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Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Exploring GeoGebra: A Dynamic
Mathematics Software
Ateng Ogwel
Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa
Special dedication to TCTP 14 Participants: Oct. 2010
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
1 Rationale
Rationale and Objectives
ICT Integration in Education
2 GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic
Constructing Objects: Toolbar
Constructing Objects: Symbolic Approach
3 Potentials of GeoGebra
Object Properties
Technologies and Pedagogy
4 Concluding Remarks
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Rationale and Objectives
Inadequate Modeling: There is persistent urge to align school
education with the fast changing needs of the society. Education
appears to be predominantly characterized by individualistic
learning of isolated facts and skills for examinations.
There is pressure to incorporate ICT in education. Emergence
of Courseware and tools are driven by technologists,
programmers and mathematicians as educationists show laxity
and resistance to techno-revolution in education
ICT is not a panacea for quality and ef鍖cient education, unless
properly integrated and accepted. Therefore, there is need to
develop a community of educators who collaborate in the use
and integration of ICT in education.
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Rationale and Objectives
By the end of the interactive session, a participant should
be able to
Download and install a Dynamic Mathematics
Software, GeoGebra
Explore and use Menus and basic tools of GeoGebra
to construct mathematical objects
Evaluate the potential of GeoGebra as a tool for
integrating ICT in mathematics education, and its
potential towards stimulating higher order thinking
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
ICT Integration in Education
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
A Dynamic Mathematics Software, that integrates
Geometry, Algebra (GeoGebra) and Calculus. It has
elements of Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) and
Computer Algebra Systems (CAS). Runs on any
platform that supports Java.
It is freely available for online installation from
http://www.geogebra.org/cms/en/download or
downloadable for local installation at
Examples at www.geogebra.org/book/intro-en.zip and
at the wiki
Thoughts, help and queries are shared at the forum
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Menus: File; Edit; View; Options; Window; Help
Tools: Move; Points; Lines; Loci/Constructions;
Polygons; Circles and Circular arcs; Conics;
Measurements; transformation; 際際滷r; Visibility;
Toolbar Help
Graphics/ Geometry View: Default view and drawing
pad on which geometrical objects are constructed.
Algebra View: Algebraic representation of objects.
Spreadsheet View: Every cell has a speci鍖c name
and names of objects match the spreadsheet cells
Input Bar: Gives algebraic command as alternative to
the geometrical tools on the toolbar.
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Constructing Objects: Toolbar
Activity 1: Menus, Tools and Views
1 Download, install and open GeoGebra application.
2 Using Menus
Select the point style to a cross ("x") and labelling to
"All New Objects"
Activate only the "Algebra View".
3 Using Tools
Place any three points "A", "B" and "C" on the
Drawing pad and observe the "Algebra View". Use
the "Move" tool to manipulate the points and observe
changes in the "Algebra View"
Use the "Drop Down Arrow" to change the tools
appearing on the toolbar
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Constructing Objects: Toolbar
Spreadsheet View
1 Save current 鍖le as "Menu1.ggb" in a folder "JCA25"
Open a "New Window" and select "Spreadsheet
2 Type/ input the texts enclosed by quotation marks in
the given cells (ENTER to con鍖rm input):
"1" (A1); "(2,5)" (A2); "b=5" (B1); "p=(3,1)" (B2);
"(-1,0)" (C1);
"Segment[A2,C1]" (C2)
3 Manipulate objects and describe your observations
4 In the "Algebra View", click on, and manipulate A1.
5 Save the current 鍖le as "Spreadsheet1.ggb"
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Constructing Objects: Symbolic Approach
Algebraic Input Bar
1 Open a New Window and activate the "Input Bar".
Deactivate the "Spreadsheet View"
2 Type/ input the following verbatim in the "Input Bar":
"Area of polygon p =" +p
3 Manipulate the objects and describe your
observations. Save the current 鍖le as "Input1.ggb"
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Object Properties
Object Properties
1 Open the 鍖le "Input1.ggb"
2 Type c=Polygon[A,B,a] in the Input Bar
3 Right Click
a in the Geometry window and select "Animation On"
(鍖rst, highlight a in the Algebra Window)
p, select "Object Properties" and change the color
and style of the object
Change the color and font size of the text "Area of
polygon ..."
4 Select "View" and activate "Construction Protocol"
5 Save the current 鍖le as "Activity1.ggb"
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Technologies and Pedagogy
Semiotic Tools
Collaboration: The previous activity introduced you to
basics of GeoGebra. Competence and con鍖dence is
gained through practice, explorations, review of
examples and readiness to seek help and share with
the GeoGebra community.
GeoGebra, like any other tool, mediates the learning
process. In themselves, they dont directly
communicate the mathematical concepts.
Novelty of GeoGebra, like other mathematical tools,
may be exciting and fascinating at 鍖rst. However,
didactical use requires a re鍖ection on the curriculum
content, objectives and trends in education .
