This is power point of congratulating expression. It is about congratulating and responding expression when you congratulate someone because of their achievement or celebrating day.
The document discusses suggesting and offering. It defines suggesting as proposing an idea or plan for consideration that can be accepted or refused. It provides examples of phrases for giving, accepting, and refusing suggestions. Offering is defined as giving something physical or abstract to someone that can be taken or traded. Examples of offering help and accepting or declining offers are also given. Formulas for making suggestions and offers using modal verbs are outlined.
Congratulating and complimenting othersAanAndriyani
This materials is chosen as speaking skill, because students can practice how to congratulate and make a compliment for someone. Some of the contents in this slides are taken from Buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas X and internet.
Videos link:
This document provides information about expressing opinions in formal and informal situations in English. It defines opinion and discusses asking and giving opinions formally and informally. Examples of expressions for asking opinions, giving opinions, and refusing things are given for both formal and informal contexts. Sample dialogues demonstrate asking for and giving opinions. The document concludes with exercises for students to practice opinion expressions through a fill-in-the-blank dialogue and questions.
kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang bagaimana mengungkapkan sebuah saran atau menawarkan sebuah tawaran dalam bahasa Inggris. Jadi, tonton terus video ini sampai selesai ya.
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester Genap Kurikulum 2013 dalam bentuk power point presentation yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar di kelas
This document provides examples and explanations for expressing congratulations, hopes, and wishes in English. It begins by explaining the purpose of congratulating others on their achievements and fortunes, and provides sample congratulatory statements like "Congratulations on winning the English speech contest!" and "Congratulations for your graduation!" The document then defines expressing hopes and wishes as showing prayers and hopes for others' desires to come true. It lists common hope and wish expressions like "I hope to see you again one day" and "I wish you luck on your debate competition." The document concludes by thanking the reader.
Ppt materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII IntroductionSiti Purwaningsih
1. Lyra, a new student, introduces herself to Mrs. Santi.
2. They greet each other and Mrs. Santi asks Lyra her name.
3. Mrs. Santi says it is nice to meet Lyra and Lyra reciprocates the sentiment before Mrs. Santi leaves for her office.
Here is a sample conversation for option A2:
You: Hey John, I heard the great news! Congratulations on being elected as the new OSIS leader.
John: Thank you so much! I'm really honored to take on this new role. It will be a big responsibility but I'm excited for the opportunity.
You: You'll do an amazing job. All your hard work and leadership skills made you the perfect candidate. The whole school will benefit from your leadership.
John: That means a lot. I'm still processing it all but I'm grateful for the vote of confidence. Thanks for your support!
You: Of course, you deserve it. I'm really proud of you.
The document defines intention as meaning purpose or goal. It discusses expressing intentions through asking questions or stating plans. Examples are provided of asking about another's intentions as well as ways to state one's own intentions, such as "I'm planning to..." or "It is my intention to...". The document also includes a sample dialogue where two characters discuss one character's intention to hold a birthday party for their class. They discuss getting permission and making invitations.
The document defines analytical exposition text and discusses its generic structure and significant linguistic features. It provides an example of an analytical exposition text on integrated pest management. The text introduces integrated pest management as a safer and more effective option for agriculture compared to pesticides. It makes five arguments supporting this claim: that pesticide residues harm farm produce and the environment; pests develop resistance; pesticides harm non-target animals; eradication is expensive; and understanding ecology aids natural control. In conclusion, integrated pest management is a better agricultural pest control method.
This document discusses expressing congratulations in English. It begins by defining congratulations and noting its usage for achievements or celebrations. It provides examples of expressions for congratulating and responding to congratulations in English, including for occasions like birthdays, holidays, and accomplishments. The document includes sample dialogues and assigns students an individual project to create a congratulatory card, reflecting on their learning.
The document provides information about procedural texts and examples of procedures. It defines procedural texts as those that describe a process in a series of steps to tell the reader how to do or make something. Two examples of procedures are then given: one for making fried rice and one for making homemade banana ice cream. Each example follows the generic structure of procedural texts, which includes the goal, materials, and a series of method steps using imperative verbs and simple present tense.
