This document provides 8 tips for improving Facebook security: 1) Use SSL to encrypt connections, 2) Choose strong passwords and change them often, 3) Monitor login locations using login alerts, 4) Limit who can post on your wall to friends only, 5) Remove posts from your wall after 48 hours to avoid oversharing, 6) Be careful of tags that could embarrass you or get you fired, 7) Hide contact information from public view, and 8) Contact the author with any other questions. The document emphasizes that if your Facebook is hacked, law enforcement and Facebook will likely not help unless money was stolen or a serious crime committed.
8. NO ONE!No one in Law Enforcement.*No one at Facebook.*No one at your ISP.**Unless money was actually stolen or another more serious crime was committed.
13. Pick the best passwordfacebookfac3b00k!H6erKNc()I want to talk to my friends!
14. Use A Good PasswordChoose a long password.Pass Phrases are WAY BETTER.16 Characters Or Better Please! Change it often.Facebook never has you change your password. Make it hard to guess.¡°You weren't hacked you were guessed.¡±