The letter expresses love and commitment to Nicole, stating that friends come and go but true friends stay by your side for life. While some friends watch your back or play with your heart, the best friends are the ones who remain loyal through everything. The author declares their love for Nicole.
Computer Games in Education - Unlocking LearningOllie Bray
This document discusses the potential benefits of using computer games in education. It argues that games can promote learning through play, challenge, progression and reward in a personalized and competitive environment. The document also suggests that games can serve as "contextual hubs" to engage both students and teachers across different subject areas. Several case studies show improvements in math test scores and student motivation when using educational games. The document concludes by discussing how games can be designed and incorporated into teaching to foster literacy, problem solving and exploration of complex tasks while maintaining appropriate boundaries.
Cody Kidd is an accomplished quarterback and wide receiver who earned a scholarship to the University of Windsor. He graduated high school with an 89% average and plans to major in kinesiology, having also volunteered as a football coach. Cody made the greatest catch ever and was named MVP at the Canada Cup.
The document discusses developing a new geography curriculum for Key Stage 3. It suggests asking students what they like and want to learn about geography. The curriculum should be structured around relevant modern media and topics. Assessment methods should include local interpretations, fieldwork, and graphicacy. Teachers are encouraged to incorporate cross-curricular links and real-world current events into lessons. Groups of students and teachers are asked to compromise on choosing curriculum units, assessment methods, and steps to implement the new curriculum.
The document discusses connecting local education partners like teachers, students, families, and the community at Musselburgh Grammar School. It emphasizes the importance of understanding how children use the internet differently than adults and educating families on internet safety. New technologies are converging on mobile devices, so safety messages must be updated accordingly.
The document discusses how people often convince themselves that they will be happier once they achieve certain life goals such as getting married, having children, buying a house, retiring, etc. However, it notes that there is no better time to be happy than the present. It encourages people to enjoy every moment instead of always waiting for some future time or event to find happiness. It also discusses how the people who truly matter in our lives are not those who are most famous or successful, but those who care for us and support us, like family and friends. The document concludes by relating a story about nine disabled athletes who stopped racing to comfort a fellow athlete who had fallen, demonstrating the importance of helping others.
The document provides links to websites about using maps, mashups, and games in education. It includes the name and school of the author and links to blogs about using Google Earth, juicy geography, and Earth applications in the classroom to engage students and have them record game scores.
Elements are composed of a single type of atom that cannot be broken down further, either physically or chemically. Compounds consist of two or more different elements bound together chemically in fixed ratios that can be decomposed into simpler substances. Mixtures are physical combinations of elements and/or compounds that retain properties of the components and can be separated by physical means alone.
The document discusses applying ecological principles from natural science to social science, specifically in the contexts of adult education services and online professional networks. It introduces the communicative ecology approach and network approach as methods for analyzing these systems as ecosystems. The goals are to understand how knowledge is accumulated, transformed, and flows through the systems by mapping the networks of actors, ties, and communicative actions between actors. Case studies will examine how vulnerability characteristics may restrict access to adult education opportunities, and analyze content sharing and turn-taking in online professional network threads. Workshop activities will involve collecting and mapping data on these systems using communicative ecology and network analysis tools and frameworks.
El poema habla nostálgicamente sobre los días felices en que el hablante y su amado eran amigos. Ahora la vida es menos bella y el sol no brilla tanto. Las hojas muertas y los recuerdos se llevan con el viento frío del olvido. A pesar del tiempo, el hablante no ha olvidado la canción de amor que compartían, ni el amor que se tenían el uno al otro. Pero la vida inevitablemente separa a los que se aman en silencio, y el mar borra sus huellas en la arena.
My presentation in MST -11 International WorkshopArpit Gupta
1. The document presents a method for adaptive clutter rejection in atmospheric radars using direction of arrival (DOA) tracking with unscented filters. DOA estimation is performed using differential MUSIC and then updated over time using an unscented Kalman filter.
2. A simulation was conducted with four signal sources, one stationary and two moving, received by a radar array. DOA measurements from the unscented filter and MUSIC algorithm were used to reject clutter based on a constrained minimum power criterion.
3. The results demonstrate that the proposed method provides effective sidelobe cancellation for atmospheric radars through high resolution DOA estimation and state estimation of moving objects over time.
The document discusses the digital education revolution in Australia and how it aims to meaningfully integrate technology into teaching and learning. It highlights how technologies like blogs, wikis, and virtual worlds can support collaborative and reflective learning. It also introduces edublogs as a free platform for teachers to create networked portfolios and communicate with other educators.
