Gamelet published 17 games including 15 real-time synchronized games and 2 social games using their experiences developing games on Facebook and Flash. They provided tips and tricks for development including managing art and developer workflows, improving performance, fighting cheaters, and using Facebook APIs and Graph API from Flash without reloading the page.
25. Building a BotMonitoringMonitoring All Service InterfacesAOP, AnnotationLimiting resource updateLimit by Time PeriodLimit by User Roles, LevelsGuests, Unregistered Users
40. Chinese InputFlash 9/10Only wmode = ¡®window¡¯ Can Input ChineseWill Hide javascript WindowsFlash 10.1wmode = ¡®opaque¡¯ can input Chinese in IE/Firefox
41. Flash 9,10 + wmode = ¡®window¡¯Move or Hide the Flash
44. Step 3: Close the <iframe> by Javascript<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){window.parent.onFbmlIframeClosed();});</script>