Mihai Eminescu - Ziua Culturii NaționaleTatiana CauniPrezentare susținută în cadrul activității Oameni pe care îi întânim prin educație! În cadrul Atelierului Merito se va lucra pe grupe, în camere pe Zoom cu 80 de elevi.
Nichita stănescu şi basarabenceleAlba IuliaÎn cadrul Salonului Internaţional de Carte din 31 august – 4 septembrie, ed. 2014, editorul albaiulian Virgil Şerbu Cisteianu a donat Bibliotecii “Alba Iulia” antologia în trei volume „Din lirica feminină a Basarabiei” şi volumul “Despre viaţa şi moartea lui Nichita Stănescu”, apărute la Alba Iulia, Editura „Gens Latina”, în 2014. Sperăm că aceste volume, intrate, recent, în fondul bibliotecii, vor fi utile cititorilor noştri în procesul de instruire şi documentare. Vă invităm la bibliotecă să deschideţi volumele ce urmează:
Colectia CLIOBiblioteca de Arte Tudor ArgheziColecţia "Clio" vine să răspundă la multe întrebări din trecutl, prezentul, dar şi perspectivele de viitor ale Republicii Moldova
Chișinau în viziunea tinerilorBiblioteca de Arte Tudor ArgheziO expoziție inedită cu clădiri, străzi din Chișinău, realizată de eleva anului III, Colegiul de Arte Plastice "Al. Plămădeală".
The dog and the shadow wareePORARDKAMONA dog found a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat. While crossing a bridge over a brook, he saw his reflection in the water and mistook it for another dog with a larger piece of meat. When he barked threateningly at the other dog to get the larger piece, the meat fell out of his mouth and into the water below, and he lost both pieces of meat. The story illustrates that if you grasp at shadows, you will lose what is real or substantial.
Mini weather projectsarahcremeans491El documento describe el clima de una semana, con días de sol, viento, lluvia, calor y frío.
ร่างกาย Body wareePORARDKAMONThis document lists various parts of the human body including the head, face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, internal organs, and other areas. It provides a comprehensive anatomical inventory of the human form without additional context or explanation.
Neural network-based techniques for the damage identification of bridges: a r...StroNGER2012The document is a review of recent advances in using neural network techniques for damage identification of bridges. It begins with an introduction discussing traditional structural identification methods versus soft computing methods such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and fuzzy logic. It then provides numerous examples of recent studies from 2008-2013 that have used soft computing methods like neural networks, genetic algorithms and fuzzy neural networks for structural assessment of bridges. The document discusses nonlinear feedforward neural network models and traditional learning methods. It also discusses a probabilistic interpretation of neural networks that allows for Bayesian inference and a hierarchical multi-level Bayesian approach for neural network modeling.
Felicitaciones 21 septiMesa9cdccEl Consejo Departamental de Cultura de Cochabamba propone crear una "Mención Honorífica como Incentivo Ciudadano" para reconocer a los jóvenes líderes en química, informática y matemáticas de Cochabamba que participan en las Olimpiadas Científicas Plurinacionales de Bolivia. El documento analiza la participación y medallas obtenidas por cada departamento en las últimas tres olimpiadas científicas. Cochabamba ha obtenido el mayor número total de medallas.
Prote on moscowBiorad ProСистема Proteon - оптический биосенсор, основанный на технологии поверхностного плазмонного резонанса
для оценки силы, динамики, продолжительности взаимодействия между молекулами.
UN(DIS)COVER: FROM INTEGRATION TO ASPIRATIONFrank W. Spencer IVThis document discusses the importance of strategic foresight and developing a "futures culture" within organizations. It emphasizes that the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn is critical in today's changing environment. While many organizations treat foresight as just another project, it is best integrated as an operating philosophy. Developing a futures culture allows organizations to better innovate, seize opportunities and generate valuable intelligence about future trends. The document also introduces the concept of "Generation Cohorts", where individuals are increasingly aligning based on shared passions rather than traditional generational labels.
Colectia CLIOBiblioteca de Arte Tudor ArgheziColecţia "Clio" vine să răspundă la multe întrebări din trecutl, prezentul, dar şi perspectivele de viitor ale Republicii Moldova
Chișinau în viziunea tinerilorBiblioteca de Arte Tudor ArgheziO expoziție inedită cu clădiri, străzi din Chișinău, realizată de eleva anului III, Colegiul de Arte Plastice "Al. Plămădeală".
