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brassringmagazine.com 34
Brass Ring magazine brings success and luxury together.
Its content exhibits cosmopolitan 鍖air while featuring
entertainment, international glamour, business information
and success stories, lending inspiration for those who
desire to grab the brass ring and reward themselves with
lifes highest prizes. Would you share with our readers what
inspired you to pursue your career, what setbacks or
obstacles you have encountered and what motivates
you to push forward in pursuing your goals?
I was born and raised in Russia when the communist party
was at its height. It was a time when propaganda told us
what to think and how to feel, when people who wore the
same dark Soviet clothes thought that bright colors were
vulgar and when Jazz was only considered to be a myth.
The country was sunk into the pool of de鍖cit where food
and clothes were scarce. I still remember how one day
the shipment of Adidas shoes came to one of the Russian
shops. The people circled around the shop in a several
kilometer line that looked like a snake. For us it was a
way to get closer to something so unique and previously
outlawed, American style of life. I waited to have a chance
to walk into the store for 7 hours, and when my turn came,
the shoes were out of stock. De鍖cit was felt everywhere,
from shoe stores to the kitchen tables at home.
The grim Soviet days have inspired me to pursue my career
as an actress. The only obstacle I had was when my parents
told me , Before continuing to be an actress, you have to
get a masters degree in mathematics. It was hard to get
back on the acting track after long years of studying math,
but my dream was enough of a motivation for me.
When you were a little girl, what did you dream of being
when you grew up?
I thought that the only way of rising above grim looks,
con鍖nement of thoughts and fears of tomorrow was to
be an actress. I always viewed a theater to be a colorful
escape from the grey Soviet reality.
In reviewing your bio, it shows that you studied in school
in Moscow both mathematics and theater. Which area of
study required more discipline and how have you applied
this discipline in your present work?
Since mathematics has more concrete rules then
theater, I was able to be more disciplined with less effort
when I studied math. Acting, however, required more
discipline from my part because it is such an abstract form
of art, which unlike math, has endless solutions. Math has
bestowed me with structure and acting has bestowed me
with creative thought, two key components that are crucial
for my current project of opening my own TV show.
Russian beauty and 鍖lm star, Olga Bolbukh
Zharinova, graces the cover of this premier
edition of Brass Ring magazine. Her beauty,
intelligence and determination epitomizes what
we at Brass Ring magazine strive to share with
our readers. The annual magazine Kumitry Rossi
chose her as a top-ten Russian 鍖lm actress in
2007 and went even further when they compared
her to legendary Italian 鍖lm star, Monica Bellucci.
Olga has starred in notable Russian 鍖lms such as
Nekrasivaya, Armeyskiye Istorii aka Borodin and
Vozvrashcheniye Generala. Her roles have been
diverse, ranging from playing a femme fatale
to a common village girl. Olga has also had a
very successful career as a model, working for
such notable companies as world class jeweler,
Cartier SA, pharmaceutical giant, Unipharm,
Inc. and international fashion designer, Dolce &
Gabbana. Below are the excerpts from a recent
interview that we conducted with this inspiring
woman. Her words, beauty and life experience
are admirable.
35 brassringmagazine.com
white dress RALPH LAUREN
red lipstick ESTEE LAUDER
photography/art direction NATASHA KERTES
41 brassringmagazine.com
Olga, when did you decide to pursue acting as a career?
I made the decision to pursue acting as a career when I cooked my
鍖rst pancake and realized that, unfortinately, I will never be a housewife.
Was there ever a point in time when you seriously thought about giving
up on pursuing acting and what made you continue?
I never wanted to give up acting. The only serious thought that i had in
mind while acting , however, was a wish to do something bigger. Now
the moment has come for my wish to come true.
What was your 鍖rst movie roll?
I 鍖rst had a tiny role playing Rala in Kulagin I Partnery.
When and why did you move to the USA?
The decision to move came up very unexpectadly. It all happed so fast,
just like in a love novel. I had a beautiful house with my 鍖ace and I was
鍖lled with joy about my upcoming wedding. After visiting my daughter
in English boarding school, I came home and was met by my 鍖ances
relative who told me one of the most shocking sentence that were said
to me, he said,  Your 鍖ance was forced to leave the country forever
and he has to ask for political asylym in the US. At that moment, while
my spirit was sinking deep below the marble 鍖oor, I realized that I was
now faced with an important decision of whether to keep my dreamy
life and stay in my country or to blindly follow the love of my life and
move to the US. The next thing I know is that I am standing together
with my daughter in the US airport holding my suitcase in my left hand,
my purse in my right hand and not having enough hands to hold the
great amount of fear that I had. The next day I married my husband.
There were no relatives nor there were any friend at our wedding,
but I was still happy. But, the life has kept another challenge for me.
My husband and I divorced in 3 years. First, I was broken apart and
thought that I have changed my life for nothing. But, this situation has
inspired me to write a screenplay for a TV show that would focus on
the problems of the divorce. I truly believe that the American society
will bene鍖t from my show because , as I always say, you could live
happily together or, in some cases, get an even happier divorce.
Is there any advice that you would like to share with our readers re-
garding pursuing ones goals and dreams?
Do not be afraid to be misunderstood and ridiculed because big ideas
are often not comprehended by small minds. Thus, the con鍖dence of
staying true to your own self will ultimately bring you to the right place
for you to thrive. Not the most intelligent among us become success-
ful, but the ones who want it the most.