This document discusses expressions for asking and giving opinions in both formal and informal situations. It provides common phrases for asking for an opinion, giving an opinion, and refusing things in formal settings such as the office or classroom. Examples include "What is your opinion about..." and "I personally believe..." for formal situations, and "What do you think of..." and "In my opinion..." for informal settings. The document also gives an example dialogue between two characters, Ricky and Bella, where they exchange opinions on a new bag in both an informal asking and giving opinion exchange and a refusal. It concludes by providing a student worksheet prompt to create a similar dialogue using the opinion expressions.
The document discusses active and passive sentences. The active voice has the subject performing the action, while the passive voice has the action being done to the subject. To form the passive voice, a form of "to be" is used along with the past participle of the main verb. Both regular and irregular verbs are used to demonstrate how to change sentences from active to passive voice. Various tenses, including present, past, continuous, and perfect are provided as examples of active and passive transformations.
The document discusses Donny and Ricky's conversation about Ricky's new bag that his aunt bought him as a birthday gift. Donny thinks the color of the bag is too conspicuous for a boy and looks too over-the-top, but appreciates it as a gift. They exchange opinions on the bag's style, color, and who purchased it as a gift.
Procedure text explains how to do or use something through instruction manuals. It generally has a goal, list of materials, and steps. The goal states what is being made or how it works. Not all procedural texts require materials. Steps provide a sequence of actions that must be taken to achieve the goal. Language features include imperative sentences, action verbs, connectives, adverbials of time and manner, and the simple present tense. For example, a procedure for making ice cream outlines preparing a mixture, chilling it, freezing it while stirring every 30 minutes, and storing it until ready to serve.
This document provides information about procedure texts, including their purpose, generic structure, language features, and an example of how to make a sandwich in 3 steps. It discusses that a procedure text shows how to make or do something through a sequence of steps, using simple present tense, adverbials of sequence, and imperative sentences. The generic structure includes a goal, list of materials, and description of steps.
Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau situasi yang sudah terjadi tanpa memperhatikan kapan terjadinya. Perbedaan present perfect dengan past tense adalah past tense menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan waktu spesifik, sedangkan present perfect menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi tanpa memperhatikan waktu secara spesifik. Present perfect dapat digunakan dengan berbagai pernyataan waktu seperti ever, never, before,
The document provides instructions for writing a personal letter, including its purpose and structure. A personal letter is written to someone you know for reasons like sharing news, asking for help, or apologizing. It should include a heading with address and date, greeting, body paragraphs, closing, signature, and optional postscript. An example personal letter is then provided following this structure with a greeting, 3 body paragraphs, and closing of "Sincerely," before the signature. The purpose is to teach students how to properly write a personal letter.
The document contains song lyrics that repeat phrases like "Wake up!" and "Say Hi everybody" twice. It instructs the reader to "Look at me and sing to me" and states "And you are zigzigzig!!!" in three short sentences.
asking for and offering help nisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.pptxzxCrazy1
This document discusses asking for and offering help. It defines asking for help as expressing a request for assistance from someone. Offering help is defined as suggesting or providing assistance willingly to someone in need. The document provides examples of formal and informal ways to ask for and offer help through example sentences and dialogues. It illustrates asking for help with tasks like directions or homework and offering help with things like heavy luggage or crossing the street. The purpose is to learn polite ways to request and provide help.
This document discusses the definition, social function, generic structure, and language features of narrative text. Narrative text is defined as a story with problematic events and resolutions to solve problems, and its purpose is to amuse or entertain readers. The generic structure of narrative text includes an orientation that introduces characters, a complication that presents problems leading to a climax, and a resolution that solves the crisis in a happy or sad ending. Language features include using past tense, adverbs of time, connectives, and descriptive adjectives.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pendapat dan cara mengekspresikannya. Pendapat adalah sudut pandang seseorang terhadap sesuatu, dan penting untuk mendukung pendapat dengan alasan atau contoh. Pendapat dapat diekspresikan secara personal, pandangan umum, atau menyetujui atau tidak setuju. Dokumen tersebut juga memberikan contoh kalimat untuk mengekspresikan ketiga hal tersebut.
