The document outlines various storytelling projects being developed for Expo2015's social media strategy. It divides the projects into three categories: Main Stories, In-Depth Stories, and Other Stories. The Main Stories section describes 9 flagship narrative projects that will define the conceptual framework, including "Going Around" maps of events, a gallery of pictograms, profiles of mascot characters on international tours, a 365-day countdown to the expo, profiles of official participants, descriptions of thematic areas, a cluster game to explore topics, the "Moldor Diaries" backstage blog, and profiles of ambassadors. The In-Depth Stories section outlines 7 supplemental narrative threads, like a book club, spotlight on innovative practices,
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Social media storytelling (english) - Expo 2015 Milano
2. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 1
In this document are included all the projects we
are currently working on. Its a constant work-in-
progress. Storytelling projects have been divided in
three categories:
Main Stories | Narrations that define the field of
conceptual action of our storytelling project. In re-
lation to content and communicative methods. If it
was a map, it would be landmarks from which the
success of the work depends on.
In-depth Stories | After defining main stories,
we set up a series of secondary stories that allow
us to further analyse priority themes. A list of the-
matic follow ups that give each time further form
and substance to main themes.
Other Stories | Its a third branch of stories, that
will shape up in the next few months. In this mo-
ment we point them out to better understand proj-
ects horizon to lean to.
3. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 2
some stories
to get started
Main stories
Going Around + Pictograms
Mascots on Tour + Mascots
365 Days To Go
Official Participants
Thematic Areas
Cluster Game
Moldor Diaries
Social Media Ambassador
in-depth stories
Daily Hashtag
Global Dictionary
Lunch Box
Do it
other stories
Welcome to Italy
Milano 101
Ask Expo
Crowd: Flower Power
Open Culture
4. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 3
main stories:
5. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 4
going around
January 2014 | Expo2015 preparation generates
a huge amount of travelling and occasions to go
around the world. These are national and interna-
tional relationships, a thick network that will define
the supporting structure of Expo2015 meaning.
Given the importance, a specific project is dedicat-
ed for this activity. Every time such an event occurs,
its all transported in a map drawn ad hoc where the
main data are summarized.
Map drawn for the
Social Media Week,
in Milan.
6. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 5
Maps made ad hoc
for Expo2015 events.
7. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 6
03.1 (b)
January 2014 | The whole visual story of Social
Media Expo2015 is created in-house by a team of
young visual designers on paid internships. Among
the projects in progress is the realization of a gallery
of pictograms which will be shared with the com-
munity under a Creative Commons license.
Pictograms are prepared according to Going
Around maps (see previous project) thus becoming
an independent shared collection.
bL A
8. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 7
A composit
of pictograms.
9. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 8
on tour
March 2014 | Every time an opportunity presents
(new participating countries, international meet-
ings) our mascots leave for an imaginary trip that
takes them in the most incredible and the farthest
places. It all shapes up as Facebook headers drawn
ad hoc.
Greetings from
Facebook header.
10. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 9
Greetings from
New York,
Facebook header.
11. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 10
03.2 (B)
March 2014 | As for Pictograms, also Mascots beco-
me an independent and shared collection.
Foody and his friends
in vectorial version.
12. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 11
365 days to go
January 2014 | Expo 365 Days To Go is the story in
progress of the Exposition Site.
From 1st May 2014, there will be a day-to-day flow
of information on the Site, with a countdown end-
ing with the inauguration of the event.
construction site.
13. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 12
January 2014 | While the previous strands set out to
communicate Expo2015 through its cultural lega-
cy, Official Participants describes the extraordinary
presence of 147 Countries to the Universal Expo-
sition in Milan. It anticipates the visitor experience
over the whole period.
Pavilions renderings.
14. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 13
May 2014 | Five thematic areas, narrated by involv-
ing curators and designers that are working on
Thematic Pavilions. Interviews, thoughts, images,
To understand what Zero Pavilion, Future Food Dis-
trict, Biodiversity Park, Children Park and Food and
Art Pavilion are.
thematic areas
Thematic Areas:
Biodiversity Park
Pavilions rendering.
15. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 14
May 2014 | Expo2015 is the first Universal Exposi-
tion that implements a new model of participation:
Cluster Pavilions. For this storytelling strand - next
to the information given by the progress - a gami-
fication has been designed, aiming to explore and
communicate thematic contents of Clusters with
a series of questions on nutrition, history, science,
geography etc...
cluster game
Leonardo da Vinci,
Fruits and Legumes
16. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 15
Fruit basket, Maximinus
Thrax: Fruits and
Legumes Cluster.
17. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 16
moldor diaries
TBD | Its a diary, set in the MolDor world (Molino
Dorino, or Expo2015 headquarters).
These are secondary thoughts, pictures taken on a
cigarette break or when meetings become too long
and boring. A backstage, where the back is rather in
our heads than a in physical place.
Some logs from MolDor
Diary homepage.
18. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 17
TBD | A series of important people that accept to
become Expo2015 ambassadors. Different areas of
activity, Italians but also foreigners. An significant
help to spread Expo2015 messages and commu-
Monica Kristensen,
Ambassador Expo2015.
19. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 18
TBD | A series of special ambassadors that mainly
act in the social media world. Italian and foreign
influencers that collaborate to spread Expo2015
messages and communication.
Different ambassadors for different social media. In
Italian and English.
social media
Social Media
Ambassador sketched.
20. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 19
IN-depth stories:
21. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 20
February 2014 | Expo Books is a weekly column of
books, essays, pictorials and publications of a sci-
entific nature. The titles chosen represent a broad
exploration of the Expo2015 theme. There are two
calls: the first is addressed to the Expo2015 actors,
the second to the whole community.
Consumed: food
for a finite planet,
Sarah Elton.
22. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 21
Cause and
Effect: Visualizing
R. Klanten, S. Bohle.
Inventario Illustrato
dei Frutti e degli
Ortaggi, V. Aladjidi,
E. Tchoukriel.
23. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 22
daily hashtag
March 2014 | Expo Daily Hastag gathers news items
on innovative best practices: scientific research,
service design, art and technology, cooperation.
There will be two calls: the first one to the Expo2015
actors; the second one to the community which
will be asked to report items they think are most
Aagje Hoekstra.
24. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 23
Rianne Koens.
Floating School,
Nl辿 Architects.
25. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 24
February 2014 | ExpoVintage is the first storytell-
ing project using Instagram. The idea is to tell the
history of the Universal Expositions through cards,
photographs, souvenirs, passports and historic
homepage, Instagram.
26. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 25
London, 1862. Chicago, 1893. London, 1851.
27. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 26
Citt caratterizzata
dallintegrazione tra saperi,
strutture e mezzi
tecnologicamente avanzati,
propri della societ della
e dellinformazione,
a una crescita sostenibile
e al miglioramento
della qualit della vita.
global dictionary
June 2014 | Global Dictionary, halfway between
knowledge telling and knowledge transforming,
sets out to produce a participatory social media
dictionary to host and reflect the views of all the
players involved in Expo2015. All the keywords are
strictly connected to the theme Feeding the plan-
et, Energy for life. Nutrition is obviously a given,
but resources, sustainability, Smart City, coopera-
tion, etc are also possibilities. There are two calls.
The first is an invitation to all Expo2015 stakehold-
ers (Curators, Third sector, Countries and Partners,
Inclusivity Projects). The second - via a call to ac-
tion - will involve the whole community. Expo2015
as a bearer of collective thinking; user writers as
bearers of meanings.
Example of a Social
Media oriented word.
28. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 27
July 2014 | Where do we eat lunch break? What re-
lationships preside over it? How we consume it?
Lunch Box is an international call to action desi-
gned to focus attention on eating habits, daily life
and work through the sociological frame Lunch
Break, a part of daily life shared across a various
array of organisations and structures.
The goal is a social atlas, where ideally the entire
community will document and share images of in-
teractions among locations, food and people. The
call to action asks users to document their own
lunch breaks in one or more images. The pho-
tos may then be uploaded directly onto a dedica-
ted website or posted with #expo2015_lunchbox
hashtag, georeferencing the location where the
photo was taken. The photos may be voted and
shared. A map in progress will landmark all the ima-
lunch box
ges. The final goal is to publish an eBook containing
the most 1000 voted images. The eBook - as an
app - will be release for free through the App Store.
29. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 28
Lunch break
on a skyscraper,
Charles C. Ebbets,
30. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 29
March 2014 | Numbers is a strand which explores
the theme Feeding the Planet, Energy for life
through numbers. The goal is to use social media to
tell the story of the numbers of the planet but also
the concrete experiences of individual players, with
numbers on projects/campaigns/actions/studies
that testify to a real commitment to creating new
models for a better future.
Numbers from FAO
and International
Energy Agency (IEA).
31. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 30
Numbers from
WWF and FAO.
32. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 31
March 2014 | Quotes is a storytelling project on the
Expo theme. The goal is to fill out the collection
of quick thoughts from opinion leaders (or ce-
lebrities) with quotes from event participants. Here
again the story can be as broad as you like, on the
overall vision of commitment of the Expo2015 pro-
tagonists to the theme or the meaning and value of
an individual project/campaign/action.
Quote by
Mark Bittman.
33. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 32
Quote by
Miguel Altieri.
Quote by
Gordon Ramsay.
34. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 33
June 2014 | All stakeholders involved in the
Expo2015 six months can contribute best practic-
es. The aim of Expo Do It is to collect these spe-
cific skills in a set of user-oriented manuals to raise
awareness among the Social Media Expo2015 com-
munity on the Universal Exposition theme Feeding
the planet, Energy for life. In terms of storytelling,
the project consists in writing a series of instruc-
tions on a theme (see image on the left) designed to
stimulate concrete suggestions of a general nature
(e.g. water emergency) or instructions for a specific
community of interest (e.g. use of running water in
school canteens) or individual (e.g. saving water at
do it
Food Decalogue, U. S.