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Technologies and Pedagogy
GeoGebra as a Pedagogical Tool
Presentation Tool (Multiple representation)
Graphical/Geometric Representation
Algebraic/ Functional Representation
Dynamic Visualizations
Making Connections
Modeling Tool
Dynamic Constructions
Experiments and Discovery learning
Authoring Tool
Exporting Images
Creation, use and sharing of materials with an on-line
community (exporting web worksheets)
Research on teaching and learning using GeoGebra
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Technologies and Pedagogy
Activity 2: GeoGebra and School Curriculum
1 Use GeoGebra to design activities that may be used
to address any of the previous curriculum objectives
2 Contextual Application
Identify areas/topics in your local curriculum, where
GeoGebra may be used as a pedagogical tool
What would be the advantages of using GeoGebra
rather than the existing media and or teaching
methods in the identi鍖ed content areas?
3 Outline steps, tools and objects that you will need in
order to address the identi鍖ed local curriculum
content, possibly indicating a time-frame for the
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Remarks: Curriculum
Higher order thinking: The previous activities are all
linked and indicate mathematical connectedness.
Solving some of them require analysis, synthesis and
evaluation  elements of HOTS
New knowledge: GeoGebra affords generality of
concepts and reveal mathematical structures with
ef鍖ciency, unlike paper and pencil scenarios.
Learning Need: GeoGebra has the potential to create
learning need, by stimulating situations in which
current knowledge is inadequate in solving a
problem.  discovery of mathematics, its processes
or versatility of applications in real life
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Remarks: Educational Trends
Evidence: Use of information and communication
technologies in education requires evidence on their
ef鍖cacy to overcome the threshold of mistrust by
Collaboration: The widespread trend of collaboration
in educational research, and in design of tools and
courseware need to be re鍖ected in school education
by enhancing collaborative and cooperative learning.
Assessment reform: Assessment of learning with and
using ICT needs to be an immediate agenda of
educational innovation in most countries
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks
Please give us some feedback by
completing the given questionnaire. Kindly share your
experiences and thoughts on use of GeoGebra as a
Dynamic Mathematics Software with others.
OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14"
TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart

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Exploring GeoGebra

  • 1. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Exploring GeoGebra: A Dynamic Mathematics Software Ateng Ogwel Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa Special dedication to TCTP 14 Participants: Oct. 2010 OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 2. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Outline 1 Rationale Rationale and Objectives ICT Integration in Education 2 GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Constructing Objects: Toolbar Constructing Objects: Symbolic Approach 3 Potentials of GeoGebra Object Properties Technologies and Pedagogy 4 Concluding Remarks Remarks Feedback OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 3. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Rationale and Objectives Rationale Inadequate Modeling: There is persistent urge to align school education with the fast changing needs of the society. Education appears to be predominantly characterized by individualistic learning of isolated facts and skills for examinations. There is pressure to incorporate ICT in education. Emergence of Courseware and tools are driven by technologists, programmers and mathematicians as educationists show laxity and resistance to techno-revolution in education ICT is not a panacea for quality and ef鍖cient education, unless properly integrated and accepted. Therefore, there is need to develop a community of educators who collaborate in the use and integration of ICT in education. OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 4. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Rationale and Objectives Objectives By the end of the interactive session, a participant should be able to Download and install a Dynamic Mathematics Software, GeoGebra Explore and use Menus and basic tools of GeoGebra to construct mathematical objects Evaluate the potential of GeoGebra as a tool for integrating ICT in mathematics education, and its potential towards stimulating higher order thinking skills OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 5. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks ICT Integration in Education OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 6. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks GeoGebra A Dynamic Mathematics Software, that integrates Geometry, Algebra (GeoGebra) and Calculus. It has elements of Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) and Computer Algebra Systems (CAS). Runs on any platform that supports Java. It is freely available for online installation from http://www.geogebra.org/cms/en/download or downloadable for local installation at http://www.geogebra.org/cms/en/installers Examples at www.geogebra.org/book/intro-en.zip and at the wiki http://www.geogebra.org/en/wiki/index.php/Main_Page. Thoughts, help and queries are shared at the forum www.geogebra.org/forum OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 7. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Menus: File; Edit; View; Options; Window; Help Tools: Move; Points; Lines; Loci/Constructions; Polygons; Circles and Circular arcs; Conics; Measurements; transformation; 際際滷r; Visibility; Toolbar Help Views: Graphics/ Geometry View: Default view and drawing pad on which geometrical objects are constructed. Algebra View: Algebraic representation of objects. Spreadsheet View: Every cell has a speci鍖c name and names of objects match the spreadsheet cells Input Bar: Gives algebraic command as alternative to the geometrical tools on the toolbar. OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 8. