School learning focuses on linguistic and logical skills through direct instruction, while learning outside of school emphasizes more diverse intelligences like musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal skills through indirect experiences. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences identifies 7 types of intelligence, with Daniel Goleman adding emotional intelligence as an 8th type. These multiple intelligences can help understand each learner's strengths and how they learn best, as students utilize different intelligences to learn, remember, and understand concepts.
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1. Learning in School and Learning Outside of School4 Main Differences:(Norton & Wiburg, 2008, p30)
3. A View of Intelligence ContdOf particular interest is the 8th criterion susceptibility to encoding in a symbol systemAlmost all human communication takes place via symbol systemsMultiple Intelligences serve as tool for thinking about the potentials of a learnerStudents learn, remember, perform, and understand in different(Norton & Wiburg, 2008, p 31)
Editor's Notes
#2: Norton, P. & Wiburg, K. (2008). Designing opportunities for learning. In Teaching with technology: Designing opportunities to learn, 2nd ed. (pp. 17-41). Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.
#3: Norton, P. & Wiburg, K. (2008). Designing opportunities for learning. In Teaching with technology: Designing opportunities to learn, 2nd ed. (pp. 17-41). Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.
#4: Norton, P. & Wiburg, K. (2008). Designing opportunities for learning. In Teaching with technology: Designing opportunities to learn, 2nd ed. (pp. 17-41). Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.