The document discusses designing filtered and refined interfaces for distilling data. It covers organizing, processing, and presenting information in a format that allows for effective decision making. A variety of visualization techniques are presented for representing different data types, including location, attributes, quantities, and relationships. The discussion emphasizes providing an overview, enabling zooming and filtering of the data, and offering details on demand.
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Filtered and Refined: Interfaces for Distilling Data
1. Filtered & Re鍖ned
Interfaces for Distilling Data
Erin Jo Richey @erinjo
Saturday, March 24, 2012
2. Information is a source of
learning. But unless it is
organized, processed, and
available to the right people in
a format for decision making, it
is a burden, not a bene鍖t.
William Pollard
American Physicist
Saturday, March 24, 2012