The document provides information about various ministries and organizations in Bangladesh, including the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Dhaka South City Corporation, and Ministry of Railways. It discusses problems faced by each group and potential solutions. For the Ministry of Railways, problems mentioned include limited long-distance trains, a lack of international railway systems, and bribery/black market ticket sales. Suggested solutions include increasing train numbers, improving international routes using new technology, and increased monitoring through CCTV.
3. Ministry of Environment and Forest
Councilor of Dhaka South City Corporation
Ministry Of Railways ( Bangladesh )
5. The Ministry of Environment and Forest
(爨爨萎逗Μ爭爨 爨 爭爨 爨爨爭爨む爨萎Γ爨鉦Σ爨爨 ) is a ministry of the
government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
whose role is ensuring the sustainable environment
and optimum forest coverage.
8. Problem: Building Industries anywhere and Untreated
wastage discharge of industries
Solution: Impose rule on industries for treated waste
10. Problem: Banned use of Chemicals and Pesticide
Solution: Use of Natural Fertilizers and impose strict
rule for not using these
12. Introduction:
Dhaka is one of the mega cities of the world,
despite being the capital of Bangladesh, have
to about 20 million people. The condition was
created by the local govt. (City Corporation)
Amendment 2011 on 29 November , passed on
the parliament of Bangladesh following the
presidents approval.
13. Councilor: Wahidul Hasan Milton
The ward covers Block A and B in
Khilgaon Police Station in Dhaka. The
boundaries of the ward are : Goran,
Malibagh, Taltola, and Basabo.
14. Problem- 1
Lack of water pump
Trying to establish more an
more wasa water pump. To
solv the water problem.
15. Solution:
For many kind of
reason every year digging
the road side. Thats why
local public face problem.
Try to solve these problem
16. Problem 3
Lack of local public Securities.
Such as: Hijacking, Cribbing, Panic and
so on.
Under the police control or
civil agent to monitoring
each activities of the road
side by installing CCTV
camera and also should
take necessary steps as soon
as possible.
18. Minister : Mujibul Haque
Railway transport is considered one of the most important modes
of transport for both passengers and goods considering its safety,
low cost, minimum environment impact and comfort. Realizing
the importance of the rail transport, a separate ministry named,
Ministry of Railways has been established on 4th November, 2011
and railway sector has been given the highest priority in the
outline perspective plan of Bangladesh 2010-2011: making vision
2021 a reality
19. Problem - 1
Limited number of long route train especially Dhaka- North
way and rail track is in a poor situation thats why it takes
long time to arrive destination and also risky for passenger.
20. Solution:
Limited number can be solved by
increasing train in different
shift on the route and also use
high technology included train
to reduce journey time.
21. Problem- 2
Another problem is lack of international railway system. That
mean there is only one train from Dhaka to kolkata for
international communication.
22. Solution:
From my perspective this problem will solve by improving and
also increasing international railway system by including
high technology train and standard route.
23. Problem- 3
So much bribery in the ministry of railway and rail ticket on black
market at many occasion. Not only that people travel without
24. Solution:
Monitoring each activity of every
railway employee by installing
CCTV everywhere inside the train
and also outside of railway area
and monitoring footage to take
initiative steps .