This document discusses asking for and providing suggestions. It provides examples of asking for suggestions, such as about taking a dream job far from family or what to order at a restaurant. When asking for suggestions, it is good to provide context and listen to the ideas and opinions of others. Suggestions should aim to help the person by considering their situation and needs.
Expression of complimenting and showing careratna kyoo
This document discusses expressing compliments and showing care. It provides examples of compliments such as "well done" and "that's great" as well as responses like "thank you." Examples of showing care include asking "are you hurt?" and expressing sympathy. Two dialogues demonstrate complimenting a friend's performance and outfit, and showing care by accompanying a friend to the hospital after their father's ship accident.
expression of congratulation, compliment, and gratitudeZuha Millatina
This document discusses different ways to express congratulation, compliments, and gratitude in English. It provides examples of phrases to congratulate someone on an accomplishment, compliment something like someone's appearance or work, and express gratitude. Sample dialogs are also given that demonstrate congratulating someone on the popularity of their library, complimenting a dress made by a friend, and thanking someone for their help carrying a book.
The document defines intention as meaning purpose or goal. It discusses expressing intentions through asking questions or stating plans. Examples are provided of asking about another's intentions as well as ways to state one's own intentions, such as "I'm planning to..." or "It is my intention to...". The document also includes a sample dialogue where two characters discuss one character's intention to hold a birthday party for their class. They discuss getting permission and making invitations.
The document defines analytical exposition text and discusses its generic structure and significant linguistic features. It provides an example of an analytical exposition text on integrated pest management. The text introduces integrated pest management as a safer and more effective option for agriculture compared to pesticides. It makes five arguments supporting this claim: that pesticide residues harm farm produce and the environment; pests develop resistance; pesticides harm non-target animals; eradication is expensive; and understanding ecology aids natural control. In conclusion, integrated pest management is a better agricultural pest control method.
This document discusses expressing congratulations in English. It begins by defining congratulations and noting its usage for achievements or celebrations. It provides examples of expressions for congratulating and responding to congratulations in English, including for occasions like birthdays, holidays, and accomplishments. The document includes sample dialogues and assigns students an individual project to create a congratulatory card, reflecting on their learning.
The document provides information about procedural texts and examples of procedures. It defines procedural texts as those that describe a process in a series of steps to tell the reader how to do or make something. Two examples of procedures are then given: one for making fried rice and one for making homemade banana ice cream. Each example follows the generic structure of procedural texts, which includes the goal, materials, and a series of method steps using imperative verbs and simple present tense.
This document discusses expressions for asking and giving opinions in both formal and informal situations. It provides common phrases for asking for an opinion, giving an opinion, and refusing things in formal settings such as the office or classroom. Examples include "What is your opinion about..." and "I personally believe..." for formal situations, and "What do you think of..." and "In my opinion..." for informal settings. The document also gives an example dialogue between two characters, Ricky and Bella, where they exchange opinions on a new bag in both an informal asking and giving opinion exchange and a refusal. It concludes by providing a student worksheet prompt to create a similar dialogue using the opinion expressions.
The document discusses active and passive sentences. The active voice has the subject performing the action, while the passive voice has the action being done to the subject. To form the passive voice, a form of "to be" is used along with the past participle of the main verb. Both regular and irregular verbs are used to demonstrate how to change sentences from active to passive voice. Various tenses, including present, past, continuous, and perfect are provided as examples of active and passive transformations.
The document discusses Donny and Ricky's conversation about Ricky's new bag that his aunt bought him as a birthday gift. Donny thinks the color of the bag is too conspicuous for a boy and looks too over-the-top, but appreciates it as a gift. They exchange opinions on the bag's style, color, and who purchased it as a gift.
Procedure text explains how to do or use something through instruction manuals. It generally has a goal, list of materials, and steps. The goal states what is being made or how it works. Not all procedural texts require materials. Steps provide a sequence of actions that must be taken to achieve the goal. Language features include imperative sentences, action verbs, connectives, adverbials of time and manner, and the simple present tense. For example, a procedure for making ice cream outlines preparing a mixture, chilling it, freezing it while stirring every 30 minutes, and storing it until ready to serve.
