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Alison G.M. Brown, PhD
Sara C. Folta, PhD
Tufts University
Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Webinar Objectives
■ Demonstrate an application of NVivo in public health research
■ After completion of the webinar, you should know how to:
– Create a codebook in NVivo
– Analyze your data using the matrix coding query function
– Determine themes based on NVivo analysis
Study Background
■ Blacks/AfricanAmericans are more likely to be diagnosed with diet-related diseases and
conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease
■ There is considerable ethnic diversity among the U.S. Black population
? 2009: 7% of Black population were immigrants
■ 1.7 millionCaribbean-born
■ 1.1 millionAfrican-born
? By 2060: 16.5% of U.S. Blacks will be immigrants
■ Diversity includes heterogeneity of cultures, social realities, and lifestyle patterns
■ Most public health and epidemiological research does not account for this heterogeneity within
the U.S. Black population
Benjamin et al, 2017; Schiller et al, 2012; Roger et al, 2011; Collins
et al, 2011,Thomas, 2012;Anderson, 2015
Model of Dietary Acculturation
and demographic factors
? Sex
? Age
? Age of immigration
? Length of residency
? Education
? Income
? Employment
? Household composition
? Fluency of host language
? Area of residency
? Country of origin
? Voluntary vs. involuntary
Cultural factors
? Religiosity
? Cultural beliefs, attitudes
and values
? Live in ethnic enclaves
Host Country
Changes in psychosocial
factors and taste
? Diet and diet-related
knowledge, attitudes, and
? Value ascribed to traditional
eating patterns vs. assimilation
? Taste preferences
Changes in environmental
? Shopping and restaurants:
availability, accessibility, and
affordability of traditional foods
? Food purchasing and
? Time constraints and use of
packaged foods
Patterns of
dietary intake
Food choices and
food preparation, that
result in:
? Maintenance of
traditional eating
? Adoption of host
country’s diet
? Bicultural eating
Satia-Abouta et al, 2002
Study Purpose
Examine the perceptions
of the influence of culture
and ethnicity on diet
among U.S.-born,
African-born, and
American-born Blacks in
an urban setting in the
northeast U.S.
the Codebook
■ Initial codebook based on
preliminary emergent themes
■ Refined based on:
– Coding of initial transcript
– Discussion among study
team members
Using NVivo
1) Differences in food preferences based
on region of birth
2) Value, preference, and influence of
cultural factors
3) Availability, quality, and cost of
cultural foods
4) Barriers of transportation, time
constraints, and work environments
5) Adaptive strategies
6) Influence of education and income
7) Influence of age of migration
8) Influence of length of residency
Research Conclusions
? Demonstrates the influence of culture and ethnicity on the diet of an ethnically-
diverse Black population
? Supports the influencing factors of change outlined in the model of dietary
– Socioeconomic and demographic
– Environmental
– Psychosocial
? For nutrition researchers and practitioners, this diversity in culture among Blacks
should be considered when assessing diet and giving dietary advice in order to
reduce the diet-related diseases that we see in this demographic
Thank you!
Feel free to contact us at
sara.folta@tufts.edu and
if you have further

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Exploring Cultural Influences on Diet Among an Ethnically Diverse Black Population

  • 1. A PUBLIC HEALTH STUDY: EXPLORING CULTURAL INFLUENCES ON DIET AMONGAN ETHNICALLY DIVERSE BLACK POPULATION Alison G.M. Brown, PhD Sara C. Folta, PhD Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
  • 2. Webinar Objectives ■ Demonstrate an application of NVivo in public health research ■ After completion of the webinar, you should know how to: – Create a codebook in NVivo – Analyze your data using the matrix coding query function – Determine themes based on NVivo analysis
  • 3. Study Background ■ Blacks/AfricanAmericans are more likely to be diagnosed with diet-related diseases and conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease ■ There is considerable ethnic diversity among the U.S. Black population ? 2009: 7% of Black population were immigrants ■ 1.7 millionCaribbean-born ■ 1.1 millionAfrican-born ? By 2060: 16.5% of U.S. Blacks will be immigrants ■ Diversity includes heterogeneity of cultures, social realities, and lifestyle patterns ■ Most public health and epidemiological research does not account for this heterogeneity within the U.S. Black population Benjamin et al, 2017; Schiller et al, 2012; Roger et al, 2011; Collins et al, 2011,Thomas, 2012;Anderson, 2015
  • 4. Model of Dietary Acculturation Socioeconomic and demographic factors ? Sex ? Age ? Age of immigration ? Length of residency ? Education ? Income ? Employment ? Household composition ? Fluency of host language ? Area of residency ? Country of origin ? Voluntary vs. involuntary migration Cultural factors ? Religiosity ? Cultural beliefs, attitudes and values ? Live in ethnic enclaves Exposure to Host Country Changes in psychosocial factors and taste preferences ? Diet and diet-related knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs ? Value ascribed to traditional eating patterns vs. assimilation ? Taste preferences Changes in environmental factors ? Shopping and restaurants: availability, accessibility, and affordability of traditional foods ? Food purchasing and preparation ? Time constraints and use of packaged foods Patterns of dietary intake Food choices and food preparation, that result in: ? Maintenance of traditional eating patterns ? Adoption of host country’s diet ? Bicultural eating patterns Satia-Abouta et al, 2002 4
  • 5. Study Purpose Examine the perceptions of the influence of culture and ethnicity on diet among U.S.-born, African-born, and Caribbean-Latin American-born Blacks in an urban setting in the northeast U.S.
  • 6. Developing the Codebook ■ Initial codebook based on preliminary emergent themes ■ Refined based on: – Coding of initial transcript – Discussion among study team members
  • 8. Research Findings: Emergent Themes 1) Differences in food preferences based on region of birth 2) Value, preference, and influence of cultural factors 3) Availability, quality, and cost of cultural foods 4) Barriers of transportation, time constraints, and work environments 5) Adaptive strategies 6) Influence of education and income 7) Influence of age of migration 8) Influence of length of residency
  • 9. Research Conclusions ? Demonstrates the influence of culture and ethnicity on the diet of an ethnically- diverse Black population ? Supports the influencing factors of change outlined in the model of dietary acculturation: – Socioeconomic and demographic – Environmental – Psychosocial ? For nutrition researchers and practitioners, this diversity in culture among Blacks should be considered when assessing diet and giving dietary advice in order to reduce the diet-related diseases that we see in this demographic
  • 10. QUESTIONS Thank you! Feel free to contact us at sara.folta@tufts.edu and alison.brown@tufts.edu if you have further questions

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Researcher from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • #6: Add notes about purposive sampling, study design, etc