Get to know the export opportunities in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria with all what you need: SWOT Analysis, Regional Product and Service Demand,
Key Distributors in these countries and much more.
2. Points to be covered today
Jordan, Lebanon, & Syria in Key Figures
Countries SWOT Analysis
Country risk
Imports to Jordan, Lebanon & Syria
Rules & Regulations
Trading in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria
How to succeed
Case Studies
4. Key Figures
Description Jordan Lebanon Syria
Population 6,407,085 4,125,247 22,198,110
Size 89,342 sq km 10,400 sq km 185,180 sq km
GDP (exchange $22.82 billion $33.04 billion $54.99 billion
GDP (per capita) $5,300 $13,100 $4,600
Oil Export 0 bbl/day 0 bbl/day 155,000 bbl/day
Import $12.31 billion $16.25 billion $13.1 billion
Major Ports Port Al Aqabah Port of Beirut, Port of Port Latakia, Port
Tripoli Tartus
6. Jordan
Strength Weaknesses
The SETP (Social and Economic Threats to Safety and Security, Medical
Transformation Programme) includes a Facilities and Health Information, Medical
wide range of initiatives such as human Insurance, and Traffic Safety and Road
resources development and regulatory Conditions.
Opportunities Threats
Recognition at the highest levels for the Jordan does not yet have a formal
need to change innovation policy and innovation policy
7. Lebanon
Strength Weaknesses
A small number of excellent private An inability of public sector
sector educational institutions, with organisations to move into high gear for
strong vision and leadership, with a will to development
increase their role in the economy and
with the ability to attract the support of
Opportunities Threats
Build upon the leadership of key A failure to develop an adequate
industry and professional associations population of managers able to lead
such as Association of Lebanese change and grow in an international,
Industrialists (ALI), the Chamber of competitive business environment where
Commerce , Industry & Agriculture success will relies on innovative
(CCIAB) and the Professional Computer approaches to markets and business
Association (PCA). organisation at both the company and
supply chain level
8. Syria
Strength Weaknesses
Syria has certain natural advantages in Businesses and business people have
terms of mineral deposits and fertile land. had little or no exposure to a competitive
Nevertheless agricultural production is international business environment, to
constrained by issues such as modern practices in finance,
desertification and the supply of fresh management, human resource
water. development or international trade
Opportunities Threats
The last few years have seen a Innovation is about risk taking and
burgeoning of reform related activities in requires appropriate forms of finance.
Syria. This would seem to indicate Innovation in specific sectors may need to
openness to new ideas and a general be accompanies by innovation in
appetite for change. matching forms of finance to be feasible.
10. Country risk Jordan Lebanon Syria
Sovereign risk Stable Stable Stable
Currency risk Stable Stable Stable
Banking sector risk Stable Stable Stable
Political risk Looming Reduced after the Political and
parliamentary formation of a new economic pressure
election government from the US
Economic structure High level of public Massive public debt Limiting fiscal
risk debt stock revenue
12. Regional Product and Service Demand
Jordan food import average yearly growth is 24%.
Lebanon food import average yearly growth is 22%.
Syria food import average yearly growth is 28% .
Demand from the Middle East for luxury goods remains strong regardless
of the global economic misery.
The regional report in public and private construction is fuelling.
Growing demand for the full range of stone products and stone
Demand is increasing for marble, granite, stone derivatives, travertine as
well as cutting, handling and finishing machinery.
The demand on the hospitals medical services has increased, hospitals are
often overcrowded and has limited resources.
There is a strong and growing demand for software and other IT solutions.
13. Overview on imports
Jordan Lebanon Syria
Commodities crude oil, petroleum, cars, medicinal machinery and
machinery, products, clothing, meat transport equipment,
transport and live animals, food and livestock,
equipment, iron, consumer goods, paper, metal, chemicals,
cereals textile fabrics, tobacco, plastics, yarn, paper
electrical machinery and
equipment, chemicals
Top Partners Saudi Arabia 18%, China 9%, U.S 9%, Italy Saudi Arabia 11.7%,
China 11%, USA 7% 8%, France 7%, Germany China 8.7%, Russia 7.5%
UAE 2.35% 7%, Saudi Arabia 2%
UAE 2%
Electricity 200 million kWh 1.114 billion kWh 1.4 billion kWh
Oil Imports 108,200 bbl/day 86,750 bbl/day 58,710 bbl/day
14. Country import trends per sector
15 Jordan
10 Lebanon
Animals & Food & Mineral chemical or Plastics &
Vegetables Beverage products Allied Rubber
15. Country import trends per sector
8 Jordan
Wood & textile Stone Plaster Base Metal Precioius
Wood Pulp Cement Stones
16. Country import trends per sector
8 Jordan
6 Syria
Machinery & Vehicles Various Optical &
Electricals Manufactured Medical
17. Key Distributors in the region
Country Food Distributors Other distributors
Jordan Gulf Food Products Company Abu Shakra Trading Agency
Lebanon Obegi Group Georges Abou Adal et Cie
Syria MAS Distribution Company Attar Group
Whole distributors list and other key information
available at TradAR
19. Rules & Regulations
Country Quality Customs Exempted Products
Organisation from Tariff Duty :
Jordan Jordan institute -Commercial invoice -Member of Greater
for standards -Certificate of origin Arab Free Trade
and metrology -Packing list Area (GAFTA)
(JISM) -Certified by the National U.S-Arab Chamber of Commerce
Lebanon Qualeb -Original invoices for the goods - Member of Greater -Country of origin Arab Free Trade
-Certified by a Foreign Chamber of Area (GAFTA)
Syria Trade directorate -Valid import license -Member of Greater
of technical -Commercial invoice in triplicate Arab Free Trade
affairs, Quality copies Area (GAFTA)
and labs -Certificate of origin -Packing list
20. Trading in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria
Exporting to Jordan, Lebanon and
21. Exporting to Jordan, Lebanon and Syria
Other than buyer matchmaking it can be through
1. A Local agent:
Standard format for agreement
Procedure to register an agency
2. Establishing an office :
Types of activities prohibited for non-Local
Cost of Investment (Downtown: $3000-$6000)
Procedure to form the investment
3. Outsourcing Lead Generation Services (Generating
potential clients through tele-marketing campaigns).
23. Success Factors
Right partner
Investment in Time and Money
Products Competitive Edge
Communications with buyers
Market Presence
Clarify the word Quality
Full preparations
24. Case Study #1
Maderas Menur, a very well known company that is devoted to the
transformation of a natural, noble raw material: wood.
Need for potential partners and distributors in the UAE.
Generate qualitative leads with detailed profile and meet deadlines
TradAR runs a Lead Generation campaign that successfully results with 6
qualified partners/distributors (e.g. Dar Al Rokham Company , Khalifa Juma Al
Nabooda Group , ACTCO General Contracting Company...)
25. Case Study #2
Global leader in IT & Software solutions.
Need for continuous Lead Generation project in 9 countries across the
Levant, GCC & North Africa.
Generate qualitative leads with detailed profiles & meet deadlines.
TradAR runs Tele-profiling & Lead Qualification campaigns that
successfully feeds the pipeline for ongoing sales of Software solutions.