This document provides information about procedure texts, including their purpose, generic structure, language features, and an example of how to make a sandwich in 3 steps. It discusses that a procedure text shows how to make or do something through a sequence of steps, using simple present tense, adverbials of sequence, and imperative sentences. The generic structure includes a goal, list of materials, and description of steps.
Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau situasi yang sudah terjadi tanpa memperhatikan kapan terjadinya. Perbedaan present perfect dengan past tense adalah past tense menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan waktu spesifik, sedangkan present perfect menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi tanpa memperhatikan waktu secara spesifik. Present perfect dapat digunakan dengan berbagai pernyataan waktu seperti ever, never, before,
The document provides instructions for writing a personal letter, including its purpose and structure. A personal letter is written to someone you know for reasons like sharing news, asking for help, or apologizing. It should include a heading with address and date, greeting, body paragraphs, closing, signature, and optional postscript. An example personal letter is then provided following this structure with a greeting, 3 body paragraphs, and closing of "Sincerely," before the signature. The purpose is to teach students how to properly write a personal letter.
The document contains song lyrics that repeat phrases like "Wake up!" and "Say Hi everybody" twice. It instructs the reader to "Look at me and sing to me" and states "And you are zigzigzig!!!" in three short sentences.
asking for and offering help nisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.pptxzxCrazy1
This document discusses asking for and offering help. It defines asking for help as expressing a request for assistance from someone. Offering help is defined as suggesting or providing assistance willingly to someone in need. The document provides examples of formal and informal ways to ask for and offer help through example sentences and dialogues. It illustrates asking for help with tasks like directions or homework and offering help with things like heavy luggage or crossing the street. The purpose is to learn polite ways to request and provide help.
This document discusses the definition, social function, generic structure, and language features of narrative text. Narrative text is defined as a story with problematic events and resolutions to solve problems, and its purpose is to amuse or entertain readers. The generic structure of narrative text includes an orientation that introduces characters, a complication that presents problems leading to a climax, and a resolution that solves the crisis in a happy or sad ending. Language features include using past tense, adverbs of time, connectives, and descriptive adjectives.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pendapat dan cara mengekspresikannya. Pendapat adalah sudut pandang seseorang terhadap sesuatu, dan penting untuk mendukung pendapat dengan alasan atau contoh. Pendapat dapat diekspresikan secara personal, pandangan umum, atau menyetujui atau tidak setuju. Dokumen tersebut juga memberikan contoh kalimat untuk mengekspresikan ketiga hal tersebut.
This document discusses asking for and providing suggestions. It provides examples of asking for suggestions, such as about taking a dream job far from family or what to order at a restaurant. When asking for suggestions, it is good to provide context and listen to the ideas and opinions of others. Suggestions should aim to help the person by considering their situation and needs.
Expression of complimenting and showing careratna kyoo
This document discusses expressing compliments and showing care. It provides examples of compliments such as "well done" and "that's great" as well as responses like "thank you." Examples of showing care include asking "are you hurt?" and expressing sympathy. Two dialogues demonstrate complimenting a friend's performance and outfit, and showing care by accompanying a friend to the hospital after their father's ship accident.
expression of congratulation, compliment, and gratitudeZuha Millatina
This document discusses different ways to express congratulation, compliments, and gratitude in English. It provides examples of phrases to congratulate someone on an accomplishment, compliment something like someone's appearance or work, and express gratitude. Sample dialogs are also given that demonstrate congratulating someone on the popularity of their library, complimenting a dress made by a friend, and thanking someone for their help carrying a book.
This document outlines a lesson plan for senior high school students to learn how to respond to expressions of happiness and sympathy in English. It provides lists of example phrases to express happiness, like "That's great news!" and "Congratulations", and sympathy, such as "I'm sorry to hear that" and "How unlucky". The lesson involves students learning the material, teachers demonstrating example dialogs, giving tasks and a quiz to check understanding.
Thanking, Complementing, and Congratulating - English for Interpersonal Inte...Arzismal Rayka Putra
1) The document is a presentation from students Arzismal Rayka Putra, Fajar Nur Juliyanto, and Maulana Syarif Dzikri from Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf in Tangerang discussing phrases for thanking, complimenting, and congratulating others.