This automatic presentation discusses rain and includes photos from the internet and music by F. Chopin - Nocturno in C-Sharp Minor 063. The presentation provides visual and auditory elements related to rain without further details.
The document discusses gas exchange in the lungs. It explains that oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the bloodstream while carbon dioxide diffuses from the bloodstream into the alveoli. It also describes how the movement of the diaphragm causes inhalation and exhalation by changing the pressure and volume inside the chest cavity. Specifically, when the diaphragm moves down the chest cavity expands and pressure decreases, drawing air in, and when it moves up the chest cavity contracts and pressure increases, pushing air out.
The document discusses rates of decomposition and composting. It explains that decomposition rates can be reduced by removing warmth, moisture or oxygen from the environment. The document also discusses the composting process, noting that compost heaps break down plant materials through decomposition, releasing nutrients into a form plants can absorb. Composting requires oxygen, warmth, and a mixture of wet and dry materials.
Computer Games in Education - Unlocking LearningOllie Bray
This document discusses the potential benefits of using computer games in education. It argues that games can promote learning through play, challenge, progression and reward in a personalized and competitive environment. The document also suggests that games can serve as "contextual hubs" to engage both students and teachers across different subject areas. Several case studies show improvements in math test scores and student motivation when using educational games. The document concludes by discussing how games can be designed and incorporated into teaching to foster literacy, problem solving and exploration of complex tasks while maintaining appropriate boundaries.
Cody Kidd is an accomplished quarterback and wide receiver who earned a scholarship to the University of Windsor. He graduated high school with an 89% average and plans to major in kinesiology, having also volunteered as a football coach. Cody made the greatest catch ever and was named MVP at the Canada Cup.
The document discusses developing a new geography curriculum for Key Stage 3. It suggests asking students what they like and want to learn about geography. The curriculum should be structured around relevant modern media and topics. Assessment methods should include local interpretations, fieldwork, and graphicacy. Teachers are encouraged to incorporate cross-curricular links and real-world current events into lessons. Groups of students and teachers are asked to compromise on choosing curriculum units, assessment methods, and steps to implement the new curriculum.
The document discusses connecting local education partners like teachers, students, families, and the community at Musselburgh Grammar School. It emphasizes the importance of understanding how children use the internet differently than adults and educating families on internet safety. New technologies are converging on mobile devices, so safety messages must be updated accordingly.
The document discusses how people often convince themselves that they will be happier once they achieve certain life goals such as getting married, having children, buying a house, retiring, etc. However, it notes that there is no better time to be happy than the present. It encourages people to enjoy every moment instead of always waiting for some future time or event to find happiness. It also discusses how the people who truly matter in our lives are not those who are most famous or successful, but those who care for us and support us, like family and friends. The document concludes by relating a story about nine disabled athletes who stopped racing to comfort a fellow athlete who had fallen, demonstrating the importance of helping others.
The document provides links to websites about using maps, mashups, and games in education. It includes the name and school of the author and links to blogs about using Google Earth, juicy geography, and Earth applications in the classroom to engage students and have them record game scores.
Elements are composed of a single type of atom that cannot be broken down further, either physically or chemically. Compounds consist of two or more different elements bound together chemically in fixed ratios that can be decomposed into simpler substances. Mixtures are physical combinations of elements and/or compounds that retain properties of the components and can be separated by physical means alone.
The document discusses applying ecological principles from natural science to social science, specifically in the contexts of adult education services and online professional networks. It introduces the communicative ecology approach and network approach as methods for analyzing these systems as ecosystems. The goals are to understand how knowledge is accumulated, transformed, and flows through the systems by mapping the networks of actors, ties, and communicative actions between actors. Case studies will examine how vulnerability characteristics may restrict access to adult education opportunities, and analyze content sharing and turn-taking in online professional network threads. Workshop activities will involve collecting and mapping data on these systems using communicative ecology and network analysis tools and frameworks.
El poema habla nostálgicamente sobre los días felices en que el hablante y su amado eran amigos. Ahora la vida es menos bella y el sol no brilla tanto. Las hojas muertas y los recuerdos se llevan con el viento frío del olvido. A pesar del tiempo, el hablante no ha olvidado la canción de amor que compartían, ni el amor que se tenían el uno al otro. Pero la vida inevitablemente separa a los que se aman en silencio, y el mar borra sus huellas en la arena.
