Expor is a Brazilian company founded in 1969 that is a leader in the Latin American mannequin and display market. It prides itself on quality, innovation as the first to use fiberglass in Brazil, design customization, and competitive pricing. Expor has partnerships and exports 42% of its production, serving customers on five continents with flexibility in production, design, and special projects.
3. Founded in 1969 - Sao Paulo Brazil Soon became the leader in local market EXPOR MANEQUINS DISPLAYS E ACESSRIOS LTDA
4. Expor features for leadership in Latin America: - Quality - Innovation The first to produce in Fiber Glass in Brazil New materials and technologies - Design - Costumization - Best cost x bennefit ratio - Promptness - Personalized relation with costumers
5. Continuous Improvement 1992 Partnership with HINDSGAUL A/G to become exclusive licencee of its ranges in Latin America. 42 % of production is exported.
9. Production Capabilities 30,000 mannequins/year considering a single shift. Expor proudly is a certified Company Friend of the Children, which means we do not use any children labor nor our suppliers.