Lisa Rusczyk works in academic technology at LHUP. Her website provides information about academic technology and resources available. She encourages people to connect with her on Facebook.
This document discusses Kaja Lattu's experience with various e-learning environments over one year. It lists 14 different platforms and tools used, including Moodle, WordPress, LePress, Dippler, iCampus, Google Code, Mendeley, LeMill, and others. Mendeley is described as a free reference manager and academic social network that can help organize research and collaborate online. The document concludes by asking the reader to consider what e-learning may mean in the next 20 years.
Contextualized online search & research skillsedenubasa
This document provides a list of 6 online educational resources for students and researchers including search engines, databases, and journals. Some of the highlighted resources include Rasmussen University's list of 15 educational search engines, the JSTOR database for academic papers, and open access databases available from De La Salle University and the University of the Philippines libraries.
Lisa Rusczyk from Academic Technology at LHUP introduced Word Cloud and Wordle, two online tools that generate word clouds and wordles from input text. Word Cloud and Wordle can be used to visualize the frequency and relationship of words in documents or web pages through images that emphasize size and font of words.
วารสารทางด้าน Ict for education in scopusPrachyanun Nilsook
This document discusses important academic journals in the field of ICT for Education that are indexed in the Scopus and ISI databases. It provides a list of top journals where authors should consider publishing their work to increase visibility and impact. Some key journals mentioned include Computers & Education, British Journal of Educational Technology, and Educational Technology Research and Development. Publishing in these internationally recognized journals helps disseminate research and knowledge more widely.
The document provides an overview of the topics and resources that will be covered in an EDSS 620 Social Studies and Technology class over the summer. It includes introductions to the class, syllabus, learning platforms, standards for social studies, literacy and technology that will be addressed. Links are provided to resources on what social studies is, scope and sequence for NYC, NYS standards, Common Core ELA standards, NETS technology standards, examples of social studies tasks, and background information on key historical documents like the Declaration of Independence.