The document outlines how to conduct support-based home visits using the Routines-Based Model. It discusses assessing staff practices and ideals using tools like FINESSE. It provides guidance on developing individualized plans by constructing ecomaps, conducting Routines-Based Interviews, writing child and family goals, and collecting baseline data. The document then reviews how to structure home visits using forms like the Next-Steps form, Vanderbilt Home Visit Script, and matrices. It presents a family consultation flow chart and checklist for support-based home visits.
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Experiencias de L´Alquería, el programa de atención temprana en la Universidad Católica de Valencia, España. Dr. Robin McWilliam
3. Outline
How to assess your staff’s typical practice and what
they consider ideal
How to develop an individualized plan, according to
the Routines-Based Model
How to conduct a support-based home visit
12/22/2015Cañadas y McWilliam (2015) 3
4. How to assess your staff’s typical practice and
what they consider ideal
12/22/2015Cañadas y McWilliam (2015) 4
9. How to Develop an Individualized Plan,
According to the RBM
Construct an ecomap with the family
Conduct a Routines-Based Interview (RBI/EBR)
Write participation-based child goals
Write family goals
Collect baseline data on
Child functioning in routines
Family quality of life
12/22/2015Cañadas y McWilliam (2015) 9
12. The Routines-Based Interview
Go through each “routine” (i.e., time of day or activity)
Get a sense of family’s and child’s functioning
Write down significant information
Star the concerns
Recap concerns with the family, showing them the starred items
Ask what the family would like to concentrate on
Write down these outcomes
Ask them for the priority order
12/22/2015Cañadas y McWilliam (2015) 12
13. Structure
Home Routines
Waking up
Changing diaper/bathroom
Going to kitchen
Parent getting dressed
Going out
In shops
Going to park
Other family members
coming home
Dinner preparation
“Classroom” Routines
Free play
Small toys
Within Each Routine
1. What does everyone else do?
2. What does this child do?
a) Engagement
b) Independence
c) Social relationships
3. How satisfactory is this routine?
3. How well is this routine
working for the child
(“goodness of fit”)
Cañadas y McWilliam (2015) 13
14. Write participation-based child goals
What does the family want the child to be able to do?
At what times of day did this need arise?
How will we know the child can do this?
How often? How many? How much? How far?
Over how many times of day?
For how long?
12/22/2015Cañadas y McWilliam (2015) 14
16. Write Family Goals
Usually, 1 criterion
Family will have information about sleep problems in
children with autism by January 1, 2016
Jill will enroll in a class to complete her high-school
education by January 1, 2016
12/22/2015Cañadas y McWilliam (2015) 16
17. Kathy and Leon will have one date night a month for three
months in a row.
Family will get a new car that fits Michael’s travel chair by
February 1, 2016
Nina will feed Peter via tube without fear, on a 1-5 scale, at a
level of 4 for 3 consecutive weeks
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18. Baseline data on child functioning in routines
Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social
Relationships (MEISR)
[Autism: “oh-tis-m”]
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22. FaQoL Factors
Family Relationships
Access to Information and Services
Child Functioning
Overall Life Satisfaction
(Total Score)
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23. How to conduct a support-based home visit
Next-Steps Form
Vanderbilt Home Visit Script-Expanded
Support-Based Home Visit Checklist
Family Consultation Flow Chart
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36. How Do I Begin?
Discuss routines with family (include MEISR, if you like)
and find out what family wants child to be doing 6
months from now
Get training on RBI
12/22/2015Cañadas y McWilliam (2015) 36