2) It provides examples of common phrases used for thanking, complimenting, and congratulating others, as well as typical responses. For thanking, examples of functions like appreciating benefits, opening and closing conversations, and leave-taking are given.
3) Sample dialogues are presented to demonstrate the use of thanking, complimenting, and congratulating phrases in context. The
Expression of Congratulation adalah materi kelas IX Smp. Di Ppt ini terdapat Definisi, Contoh kata atau kalimat dari expressionnya juga respon, dan juga contoh dialog.
Here is a sample conversation for option A3:
You: Hey Lisa, I heard the great news! Congratulations on the new addition to your family.
Lisa: Thank you so much. Yes, we're all so happy and excited to welcome our new baby boy.
You: That's wonderful. You must be over the moon. How is the little one doing?
Lisa: He's doing great. It's definitely an adjustment but we're loving every moment.
You: I'm sure you'll be amazing parents. Please pass on my congratulations to your partner as well. You both must be thrilled.
Lisa: Thank you, I certainly will. We really appreciate your well wishes. It's a big
This document contains common greetings, expressions of happiness, introductions, ways to ask and give opinions, and expressions of agreement and disagreement in English. It includes greetings like "Hello" and "Good morning", expressions of happiness such as "Alhamdulillah" and "Fantastic", introductions that provide name, location, hobbies, and education, ways to ask opinions like "How do you feel about..." and give opinions like "According to me...", and agreements like "Yes, I agree" and disagreements like "I don't agree with you".
The document provides examples of expressions used for asking and giving attention, checking understanding, compliments, opinions, and completing dialogues in English. It includes sample dialogues that demonstrate asking for attention, checking understanding, giving compliments, and expressing opinions. The document also includes exercises for rearranging dialogues and filling in missing expressions.
Expressions of congratulations are used to acknowledge when someone has succeeded in accomplishing something. The document provides examples of phrases used to offer congratulations and responses acknowledging the congratulations. It also includes a short example dialogue where one character congratulates another on winning a science competition and selling over 500 copies of their first novel in three weeks.
This document provides expressions and responses for asking for attention, checking understanding, giving compliments, and asking for and giving opinions in English. It includes lists of phrases to ask for attention, check someone's understanding, give compliments, and ask for and give opinions. It also lists responses to show attention, understanding, and lack of understanding. The purpose is to help students with the competency of using English to ask for attention, check understanding, and give compliments and opinions.
This document provides guidance on congratulating others in Indonesian. It discusses expressing congratulations for friends' achievements and successes. Examples are given for how to offer congratulations using phrases like "I'd be the first to congratulate you on..." and "Congratulations on...". Responses someone might give after being congratulated, such as "It's very good of you to say so", are also listed. Students are assigned to record themselves offering congratulations in different situations as a task.
Congratulation and Compliment-ºÝºÝߣsCarnival_02.pptNorAstiyah
This document provides information on congratulating and complimenting others. It defines congratulation as expressing achievement or celebration. Examples of congratulating include acknowledging achievements and milestones. Compliments appreciate appearance, work, or belongings to encourage others. Common responses to compliments include thanking the person. The document also gives examples of compliments on different attributes and how to structure compliments.
This document discusses expressions used to express agreement, disagreement, and opinions in English. It provides lists of informal and formal expressions to agree, disagree, ask for opinions, and give opinions. Some examples of agreeing expressions include "I agree," "You're absolutely right," and "I couldn't agree more." Examples of disagreeing include "I don't think so," "No way!" and "I beg to differ." The document also provides examples of dialogues where English speakers use these expressions to agree, disagree and discuss their opinions in informal and formal situations.
lesson for 8 graders about congratulationsEva Purnarini
This is the slides about English lesson for 8 graders of Junior High School. The slides contain of standard competence, basic competence, indicators, objective, learning material, and the activity complete with animations, audio, and video.. the material itself is about expressing congratulations..
Sesi 14 mku bhs inggris expressing opinionmuazimbmh
The document discusses expressing opinions in English. It provides examples of expressions used to give opinions such as "In my opinion" and "To my mind." It also gives phrases for expressing agreement like "I agree" and disagreement like "I don't think so." Examples of asking for opinions and interrupting are presented as well. The document emphasizes that expressions and phrases are useful tools for easily communicating opinions in English.
