13. 竜略 侶僚 凌了凌虜了流侶 凌 凌粒略亮亮留凌 虜留旅 亮竜略 侶僚 留留虜凌了凌慮侶侶 了僚 僚
竜亮旅僚留溜僚 ( OPS, trainings 留 externals, Bring impACT) 隆溜僚竜留旅 凌 亮亮竜劉凌僚留
旅凌凌旅侶旅虜 留留虜凌了凌慮侶侶 虜留旅 亮亮竜凌流 凌 粒留亮亮留
痢里裡 律立痢裡 裡離里律裡
粒粒留溜留, 凌了僚溜留, 留了溜留, 裡竜硫溜留, 凌凌粒留了溜留, 痢凌亮留僚溜留
P 10 (National Support)
Promotion & Recruitment Flow (流亮留)
離凌流旅両侶 竜慮僚旅虜略
虜留溜隆竜侶 亮劉 webinars 粒旅留 market segmentation, LC2LC, EP management,
旅留隆旅虜留溜留 旅了凌粒流, Bring ImpACT, Common Brand policies and visuals
EP flow refreshment
Explore project plans
凌竜凌旅亮留溜留 EP 留僚略 凌僚
CY2CY break down
Communication platform for EPs
Bring ImpACT Seminar
University Guidance and Support
EwA events guidelines
National Promo Materials and Campaign
Online Application Refreshments
Showcasing support (Stories, Blog, videos, Integrate culture Shock)
Promotion Activities Support (Classrooms, stand etc)
Site refreshment guidelines
14. KPIs
Actual sales & recruitment Expression of interest
# RA, MA, RE # of applications
# RA, MA, RE per segment # of participants in EwAs and other info sessions
# RA, MA, RE per product # of clicks to booklets
# Weeks from RA to MA
% of applications to raises