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 9. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Constructing Objects: Toolbar Activity 1: Menus, Tools and Views 1 Download, install and open GeoGebra application. 2 Using Menus Select the point style to a cross ("x") and labelling to "All New Objects" Activate only the "Algebra View". 3 Using Tools Place any three points "A", "B" and "C" on the Drawing pad and observe the "Algebra View". Use the "Move" tool to manipulate the points and observe changes in the "Algebra View" Use the "Drop Down Arrow" to change the tools appearing on the toolbar OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 10. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Constructing Objects: Toolbar Spreadsheet View 1 Save current 鍖le as "Menu1.ggb" in a folder "JCA25" Open a "New Window" and select "Spreadsheet View" 2 Type/ input the texts enclosed by quotation marks in the given cells (ENTER to con鍖rm input): "1" (A1); "(2,5)" (A2); "b=5" (B1); "p=(3,1)" (B2); "(-1,0)" (C1); "Segment[A2,C1]" (C2) 3 Manipulate objects and describe your observations 4 In the "Algebra View", click on, and manipulate A1. 5 Save the current 鍖le as "Spreadsheet1.ggb" OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 11. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Constructing Objects: Symbolic Approach Algebraic Input Bar 1 Open a New Window and activate the "Input Bar". Deactivate the "Spreadsheet View" 2 Type/ input the following verbatim in the "Input Bar": a=12 A=(1,2) b=Segment[A,a] B=(4,7) p=Polygon[A,B,5] "Area of polygon p =" +p 3 Manipulate the objects and describe your observations. Save the current 鍖le as "Input1.ggb" OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 12. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Object Properties Object Properties 1 Open the 鍖le "Input1.ggb" 2 Type c=Polygon[A,B,a] in the Input Bar 3 Right Click a in the Geometry window and select "Animation On" (鍖rst, highlight a in the Algebra Window) p, select "Object Properties" and change the color and style of the object Change the color and font size of the text "Area of polygon ..." 4 Select "View" and activate "Construction Protocol" Observations? 5 Save the current 鍖le as "Activity1.ggb" OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 13. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Technologies and Pedagogy Semiotic Tools Collaboration: The previous activity introduced you to basics of GeoGebra. Competence and con鍖dence is gained through practice, explorations, review of examples and readiness to seek help and share with the GeoGebra community. GeoGebra, like any other tool, mediates the learning process. In themselves, they dont directly communicate the mathematical concepts. Novelty of GeoGebra, like other mathematical tools, may be exciting and fascinating at 鍖rst. However, didactical use requires a re鍖ection on the curriculum content, objectives and trends in education . OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 14. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Technologies and Pedagogy GeoGebra as a Pedagogical Tool Presentation Tool (Multiple representation) Graphical/Geometric Representation Algebraic/ Functional Representation Dynamic Visualizations Making Connections Modeling Tool Dynamic Constructions Experiments and Discovery learning Authoring Tool Exporting Images Creation, use and sharing of materials with an on-line community (exporting web worksheets) Research on teaching and learning using GeoGebra OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 15. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Technologies and Pedagogy Activity 2: GeoGebra and School Curriculum 1 Use GeoGebra to design activities that may be used to address any of the previous curriculum objectives 2 Contextual Application Identify areas/topics in your local curriculum, where GeoGebra may be used as a pedagogical tool What would be the advantages of using GeoGebra rather than the existing media and or teaching methods in the identi鍖ed content areas? 3 Outline steps, tools and objects that you will need in order to address the identi鍖ed local curriculum content, possibly indicating a time-frame for the activity. OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 16. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Remarks Remarks: Curriculum Higher order thinking: The previous activities are all linked and indicate mathematical connectedness. Solving some of them require analysis, synthesis and evaluation elements of HOTS New knowledge: GeoGebra affords generality of concepts and reveal mathematical structures with ef鍖ciency, unlike paper and pencil scenarios. Learning Need: GeoGebra has the potential to create learning need, by stimulating situations in which current knowledge is inadequate in solving a problem. discovery of mathematics, its processes or versatility of applications in real life OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 17. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Remarks Remarks: Educational Trends Evidence: Use of information and communication technologies in education requires evidence on their ef鍖cacy to overcome the threshold of mistrust by practitioners. Collaboration: The widespread trend of collaboration in educational research, and in design of tools and courseware need to be re鍖ected in school education by enhancing collaborative and cooperative learning. Assessment reform: Assessment of learning with and using ICT needs to be an immediate agenda of educational innovation in most countries OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart
  • 18. Rationale GeoGebra: Free and Dynamic Potentials of GeoGebra Concluding Remarks Feedback Feedback Please give us some feedback by completing the given questionnaire. Kindly share your experiences and thoughts on use of GeoGebra as a Dynamic Mathematics Software with others. Thanks OGWEL, JCA (CEMASTEA): "Exploring GeoGebra with TCTP 14" TCTP14: Explore through the Mind, Hands and Heart