This document provides information about greetings and leave-takings in English. It lists common formal and informal greetings like "Good morning" and "Hi" as well as the typical responses. It also distinguishes between formal and informal ways of taking leave, such as saying "Goodbye" versus "See you later." An example dialogue demonstrates a greeting when meeting a friend and inviting them to a birthday party before taking leave.
This document provides information about greetings and leave-takings in English. It lists common formal and informal greetings like "Good morning" and "Hi" as well as the typical responses. It also distinguishes between formal and informal ways of taking leave, such as saying "Goodbye" versus "See you later." An example dialogue demonstrates a greeting when meeting a friend and inviting them to a birthday party before taking leave.
B.J. Habibie was the third president of Indonesia. He was born in 1936 in South Sulawesi and lost his father at age 14. Habibie continued his studies in Germany, where he received an engineering degree. He worked in Germany on aircraft development and held a high position at Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm before Suharto requested he return to Indonesia to work on developing the country. Habibie held several government positions, including Minister of Research and Technology, before becoming vice president and then president in 1998 after Suharto's resignation. As president, Habibie stabilized the economy during a financial crisis and transition period.
Mata kuliah ini membahas ucapan selamat dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Terdiri dari dua kompetensi dasar yaitu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan struktur teks ucapan selamat, serta menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ucapan selamat. Unit pertama berfokus pada ekspresi selamat.
A house is typically a building for one family that provides areas for sleeping, preparing and eating food, and spending time together. It contains a living room with chairs and tables, a bedroom with a bed and pillows, and a kitchen with plates and forks. The document instructs students to choose three parts of a house they like, describe the furniture in each part using simple present tense, and not worry about grammar for the descriptions.
Mata kuliah ini membahas mengenali nama-nama bagian rumah dan benda di dalam rumah dalam bahasa Inggris. Materi dibahas melalui gambar, video, dan presentasi tentang bagian-bagian rumah. Mahasiswa diajak menyebutkan nama-nama tersebut secara lisan dan tertulis.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline George
Odoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ E-Book Free DownloadSONU HEETSON
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ Book PDF Free Download. All Questions collected from NIMI Mock Test, CTS Bharat Skills Question Bank, Previous Exam papers. Helpful for CTS Trade Theory 1st & 2nd Year CBT Exam,ÌýApprentice test, AITT, ISRO, DRDO, NAVY, ARMY, Naval Dockyard, Tradesman, Training Officer, Instructor, RRB ALP CBT 2,ÌýRailway Technician, CEPTAM, BRO, PWD, PHED, Air India, BHEL, BARC, IPSC, CISF, CTI, HSFC, GSRTC, GAIL, PSC, Viva, Tests, QuizÌý& all other technical competitive exams.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
2. What is the expression of
Expression of congratulations is an expression
that we use give the congratulation utterance
when he or she be succed in doing someone.
3. The usage of congratulation
It is used when you congratulate someone
because of their achievement or celebrating
4. The kinds of expressions of
Congratulating Responding
I’d be the fist to congratulate you
on ....
It’s very goood of you to say so.
I’d like to congratulate you on ... How nice of you yo say so.
Please accept my warmest
Thank you very much for saying
May I congratulate you on .... I’m glad you think so.
I must congratulate you. Oh, it’s nothing special actually.
It was great to hear about .... Oh, I have a lot to learn yet.
Congratulations! Oh, not really.
Congratulations on ...! Oh, nothing to it, actually.
Well done!/ Fantastic! Oh, thank’s.
5. Example dialogue
Satria : Congratulation, Ren!
Renata : Hah? For what?
Satria : You have an award as the young
entrepreneur inspiration!
Renata : Really? Oh, Thank God!
Satria : Waw! I’m so proud of you.
Renata : Thank you Satria.
6. Beny : Who won the football match
Tomy : Our team did. We won three to
Beny : Congratulation. I’m glad to hear
Tomy : Thank you.
7. Fatima : Happy birthday, Aisha. May
happy return.
Aisha : Thank you, Fatima. You are
the first someone who
congratulates me.
Fatima : Oh really? Here is a little
present for you. I hope you
like it.
Aisha : Thank you very much. You
are really my best