Dr. Ruphsa Roy gave a presentation about her experience completing her PhD. She discussed her academic and professional background. She acknowledged those who helped her complete her PhD, including her guides and university staff. She explained what a PhD is and why she pursued one. She discussed the benefits of a PhD, important skills like persistence and patience, and how to get a PhD by choosing a university, guide, topic, and scheduling activities. She shared her PhD journey, including excitement, ignorance, struggling, and seeing the light periods. She provided lessons learned, including priorities, planning, discussion, learning from others, and maintaining a positive mindset.
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Experience sharing by Research Scholar
1. Experience sharing by Research
Dr. Ruphsa Roy
Date: 16th July 2020
Time:9:05 to 10:05 am
2. My Profile
Name: Dr. Rupsha Roy
Academic Qualification:
1. Doctorate from ICFAI University Jharkhand,
Ranchi on 2017
2. Topic Analysis of coping strategies in the
face of occupational hazards - A study of
white collar employees of education sector
in West Bengal (India)
2. MBA in HR from Viswa Bharati University ,
Currently Associated with Amity University,
1. 14 yrs experience in Corporate as HR
manager, Technical Manager
2. 14 yrs experience in Academics both in
teaching and administration.
3. I Acknowledge All who played an
Important role in my PhD completion
Honourable VC: Prof. O. R. S. Rao
My Guide: Dr. Bijoya Ganguly
My Co-Guide: Dr. Soumendranath Bagchi
My Friend and Philosopher: Dr. Rumna
IUJ Staff and Faculty Members
Finally my parents, friends & Colleagues
5. PhD
A PhD is the highest
title you can obtain in
academia which
qualifies you to
become a University
Professor in your
subject area.
1. You are recognized as an
expert in your field
2. You possess superior
theoretical and applied
knowledge on your
3. You also develop a set of
transferrable skills, such
as problem-solving,
critical reasoning, and in-
depth analysis from
diverse angles and
6. Why I studied PhD
Interest and Ambition
Doing Research is enjoyable
Excited about sharing knowledge with Peers,
Professors, Mentors and others
Getting the Title of a Dr.
Enhancing skills and for better option in the
path of career development.
7. Benefits On Personal Front
You may find that you feel more confident and
have greater self-belief.
You are mentally mature through receiving
challenge and criticism from your peers and
You will also learn that any failure is a step
closer to success, and hence find that you are
less worried about failure or the uncertainty
that surrounds your actions.
8. 3Ps of PhD (Learning)
1. P for Persistence
2. P for Perseverance
3. P for Patience
These skills very much required for you to be
successful in achieving your PhD degree.
Further the 3Ps and skills like time management
and organisational skills can be utilised not
only in your workplace but also in everyday
9. How to get PhD
Steps in attaining PhD:-
1. Choose the University
2. Search for a Guide
3. Choose the Topic
4. Schedule your activities for completion
10. Choose the University
University should be recognised
University should help you in allotting a guide
for you
Proper Course Work relevant to research
Course structure helping to overcome
Procrastination behaviour
Continuous support in matters of guidance,
materials, suggestion and publications
Selects Guide so problem of searching is resolved
Relevant CourseWork
Half yearly Reviews helps in overcoming
IUJ journals helps in initial publications
All round support an assistance in Research
12. To choose a Topic
First you need to answer the following Questions
1. Can you enthusiastically pursue it?
2. Can you sustain your interest while pursuing it?
3. Is the problem solvable?
4. Is it worth pursuing?
5. Will it lead to other research problems?
6. Is it manageable in size?
7. What is the potential for making an original contribution to the literature in the
8. Will the scholars in your field receive the results well if you solve the problem?
9. Are you (or will you become) competent to solve it?
10. By solving it, will you have demonstrated independent skills in your discipline?
11. Will the necessary research prepare you in an area of demand or promise for the
13. 3 Common mistakes done While
Selecting the Topic
1. Extending thesis work even after graduate
school: If researchers choose topics that are
direct extensions or clear derivatives of their
thesis work, then they do not make
significant value addition to the respective
field of study. Choosing a radically new
research topic, while still embarking on the
broad area of specialization is indeed the key
to success.
14. 3 Common mistakes done While
Selecting the Topic
2. Choosing an obscure, irrelevant, or non-
compelling research topic: This can adversely
affect the researchers motivation levels and
can drastically decrease their odds of
attaining success.
15. 3 Common mistakes done While
Selecting the Topic
3. Letting PhD advisors choose research topics
for you: Although researchers often pursue
work within the same field even after earning
their PhD, they are less likely to conduct
research on the same exact topic. For this
reason, letting your advisor tell you what to
study rather than you developing a question
based on your own reading and experiences
in the laboratory is another common mistake
that can have lifelong consequences..
16. Schedule you Activities for Completion
Time Period / Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Topic Agreed Y
Aims & Objectives Y
Literature Review & Finding
the research Gap
Identifying Methodology Y
Preparing Data Collection Tools Y Y
Collecting Data Y Y Y
Analysing Data Y Y
Drafting the Thesis Y Y Y Y Y
17. My PhD Journey
Journey started long back in
2006 when I have migrated
from Corporate to Academics
only it was in the form of a
desire in my mind.
Actual Journey started in
2012 When I gave my
Research Aptitude Test for
PhD Programme from IUJ
whose reasons I have already
18. Excitement Period:
Admission to PhD Programme
Course Work started
Guide Selection was in process
and accepted by Guide
Searching for topic was in process
and finally selected the topic with
the help of guide
Topic Registration complete
19. Ignorance Period
Thought it will be smooth and sailing and
hence relaxed attitude
Long time to go , no worries. Procrastinating
Inconsistent reading and writing and choosing
only what I felt I want.
20. Struggling Period
Felt like lost in jungle. Full of confusion and
What I am getting myself into. Both internal
and external doubts
Exhausted during qualitative process.
21. Self Lifting Period
Replanned Moved Forward step by step.
Attended workshops and seminars
Talked to other people who have already
achieved their Doctoral Degree
22. Journey Continued
Assuring Periods
what I did not..
Balancing between
learning new things
and maintaining the
main study.
23. Seeing the light
at the end of the tunnel
Annalysing and Writing
Continuing to keep learning and
writing for final submission
24. Learning Experiences
See Priorities and Obey Them
Always Plan, Set Deadline & take corrective
Have consistent discussion with Supervisor
Talk to others & learn from them
Invest in study - time, effort & money
Be positive , open minded and take the challenge
Keep feet on the ground
Dont be afraid to make mistakes or look silly
25. Dos & Donts
Be accountable to study invest in it
Add SUPERVISOR as good friend
Learn from others, share with others
Backup all files & keep record regularly
Be happy & content & Thankful to IUJ
Languish, Procrastinate
Get over things quickly
Assume supervisor or staff will do your task
Take offence easily
Forget the ones who guide and help you.
26. Thank You for Listening
Some inspiring Quotes which are helpful
≒If you cant explain it SIMPLY, you dont understand it well enough. Albert
≒The illiterate of 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, But
those who cannot learn, unlearn or relearn - Alvin Toffler
≒If you do not invest time to prepare, you will waste time to repair - Unknown