F-stops control the amount of light that enters the lens and the depth of field in an image. F-stops refer to the opening size on the lens, with larger numbers representing smaller openings that produce a larger depth of field and more elements in focus, while smaller numbers represent larger openings that produce a smaller depth of field and less elements in focus. Common f-stop values include f/22, f/16, f/11, f/8, f/5.6, f/3.5, f/2, and f/1.4.
2. How much light is allowed to enter through the lens. How much is in focus. It controls the Depth of Field in the Image. (DOF) F-Stops control 2 Things
3. F-stops are the opening on the lens. There are numbers on the lens that correspond to the openings on the lens. Most common F-stops are 22 16 11 8 5.6 3.5 2 1.4 (these are the ones you will see on tests) The Depth of Field refers to the plane of focus. What is an F-Stop
4. 22 16 11 8 5.6 3.5 2 1.4 The Larger the number the smaller the opening the larger the Depth of Field. The Smaller the number the larger the opening the smaller the Depth of Field.
5. Large Depth of Field Smaller the Opening More is in Focus
6. Small Depth of Field Larger the opening, less that is in focus Larger the opening, less that is in focus