What is Facebook Messages? What is Facebook email? Is Facebook becoming a Gmail competitor? Yet another email id? These are some of the questions that have been doing circles in the last few days. Facebook Messages Demystified will answer these questions and many more!
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2. To:
Subject: Facebook Messages is
Message: pretty much a chronological
Compose a message, send it list of any new messages
to someone. If you are lucky that come in, pseudo email
you will get a reply! inbox style
New Message
notification I am lucky
Some Message
I was lucky
As of today! Old Message
I need to reply
See All Messages
1 unread
3. @
The Modes of
But conversations today happen
on text messages, email and
chat!! Conversations scattered
everywhere…why isn’t it easier?
Why can’t technologies work
together? Communication
7. A Conversation...
No To, cc, bcc... No subject line
Just the conversation...
The New
8. A Conversation...
More like chat...just press the
enter key and it sends your
message right away!
No To, cc, bcc... No subject line
Just the conversation...
9. A Conversation... Accessible via email,
chat or text message
depending on what you
are using
More like chat...just press the
enter key and it sends your
message right away!
No To, cc, bcc... No subject line
Just the conversation...
10. When you access your
email, you see messages
from your best friend in
the same way you see a
bill or a bank statement
The Social Inbox
11. With the Social Inbox,
you see messages only
from friends and their
The Social Inbox
12. The Social Context
Top 3 Subject Lines!
Well..not a great way to
Organized by Subject Line organize conversations
No Subject line (...most of the time)
13. The Social Context
Organized by People
Becky: Can we catch up tonight?
Jose: Time for Coffee?
Tom: Heyy wattup dude
Organized by Subject Line
No Subject line (...most of the time)
14. The Social Context
Organized by People The New Messages brings
all the conversations you
ever had with a friend into
Becky: Can we catch up tonight?
one single thread!
15. The Social Context
Organized by People
You can reply via text
message when your friend
used Facebook Messages
Becky: Can we catch up tonight?
You: Yeah! What’s the plan?
16. The Social Context
Organized by People
…and they can reply via
Becky: Can we catch up tonight? email
You: Yeah! What’s the plan?
Becky: Lets watch ‘The Social Network’
17. The Social Context
Organized by People
Becky: Can we catch up tonight?
You: Yeah! What’s the plan?
Becky: Lets watch ‘The Social Network’
Or chat!!
Becky: It was fun meeting you!
18. The Social Context
All these different
communications will live in
one conversation!