Food Administration,
35. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 34
other stories:
36. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 35
May 2014 | Welcome to Italy is a strand of the ter-
ritorys reevaluation through the Social Media. The
project sets out to engage Expo2015 community in
a virtual tour of our historical villages in Italy (Anci/
Enit). On an international scale, Italy of the small
numbers represents a part relatively unknown of
the historical heritage: Welcome to Italy every week
will present a selection of small villages.
The engagement on social media will devise the
design of a visual storytelling with postcard style.
A supporting platform completes the project for
the users to share images or to send them throu-
gh email. Expo2015 Social Media community is also
asked to suggest significant landmarks, sharing pic-
tures and short videos with #Expo2015_LoveItaly
Old pictures
of Bologne
and Florence.
37. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 36
September 2014 | Milano 101 is a great photograph-
ic album dedicated to Milan, Expo2015 city. The
project is a part of Social Media territorys reevalua-
tion that, starting from Milano, will involve in further
steps Lombardy and then Italy. The project em-
braces the collective gaming formula. Number 101
refers to 101 good reasons to visit Milan, expanded
in as many historical and contemporary places, ac-
companied with a cross look. The selection of the
101 references will be made in partnership with
IULM Milano, through a co-planned workshop by
Social Media Expo2015 and IULM Master in Jour-
nalism. Once the 101 landmarks have been chosen,
for each of them a picture and an open question to
the community will be associated. The Social Me-
dia involved are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Facebook will host the game; Twitter will relaunch
it, Instagram will encourage the community to take
photos and share with the #Expo2015_Milano101
hashtag the most significant spots of the city. As
a support, a website will be implemented that will
work both as a showcase for Milan, and as a con-
tainer in progress for the answers to the quiz.
38. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 37
On the left,
header from
Milano 101 website.
At the center, Gli italiani
si voltano,
Mario De Biasi, 1954.
On the right, another
example from
Milano 101 website.
39. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 38
TBD | A weekly schedule. Two hours a week where
citizens can make their questions to Expo2015
managers. On Google+ hangouts, an open dia-
logue between Expo2015 and the community. An
important communication channel to create an
empathic feedback to the event.
40. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 39
crowd: flower
TBD | A crowdsourcing project. Collective intelli-
gence at work on Expo2015.
Crowsourcing is a model where an institution en-
trusts design, realisation and development of a
project, object or idea to an indefinite group of
people. This process is helped by web tools. A great
common project: a flowers collection. The biggest
collection in the world: thousands and thousands
of flowers, drawn by whoever wants to participate
in the big game. A set of simple rules: draw a flower.
Leave the background white. Put it in your favorite
position inside a big digital meadow. Once youve
done it, you can see what other people have drawn.
Every flower will be tagged with the authors name.
A herbarium open to everyone.
Artists, amateurs,students, elderly. With contribu-
tions coming from the five continents in real time.
41. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 40
Some floreal
42. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 41
open culture
TBD | A project where Expo becomes a support; a
digital platform to learn, to teach, to share knowl-
edge. Using typical tools of MOOC (massive online
open courses), supposing a partnership with one of
the great international institutions active in these
areas (Coursera, MITX or SkillShare), a series of ba-
sic courses referred to the great Expo themes can
be imagined: nutrition, food, energy, international
cooperation. Free courses, open to everyone, thou-
sands of participants to make Expo2015 a chance to
share knowledge. The aim is to generated a global
community around the events themes.
43. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 42
TBD | A great global conversation, developed throu-
gh a collaboration with Facebook italia. Using fea-
tures and means of the medium: a page, a group,
dedicated to woven conversations, working on
a series of special tabs developed ad hoc for the
project. Everyday a theme and a special guest that
answers to Expo2015 staff but that is also availa-
ble to interact with questions and trivia from people
online. 365 dialogues that build the narration that
prepares Expo2015.
Questions, answers, conversations and discussions.
Just like a traditional radio format (anchorman in-
terviewing guest, radiolisteners calling to add que-
stions), but thought for the communication features
of the medium. Multiple conversations, links, ope-
nings towards other themes. A two people conver-
sation that quickly becomes a conversation open to
thousands of people, ideas and comments.
An example
of global conversation.
44. Expo2015 | Social Media Storytelling
April 2014 | Milan 43
TBD | Starting from the events themes (nutri-
tion and food), global digital community is called
to share their collections. Of tools related to food
and eating. Important collections but also every-
day life tools collections. How do you eat? What
do you use to eat? How can you describe visually
your collection? A special project to pass on design
academies and schools. Milan is the international
capital of design, thus a special project dedicated
to design students all over the world. A collection of
collections. Organized in themes and sub-themes,
a description of the world starting from tools used
to eat. During Expos six months there might be a
physical place (on site or in the city) where to ac-
count for the amount of collections gathered dur-
ing previous months.
An example of
45. Susanna Legrenzi and Stefano Mirti
Head and strategies
Franz Goria
Digital Art Director
Alessandro Mininno
Senior Consultant Web Marketing
Contct at