What is the meaning of the exhibition industry for EU, possibilities of the co operation and mutual interests, St.Petersburg, 2008
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Exhibition Industry & EU
1. UFI - The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry
UFI European Chapter
UFI Central and Eastern European countries Meeting
St. Petersburg, March 6, 2008
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
2. UFI European Chapter
UFI Central and Eastern European Countries Meeting
European Union and opportunities for the
exhibition industry
Berislav i転mek, CEO
CBBS Management Consulting & Business Building Company
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
3. About CBBS
CBBS is a management consulting, lobbying and business building solutions
company with the seat in Zagreb and partners o鍖ce in Bruxelles founded in
Core activities:
1. new developments and business concepts with focus on Eastern and
Central Europe
2. internationalisation partnerships mergers - acquisitions
3. lobbying and co operation with European Commission and European
SME's associations
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
4. About CBBS (2)
UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry
CEFA - Central European Fair Alliance
European Parliament accredited lobbyist
SEAP (Society of European A鍖airs Professionals Bruxelles, is the recognized
professional organization of EU public a鍖airs professionals operating in trade
associations, corporations, consultancies and representative bodies and
established since 1997)
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
5. The European Union
EU has 27 independent, democratic member states
more than 490 million inhabitants,
the growth rate in 2007 of 2.7 %, Brussels now expects growth of 1.8 % this
year in the 15-nation eurozone.
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
6. The European Union (2)
The European Union has two parallel policies for handling its relations with
neighbouring countries.
Stabilisation and association agreements open up the possibility for a country
to become a candidate for EU membership at the end of a negotiation
Under its neighbourhood policy, the EU has trade and cooperation
agreements with non-member countries in Eastern Europe, in the southern
Mediterranean and the southern Caucasus.
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
7. The European Union (3)
Europes mission in the 21st century is to:
provide peace, prosperity and stability for its peoples;
overcome the divisions on the continent;
ensure that its people can live in safety;
promote balanced economic and social development;
meet the challenges of globalization and preserve the diversity of the peoples
of Europe;
uphold the values that Europeans share, such as sustainable development
and a sound environment, respect for human rights and the social market
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
8. European economy today is facing a strong competition and very dynamic
competitors from Asia, this time not from Japan, but from China, India and many
other south-east Asian countries.
The new accession to the EU of together 12 new members from Central, Eastern
and Southern Europe (in 2004 and 2007) is bringing new opportunities to
enlarged Europe to become more competitive and to develop Single European
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
9. EU funding opportunities
European Commission Priorities of these funds are to enhance the
international dimension of the projects and to help realize innovative actions
in any economical or social 鍖eld. Funding opportunities: 14 billion Euros
European Investment Bank (EIB) EIB is the 鍖nancial institution of the EU. The
priorities are to promote the balanced economic development and
integration policy of the EU. Funding opportunities: 32 billion Euros
European Investment Fund (EIF) Funding opportunities: 5.2 billion Euros
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
10. EU funding opportunities (2)
European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Funding
opportunities: 2.2 billion
Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) Funding opportunities:
2052 million Euros
Structural Funds Funding opportunities: Funding opportunities
308 billion Euros for 2007-13
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
11. The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
From 2007 onwards, the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) replaces a
series of European Union programmes and 鍖nancial instruments for candidate
countries or potential candidate countries, 11,5 billion Euros from 2007-2008
The IPA is made up of 鍖ve di鍖erent strands:
1. Assistance for transition and institution building;
2. Cross-border cooperation (with EU Member States and other countries eligible
for IPA);
3. Regional development (transport, environment and economic development);
4. Human resources (strengthening human capital and combating exclusion);
5. Rural development.
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
12. ENPI - European Neighbourhood and Partnership
1. For the next budgetary period (2007-2013), approximately 12 billion in EC
funding will be available. An important aspect of the ENP, and the strategic
partnership with Russia, is to improve cross-border cooperation with countries
along the EUs external land and maritime borders.
2. The ENPI will therefore support cross-border contacts and co-operation
between local and regional actors and civil society. The ENPI cross-border
cooperation (CBC) programme will cover activities across the EU's external
borders in the East and the South, with programmes for the period 2007-2013
receiving 鍖nancial support of 1.18 billion.
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
13. Regional Funding
In the period 2007-2013, cohesion policy will bene鍖t from 35.7% of the total EU
budget or 347.41 billion Euros.
Division by objective:
81.54 % for Convergence
15.95 % for Regional Competitiveness and Employment
2.52 % for European Territorial Cooperation
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
14. The Strength of the Exhibition Industry
EU is supporting:
transnational projects and partnerships (majority of our trade fairs are
international marketing & communication platforms)
projects with chambers, associations, NGOs, agencies (partners of our
all kind of topics, especially the topics connected with important topics and
issues like sustainable development, energy, climate change, transport,
ecology, safety, security, long life learning, youth actions, new technologies
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
15. The Strength of the Exhibition Industry (2)
projects related to SMEs more than 90 % of our exhibitors and visitors
are SME
projects bringing together universities/science and business community
new trends new products and services
projects for di鍖erent media
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
16. Actions 鍖nanced and supported by EU
Organization of events ( conferences, workshops, trade fairs)
Creation of networks - matchmaking
Transnational cooperation
Dissemination of information, training, meetings
Innovation and exchange of know how
Research, studies
EU communication and promotion activities
Competitiveness of European Single Market
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
17. Success story
CEFA presentation to the European
Parliament and EC, November 28 29,
2007, Bruxelles
CEFA (Central European Fair Alliance) presented its network to the
European Commission in order to contribute to the faster and stronger
regional development, cross border, trans-national cooperation and
innovation in Central and South East Europe.
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
18. The Exhibition Industry connecting people
European Union and European Commission expect pro - active role of the
exhibition industry, it is necessary to approach them with the ideas, working
closely with EC and di鍖erent DGs to create new products, events and services for
European market, companies and citizens.
Is this a challenge for the European Exhibition Industry ?
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg
19. Thank you for your attention
See you in Bruxelles
CBBS - Management Consulting Co. - UFI European Chapter, St. Petersburg