Socrative is an online tool that allows teachers to create formative assessments for students. Teachers can create multiple choice, true/false, or open response quizzes that provide immediate feedback. Student responses are collated into an Excel report for teachers. Socrative quizzes can be student-paced or teacher-paced. Teachers can also conduct impromptu quizzes by dictating questions orally and having students enter and vote on responses. Both Socrative and Google Forms are easy to use formative assessment tools that provide quick feedback to teachers and students.
2. Assessment- Dirty word?
If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow
-John Dewey
3. Discuss
0 What are some of the
benefits of formative
0 How has it been
4. Tech + F.A
0 Personal technology allows for a faster feedback loop
0 Remediation can be differentiated more effectively
0 Relationship between students and teachers grows
- cura personalis
NB- There is no one size approach.
5. Socrative
0 Online tool where
teachers can create
0 Quizzes can be M.C, T/F
or open-response
0 Answers are collated
and reports sent to
teachers in Excel format
6. Use #1: Pre-Made Quiz
0 Quizzes can be student paced or teacher paced
0 Teacher gets immediate feedback on device
0 Lets practice. I hope you remember all things Jesuit
8. Use #2: Impromptu Quiz
0 If students are grappling with a complex subject, an
impromptu quiz will measure their understanding
0 Questions are dictated orally; students enter their
0 Teachers can send responses to student screens and
they can vote on the best.
9. Use #3: Exit Check
Socrative has a generic exit check; Cannot be modified
10. 赫艶稼艶姻温鉛
Strengths Limitations
0 Students enjoy 0 Students could forge
immediate their names
0 Only 50 users/activity.
Only 1 activity running
0 Quick and easy to 0 A quiz can not be
use reviewed before final
0 Quizzes are submission. Once a
question is
GRADED answered, it is final.
0 Device agnostic
11. Google Forms
0 Another great option for formative assessment.
0 Embedding in Pen.IO took all of ten seconds.
0 Life is all about options!