This is our eighth newsletter for our Extra Life 2015.
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Extra Life 2015 Meeting 8
In This Issue
ï‚· 24 Hour Marathon Is
ï‚· The Breakdown
ï‚· Halloween Stream
ï‚· Upcoming Events
ï‚· #100DaysOfGaming
ï‚· Five Below Event
November 7th @ 9AM EST
24 Hour Marathon Is Here!
It’s here! The big day we have been waiting all year for is just around the corner
on November 7th! Our team will be going live at 9:00 AM EST and will be playing
through until 9:00 AM EST on November 8th. This is the marathon we have been
preparing for! If you want to help please feel free to share us with your friends and/
or donate to our team! To help our view count please have our channel open for
the entire marathon!
The Breakdown
On game day there will be 10 of us participating. The gamers are:
Bill, CJ, Cody, James, Jimmy, Joe, John, Logan, Nathan, and Todd
Each of us will have a 2 hour timeslot that we have chosen a game to live stream.
This takes up 20 hours and then we have 4 hours that we will use for games like
Just Dance and Rockband. While we may only have 2 hours to play whatever we
want, the others will either be playing games in the background or playing co-op
with another streamer. During the 24 hour marathon we will monitor our stream to
provide the best quality we can. Each and every donation that we receive will be
read off on stream. Also to add to the fun, for every $100 raised we will do a
Dance Party live on stream for your entertainment. We don’t mind making our-
selves look silly because we want to raise money #ForTheKids A schedule of
games and streamers can be found here:
The Wingèd Blades Newsletter Meeting 8 Oct. 25th, 2015
2. Halloween Stream!
On October 10th our team got together for a horror themed stream
for Extra Life! We had several members come out in costume to par-
ticipate in playing the game SOMA, a mystery horror game!
We had so many people come out to support our stream! This was
the biggest turnout we have had to date! I wish I could list everyone’s
name here, but there were so many. I will give special recognition to
everyone who donated to us!
Alyssa Michaels
Because of you guys we raised, $38.23! Thank you so much! We
were able to reach a goal, therefore we did a Luigi Dance Party!
(which can be watched on our YouTube channel). We really enjoyed
everyone hanging out with us, and we had a lot of fun playing
SOMA. If you missed the stream you can of course find it on
YouTube as well!
Team Stats
Already we have raised a total of
$1,376.03! And we have 19 mem-
Welcome our newest members!
Aaron Clayton
Jeff Davidson
Dwayne Green
Keep up the great work! We are
already at 46% of our goal! Let’s
get more members too!
We actually had 2 members break
off from our team. Even though we
are sad to see them leave, they
went and made teams themselves
and recruited more members! In
the grand scheme of things the
ultimate goal is to help the kids!
Upcoming Events!
The 24 hour marathon is coming!
Nov. 7th
Possible Christmas Toy Drive in
December at Five Below
As of Oct. 30th, 2015
Halloween Horror Stream 2015 (SOMA)
3. #100DaysOf
A while back ago we start-
ed a challenge called the
#100DaysOfGaming. This
challenge forced us to
stream at least 1 game
every day for the 100 days
leading up to the 24 hour
marathon. I wanted to
share my experience with
It was a slow start at first.
Some nights we didn’t
have anyone in chat but
slowly we started gaining
more and more followers.
The best thing to happen
to the stream was making
a schedule and sticking to
that schedule as much as
possible. Towards the end
of the challenge there
were on average 10 people
in chat either talking or
This challenge has helped
me realize that I want to do
this more and potentially
make a career out of it. I’m
not looking to make a liv-
ing off of it, but I have met
so many people and we
have built a community
that all help and support
each other. These are
great people, and I enjoy
seeing them more than
playing the game when I
go live every night. Be-
cause of them, I want to
continue to grow and
some day I will become
partnered with Twitch. Not
if, but when is my attitude
because with enough hard
work and support I will get
-Todd Michaels
Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach are Just Dancing!
Five Below Event - Just Dance
First of all, I want to give a huge thank you to the associates at the Five Below in
Canton. Once again you guys were amazing for letting us use your store to help raise
money #ForTheKids!
This event we brought a TV with and Xbox360 to the Five Below store. We played Just
Dance games with everyone that wanted to play, and not only that, a couple of us
dressed up as Mario & Luigi! This was a real kick with the kids as they got to see their
heroes making a fool of themselves!
After the event was over, we raised $116.63 #ForTheKids! We also received several
items that will be donated to the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. We couldn’t have
done it without you, so thank you so much for helping out our local children's hospital!
4. Contact Us
Have questions or ideas?
(678) 939-2952
If you would like to get
ahold of us the best way
will be through our Face-
book page. Feel free to
call or email us though if
you prefer.
Important Links
Donation Page:
Extra Life Forums:
Play Games. Heal Kids.