My presentation in MST -11 International WorkshopArpit Gupta
1. The document presents a method for adaptive clutter rejection in atmospheric radars using direction of arrival (DOA) tracking with unscented filters. DOA estimation is performed using differential MUSIC and then updated over time using an unscented Kalman filter.
2. A simulation was conducted with four signal sources, one stationary and two moving, received by a radar array. DOA measurements from the unscented filter and MUSIC algorithm were used to reject clutter based on a constrained minimum power criterion.
3. The results demonstrate that the proposed method provides effective sidelobe cancellation for atmospheric radars through high resolution DOA estimation and state estimation of moving objects over time.
The document discusses the digital education revolution in Australia and how it aims to meaningfully integrate technology into teaching and learning. It highlights how technologies like blogs, wikis, and virtual worlds can support collaborative and reflective learning. It also introduces edublogs as a free platform for teachers to create networked portfolios and communicate with other educators.
This automatic presentation discusses rain and includes photos from the internet and music by F. Chopin - Nocturno in C-Sharp Minor 063. The presentation provides visual and auditory elements related to rain without further details.
The document discusses gas exchange in the lungs. It explains that oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the bloodstream while carbon dioxide diffuses from the bloodstream into the alveoli. It also describes how the movement of the diaphragm causes inhalation and exhalation by changing the pressure and volume inside the chest cavity. Specifically, when the diaphragm moves down the chest cavity expands and pressure decreases, drawing air in, and when it moves up the chest cavity contracts and pressure increases, pushing air out.
The document discusses rates of decomposition and composting. It explains that decomposition rates can be reduced by removing warmth, moisture or oxygen from the environment. The document also discusses the composting process, noting that compost heaps break down plant materials through decomposition, releasing nutrients into a form plants can absorb. Composting requires oxygen, warmth, and a mixture of wet and dry materials.
This document outlines the proper procedures for investigating a crime scene, including:
1) Initially assessing any hazards, determining if a crime occurred, and identifying victims and witnesses.
2) Securing the scene to prevent contamination by restricting access and using a single entrance.
3) Recording the scene through sketches, notes, photographs and video to preserve evidence.
4) Systematically searching and collecting evidence while wearing protective equipment.
The document provides information about breathing and respiration. It discusses the structure of the lungs including the trachea, bronchi, alveoli and diaphragm. It explains how breathing works through inhaling and exhaling, and how gas exchange occurs in the alveoli. Breathing and respiration are processes that involve changing lung size to move air in and out, releasing energy through cellular processes using oxygen and glucose.
1. The use of fertilizers and pesticides in farming and antibiotics for animals has increased food production but also has disadvantages like environmental damage and antibiotic resistance.
2. Microorganisms can be used to make foods like yogurt, cheese, bread, and alcohol by fermenting sugars and starches. Mycoprotein is a meat substitute made from fungi.
3. Various methods are used to prevent food spoilage by microbes including refrigeration, drying, pickling, freezing, pasteurization, irradiation, vacuum sealing, and canning.
Drug development requires clinical trials to test new drugs for safety and effectiveness in treating diseases like bacterial infections. Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics through mutations occurring during reproduction, necessitating continuous development of new drugs. Later phase clinical trials increase participant numbers to further assess safety and efficacy in diverse populations before public use. Thorough testing helps prevent tragedies like thalidomide and Northwick Park hospital trials, where insufficient safety testing harmed volunteers. Placebo-controlled, double-blind trials and sourcing drugs from natural substances like plants aim to develop safe and effective new treatments through ethical clinical research.
The document discusses weight, terminal velocity, and how drag affects an object's acceleration through a fluid. It defines weight as an object's mass multiplied by the local gravitational acceleration. Terminal velocity is reached when the downward force of gravity equals the upward force of drag, resulting in a constant velocity. The document explains that as an object's speed increases through a fluid, drag forces also increase, until terminal velocity is reached and acceleration stops.
Organisms are classified into groups using a binomial system with a genus and species name in Latin for consistency. This document discusses how the binomial system of classification works, with the genus name first and capitalized and the species name following, to categorize organisms into the five kingdoms of animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and protists. It prompts finding the Latin names of common organisms like cats and dogs on Wikipedia to illustrate patterns between closely related species names.
The document discusses how the body protects itself from microbial attacks. It explains that the body uses mucus, cilia, stomach acid, skin, tears, and white blood cells to prevent microbes from entering or destroy them if they do enter. White blood cells engulf bacteria while antibodies are specially designed proteins that attack specific microbes by fitting to their surface. The immune system makes different antibodies to neutralize different microbes.