The dog and the shadow wareePORARDKAMONA dog found a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat. While crossing a bridge over a brook, he saw his reflection in the water and mistook it for another dog with a larger piece of meat. When he barked threateningly at the other dog to get the larger piece, the meat fell out of his mouth and into the water below, and he lost both pieces of meat. The story illustrates that if you grasp at shadows, you will lose what is real or substantial.
Mini weather projectsarahcremeans491El documento describe el clima de una semana, con días de sol, viento, lluvia, calor y frío.
ร่างกาย Body wareePORARDKAMONThis document lists various parts of the human body including the head, face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, internal organs, and other areas. It provides a comprehensive anatomical inventory of the human form without additional context or explanation.
Neural network-based techniques for the damage identification of bridges: a r...StroNGER2012The document is a review of recent advances in using neural network techniques for damage identification of bridges. It begins with an introduction discussing traditional structural identification methods versus soft computing methods such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and fuzzy logic. It then provides numerous examples of recent studies from 2008-2013 that have used soft computing methods like neural networks, genetic algorithms and fuzzy neural networks for structural assessment of bridges. The document discusses nonlinear feedforward neural network models and traditional learning methods. It also discusses a probabilistic interpretation of neural networks that allows for Bayesian inference and a hierarchical multi-level Bayesian approach for neural network modeling.
Felicitaciones 21 septiMesa9cdccEl Consejo Departamental de Cultura de Cochabamba propone crear una "Mención Honorífica como Incentivo Ciudadano" para reconocer a los jóvenes líderes en química, informática y matemáticas de Cochabamba que participan en las Olimpiadas Científicas Plurinacionales de Bolivia. El documento analiza la participación y medallas obtenidas por cada departamento en las últimas tres olimpiadas científicas. Cochabamba ha obtenido el mayor número total de medallas.
Prote on moscowBiorad ProСистема Proteon - оптический биосенсор, основанный на технологии поверхностного плазмонного резонанса
для оценки силы, динамики, продолжительности взаимодействия между молекулами.
UN(DIS)COVER: FROM INTEGRATION TO ASPIRATIONFrank W. Spencer IVThis document discusses the importance of strategic foresight and developing a "futures culture" within organizations. It emphasizes that the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn is critical in today's changing environment. While many organizations treat foresight as just another project, it is best integrated as an operating philosophy. Developing a futures culture allows organizations to better innovate, seize opportunities and generate valuable intelligence about future trends. The document also introduces the concept of "Generation Cohorts", where individuals are increasingly aligning based on shared passions rather than traditional generational labels.
Class 8judyhubbardThe Celts arrived in Britain and their religious leaders were called Druids. They worshipped gods and goddesses and performed sacrifices. Britain was later conquered by the Romans who brought Christianity. Arthurian legends first appeared in the 12th century work of Geoffrey of Monmouth, though some historians believe Arthur may have been based on a real 5th century Celtic leader named Riothamus. Prior to Arthur's birth, his ancestors Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther Pendragon were told by Merlin to retrieve the Giants' Ring from Ireland. Uther later had a prophetic dream about his son Arthur interpreted by Merlin, predicting Arthur would rule over Gaul and Britain.
Tie ups to fullfill the industry needsraghunathan janarthananThe document discusses 10 basic human needs that must be satisfied in a just society according to Sarvodaya: clean environment, adequate water supply, clothing, nutritious food, shelter, healthcare, communication, fuel/lighting, education, and cultural/spiritual engagement. It then explains that each of these needs corresponds to its own industry sector, such as environmental, water management, textiles, etc. The document advocates for tie-ups, collaborations, and contracts between these industry sectors to make better use of resources and reduce costs. Working together across sectors could provide full utilization of resources, reduce spending, and ensure access to services, technology, and benefits.
101 ICT @ hayahAtif HussainThis document provides information about various technology tools and resources available at Hayah Academy. It lists the ICT toolbox which includes software, networks, email, and various educational platforms. Contact information is provided for the Service Desk, Edline, Atlas, and Google Apps administrators who can assist with accessing and using these tools. The key message is that ICT is a full toolbox and the right combination of tools should be used to achieve desired classroom results.
Entrepreneurship DataashokaddalaThis document analyzes trends in entrepreneurship in the United States using data from 2002 to 2015 from the Kauffman Foundation. It examines the composition of new entrepreneurs over time, rates of entrepreneurship among different demographics and across states and major metropolitan areas. While startup density has increased nationwide, the overall rate of new entrepreneurs has been decreasing in recent years. Key metrics like state and metro rankings are also explored.