement especially regulatory labeling from the consumers point of view. We believe that we can shape the structure of that value chain by focusing on the customer and translating our assessment back upstream to Australia has 37% of growers and food processors. all land certified to Our business model is to collapse the supply chain down to its key organic standards, elements, educate the grower on what the consumer is seeking four times that of and pool together similar growers with similar classes of product. Argentina in second Growers receive the benefits of scale and maximize their profits. place and six times At the other end of the chain, we identify products of interest to that of Brazil consumers, reach out to the sources of the ingredients and convert them into a finished product with an enhanced nutrition profile. 3 息 Organic Revolution Worldwide LLC January 2010