The document welcomes students to the science department and provides an overview of the AS and A2 course structures for biology, chemistry, and physics. It notes that the courses follow OCR syllabi and that AS courses are 80% theory and 20% practical work, while A2 courses are 40% theory and 10% practical. It also shares that last year's pass rates for A2 were 100% for biology and chemistry, and 75% for physics, with all passes being grade C or higher. Destination information shows students went on to study medicine, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and biomedical sciences.
The document summarizes the control of the heartbeat. The sinoatrial node (SAN) located in the right atrium acts as the pacemaker and initiates electrical signals that cause the atria to contract. The atrioventricular node (AVN) located between the atria and ventricles briefly delays the signal to allow the atria to empty before ventricular contraction. The purkinje fibers then transmit the signal to the ventricle walls to cause synchronized contraction from bottom to top, pumping blood out of the heart.
Microbes such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi can cause disease in humans. Important scientists like Ignaz Semmelweiss, Louis Pasteur, and Joseph Lister helped discover that microbes were the cause of diseases and developed practices like hand washing and sterilization to prevent their spread. The human body also has natural defenses against microbes like skin, mucus, stomach acid, white blood cells, and the ability to develop antibodies from vaccines or previous exposures that provide protection.
The document discusses energy transfer in chemical reactions. It explains that exothermic reactions release energy, often as heat, while endothermic reactions absorb energy from their surroundings. It also describes how reactions involve breaking bonds between atoms in reactants and forming new bonds between atoms in products. Breaking bonds requires energy and making bonds releases energy, so exothermic reactions release more energy in bond formation than is needed for bond breaking, while endothermic reactions require more energy for bond breaking than is released in bond formation.
The document provides guidelines for students completing a science coursework assignment on a topic related to science in the news. Students must research the topic in lesson time using supplied resources and are allowed to bring notes to the supervised writing session but not completed work. They have one hour to write a 800-word report answering the given question and must cite all sources used. Reports will be assessed on skills like selecting evidence, data analysis, and relating findings to social issues.
This document discusses chromatography and poses questions about separating mixtures of colors. It asks what solvent and solute were used, what other solvents and solutes could be tested, how to fairly compare different inks and ensure an experiment is repeatable, and how the experiment could be improved. It also asks what would happen if waterproof ink was used and why some dye travels further than others.
The document is a heat transfer quiz containing 10 multiple choice questions about different heat transfer processes including conduction, convection, radiation, and properties of good conductors and radiators. Key terms covered include how radiation travels as waves, how silvering in a flask prevents heat loss by radiation, how black objects are good radiators while shiny objects are good reflectors, and examples of processes using different heat transfer methods like convection and conduction.
Physical evidence includes marks and impressions like footprints and tool marks, as well as trace evidence like fibers, glass, and paint. Analysis of these can provide clues about what happened during a crime. Footprints and toolmarks can be lifted like fingerprints for analysis. Fibers come in different types and shapes that can be identified. Different types of glass can be identified by their color, density, and refractive index. Blood spatter patterns depend on factors like size, direction, and force, and can reveal details about what took place. Chemical evidence includes substances like paint, drugs, and ink that can be analyzed to gain information about a crime. Chromatography and other techniques are used to identify chemicals and substances. Paint analysis examines color
DNA is useful for forensics as it can place a person at a crime scene through DNA evidence found in blood, hair, or semen, which is stronger than fingerprints. DNA is unique to each person and is made up of sugars, phosphates, and four chemical bases that provide the genetic code.
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The Monitoring presents the analysis of Ukraine's exports and imports, key trends, and business impediments. In December 2024, exports increased by only 2% yoy, while in January 2025, they fell by 8% yoy due to declining agricultural stocks. The physical volumes of wheat, corn, and sunflower oil exports continue to decline, although export prices remain relatively high.
The Monitoring also includes an analysis of key impediments for exporters, such as labor shortages, rising raw material costs, and the impact of the energy situation. Special attention is given to the Comprehensive Economic Partnership between Ukraine and the UAE, which grants duty-free access for 96.6% of Ukrainian goods.
More details are available on the website.
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Adoption of SAP Ariba by Large Corporations.docxJacek Pakula
Case study to analyze why SAP Ariba did modernize large corporation procurement process – turning a traditionally back-office function into a driver of strategic value.