We look forward to seeing a lot more of Olga on American big screens
and international glossy pages.

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Exerpt of Last Olga Interview

  • 1. brassringmagazine.com 34 Brass Ring magazine brings success and luxury together. Its content exhibits cosmopolitan 鍖air while featuring entertainment, international glamour, business information and success stories, lending inspiration for those who desire to grab the brass ring and reward themselves with lifes highest prizes. Would you share with our readers what inspired you to pursue your career, what setbacks or obstacles you have encountered and what motivates you to push forward in pursuing your goals? I was born and raised in Russia when the communist party was at its height. It was a time when propaganda told us what to think and how to feel, when people who wore the same dark Soviet clothes thought that bright colors were vulgar and when Jazz was only considered to be a myth. The country was sunk into the pool of de鍖cit where food and clothes were scarce. I still remember how one day the shipment of Adidas shoes came to one of the Russian shops. The people circled around the shop in a several kilometer line that looked like a snake. For us it was a way to get closer to something so unique and previously outlawed, American style of life. I waited to have a chance to walk into the store for 7 hours, and when my turn came, the shoes were out of stock. De鍖cit was felt everywhere, from shoe stores to the kitchen tables at home. The grim Soviet days have inspired me to pursue my career as an actress. The only obstacle I had was when my parents told me , Before continuing to be an actress, you have to get a masters degree in mathematics. It was hard to get back on the acting track after long years of studying math, but my dream was enough of a motivation for me. When you were a little girl, what did you dream of being when you grew up? I thought that the only way of rising above grim looks, con鍖nement of thoughts and fears of tomorrow was to be an actress. I always viewed a theater to be a colorful escape from the grey Soviet reality. In reviewing your bio, it shows that you studied in school in Moscow both mathematics and theater. Which area of study required more discipline and how have you applied this discipline in your present work? Since mathematics has more concrete rules then theater, I was able to be more disciplined with less effort when I studied math. Acting, however, required more discipline from my part because it is such an abstract form of art, which unlike math, has endless solutions. Math has bestowed me with structure and acting has bestowed me with creative thought, two key components that are crucial for my current project of opening my own TV show. Russian beauty and 鍖lm star, Olga Bolbukh Zharinova, graces the cover of this premier edition of Brass Ring magazine. Her beauty, intelligence and determination epitomizes what we at Brass Ring magazine strive to share with our readers. The annual magazine Kumitry Rossi chose her as a top-ten Russian 鍖lm actress in 2007 and went even further when they compared her to legendary Italian 鍖lm star, Monica Bellucci. Olga has starred in notable Russian 鍖lms such as Nekrasivaya, Armeyskiye Istorii aka Borodin and Vozvrashcheniye Generala. Her roles have been diverse, ranging from playing a femme fatale to a common village girl. Olga has also had a very successful career as a model, working for such notable companies as world class jeweler, Cartier SA, pharmaceutical giant, Unipharm, Inc. and international fashion designer, Dolce & Gabbana. Below are the excerpts from a recent interview that we conducted with this inspiring woman. Her words, beauty and life experience are admirable. COVERSTORY
  • 2. 35 brassringmagazine.com white dress RALPH LAUREN red lipstick ESTEE LAUDER diamonds HARRY WINSTON photography/art direction NATASHA KERTES
  • 3. 41 brassringmagazine.com Olga, when did you decide to pursue acting as a career? I made the decision to pursue acting as a career when I cooked my 鍖rst pancake and realized that, unfortinately, I will never be a housewife. Was there ever a point in time when you seriously thought about giving up on pursuing acting and what made you continue? I never wanted to give up acting. The only serious thought that i had in mind while acting , however, was a wish to do something bigger. Now the moment has come for my wish to come true. What was your 鍖rst movie roll? I 鍖rst had a tiny role playing Rala in Kulagin I Partnery. When and why did you move to the USA? The decision to move came up very unexpectadly. It all happed so fast, just like in a love novel. I had a beautiful house with my 鍖ace and I was 鍖lled with joy about my upcoming wedding. After visiting my daughter in English boarding school, I came home and was met by my 鍖ances relative who told me one of the most shocking sentence that were said to me, he said, Your 鍖ance was forced to leave the country forever and he has to ask for political asylym in the US. At that moment, while my spirit was sinking deep below the marble 鍖oor, I realized that I was now faced with an important decision of whether to keep my dreamy life and stay in my country or to blindly follow the love of my life and move to the US. The next thing I know is that I am standing together with my daughter in the US airport holding my suitcase in my left hand, my purse in my right hand and not having enough hands to hold the great amount of fear that I had. The next day I married my husband. There were no relatives nor there were any friend at our wedding, but I was still happy. But, the life has kept another challenge for me. My husband and I divorced in 3 years. First, I was broken apart and thought that I have changed my life for nothing. But, this situation has inspired me to write a screenplay for a TV show that would focus on the problems of the divorce. I truly believe that the American society will bene鍖t from my show because , as I always say, you could live happily together or, in some cases, get an even happier divorce. Is there any advice that you would like to share with our readers re- garding pursuing ones goals and dreams? Do not be afraid to be misunderstood and ridiculed because big ideas are often not comprehended by small minds. Thus, the con鍖dence of staying true to your own self will ultimately bring you to the right place for you to thrive. Not the most intelligent among us become success- ful, but the ones who want it the most. We look forward to seeing a lot more of Olga on American big screens and international glossy pages.