This document discusses blended learning, which combines face-to-face and online instruction. It notes that technology alone does not determine instruction quality, but rather the overall lesson design, objectives, presentation, practice, and evaluation. Well-planned lessons can be successful regardless of technology used, which serves to enhance pedagogy rather than replace teachers. Learning management systems and SCORM activities help structure online lessons and resources to provide students input and language practice at their own pace, freeing up class time for other activities.
ï‚› Hugh Dellar (trainer) states that technology is
neutral; it neither guarantees nor diminishes the
quality of instruction.
ï‚› Quality is primarily determined by the
overall design of the lesson:
ï‚› the relevance of learning objectives
ï‚› the clarity of presentation
ï‚› the amount of practice and review given
to students
ï‚› the way lessons are evaluated
3. Let´s touch base
ï‚› Technology will not compensate for a
poorly planned lesson
ï‚›A well-planned lesson will be generally
successful regardless of the technologies
ï‚› Technology is not substituting teachers, it
is assigning a new role.
4. LMS
ï‚› E-Learning
software enables you to
enhance pedagogical approach and
makes learning easy with the Cambridge
Learning Management System and tools
5. SCORM activities
ï‚› Sharable Content Object Reference
Model is a collection of standards and
specifications for web-based e-learning
ï‚› units of online training material that can
be shared across systems and a set of
rules that specifies the order in which a
learner may experience content object
6. Advantages of LMS and
SCORM activities
They constrain a learner to:
1. a fixed set of paths through the training material
2. permit the learner to "bookmark" their progress
when taking breaks
3. assure the acceptability of test scores achieved
by the learner
4. example
7. Online resources and planning
ï‚› Online resources, such as Touchstone
BLENDED can provide quality input within the
context of a well-planned language unit
ï‚› Learning and Language acquisition:
language is learned through exposure to
comprehensible input (Krashen)
ï‚› The more input a student receives, the more is
there for us to activate in the classroom
8. exposure to authentic
ï‚› Using the LMS for the input component of
a language lesson provides a lot of the
same benefits
ï‚› It
lets the student control the input, and
acquire language at his/her own pace
9. Time and Efficiency
ï‚› 25
percent of school time is dedicated to
non-instructional activities
ï‚› engage in all the meta-language
reflections we want to engage in
ï‚› activate the language they have learned
10. Student center action
To attain genuine engagement, a teacher needs to infuse
student-centered elements in the classroom by:
� Setting an atmosphere where students accept learning as a
personal responsibility.
� Providing a culturally responsive curriculum using a student's
prior knowledge.
� Having students engaged in self-assessment.
� Helping students set a "can-do" attitude for academic
development and social growth.
11. Important
ï‚› The fewer disruptions, the more focused
the student, the more engaged time for
instruction and the greater the learning
opportunities (both in and outside the
12. TIPS
1. Visual timers
2. Keep students on task during activities
3. Get students to class on time
4. Get through your lesson plan with
minimal distraction
5. Give students clear directions
6. Allow students to contribute to
managing THEIR class: