The experiment aims to determine the effect of different cup types on the bottom of a boat on the amount of mass it can hold. The independent variable is the type of cup (plastic, styrofoam, or both plastic and styrofoam). The dependent variable is the amount of mass held. It is hypothesized that a boat with both styrofoam and plastic cups on the bottom will hold the most mass because it will have a greater height and need to sink further before fully submerging. The procedures involve placing coins in each boat type until sinking, recording the mass, and repeating trials to get an average.
2. Problem Question
What is the effect of the type of cup on
the bottom of the boat on the amount of
mass the boat holds?
3. Variable Identification
Independent Variable: Type of cup on the bottom of the boat
Dependent Variable: Amount of mass held
Experimental Groups: Plastic Cup
Styrofoam cup
Styrofoam and Plastic cup
Control: Plastic cup only
Constants: Temperature of water
Type of coin used for weight
Amount of coins placed in the boat at a time
Water Level
4. Hypothesis
If both the Styrofoam and plastic cups are
cut in half and put on the bottom of the
plastic bowl, then the amount of mass that
the boat holds will increase, because the
boat's height will increase, therefore the more
of the boat will have to sink before the whole
boat sinks.
5. Materials
• One container at least 8inches in diameter
and at least 1 foot high
• 2 towels
• 1 hair dryer
• at least 200 coins
6. Procedures
1) Fill container with water 3/4 full
2) Place the boat on the water (see figure 1)
3) Add pennies 1 by 1 until the boat sinks
4) Retrieve boat from bottom of container and dump the water out
**While still keeping the pennies in the boat**
5) Pour out the pennies on one of the towels
6) Thoroughly dry the pennies with the hairdryer
7) Dry the boat with the other towel
8) Count and weigh the pennies
9) Record the data on the chart
10) Repeat steps 2-9 4 more times
11) Repeat steps 2-10 with the boat with the styrofoam bottom (see
figure 2) then with the boat with both the styrofoam and plastic
bottom (see figure 3
***Figures on next slide
8. Experimental Data Table
Mass of Boat
Type of Boat
Amount Of Mass Held (grams)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Average
Plastic Cup 415 420 420 410 410 415
Styrofoam Cup 180 435 506 495 490 421.2
Plastic and
465 480 450 480 497 474.