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Iliana Perez, @iliana_perez
J辿ssica Valenzuela, @jitzelv
Claremont Graduate University
February 19, 2014
Testimonio: Our journey to CGU
CGUs mission
Follow the problem. This means
that our research and teaching
transcend academic boundaries.
Our University disregards artificial
divides between theory and
application. We believe that
academic rigor and addressing big
questions can go together.
Our research aspires to advance
knowledge and also to do
something more: to convene
leaders and scholars to tackle the
most important problems facing our
region and our world.
The local context
Immigrants as a Proportion of the Total Inland Empire Population by Decade,
Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition
Progress in higher education access
for undocumented students
Undocumented and UndocuQueer figures
 11 million undocumented people
 267,000 identify as LGBTQ
 3.2 million children & young adults
under the age of 24
 1.5 million children enrolled in K-12
 65,000 high school graduates/yr
 < 5% graduate from college
A portrait of undocumented students
 Age of arrival to the
 Bilingual, but English
Language Dominant
 DREAMer narrative
 Undocu Moms
Historical and legal context
 Supreme Court ruling in
Plyler v. Doe (1982)
 Undocumented Student Movement
 Federal DREAM Act
 In-state tuition
 State Dream Acts
 Restrictive policies (e.g. Georgia)
 Anti-immigrant policies
 Campus climate
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
 2-year work authorization
 possibility to renew
 Temporary relief from
 NOT the DREAM Act
 NOT a permanent solution
For more information, please visit: http://www.uscis.gov/
Support for DREAM Act
 National Association for College
Admissions Counseling
 American Association of State
Colleges and Universities
 National PTA
 California Federation of
 National Education Association
 Microsoft Corporation
 The College Board
For more information on the DREAM Act: http://nilc.org/dreamsummary.html
Bridging Theory and Practice
 Undocumented student
 DREAM Resource Centers
 UC Berkeley
 CSU Fullerton
Life After College: A Guide
for Undocumented Students
 Published by Educators for Fair
Consideration (E4FC):
 Going to Graduate School and
Professional School
 Types of Professional Schools
 Earning a Living
 Going Abroad
 Exploring Your Immigration
 Staying Motivated: Emotional
Undocu-competence at CGU
 Financial assistance
 Campus climate
 Raising awareness
 Institutional support
 Classification of undocumented
 Transparent access to resources
 Additional resources
 Peers as sources of information
 Identifying institutional agents
 Recognizing DACA limitations
 CGU Undocu-competence
Emotional concerns
 Undocumented and UndocuQueer
students express:
 Fear of deportation
 Sense of isolation
Shame & fear: School personnel perspective
 They are fearful that they cant
trust anyone or that anyone can
understand them. Im sure that it
can go as deep as students
being depressedtheyre also
dealing with the law and this is a
constant fearAm I going to be
deported? Do I have to worry
about my family being
deported?they dont feel
permanentany day its
possible that things can change
 John, Academic Counselor
Anti-immigrant sentiment: School personnel perspective
 Theyre dealing with
racismhearing their professors
talking about supporting the bill
in Arizona or, being against
illegal immigration. It might not
necessarily be specifically
directed at themthe teachers
not necessarily sitting in front of
them saying, You, but
makinggeneral statements
on a daily basis where they
have to deal with racism in their
 John, Academic Counselor
Support networks
 Parental support
 Activism/Civic engagement
 CIRCLE Project
 UndocuQueer spaces
Funding for Undocumented students at private colleges
Harvard University
Stanford University
Pomona College
Occidental College
Pitzer College
Loyola Marymount
Chapman University
Santa Clara University
George Fox University
Brown University
Yale University
Columbia University
Princeton University
Dartmouth College
Lafayette College
Davidson College
Franklin and Marshall College
George Mason University
Mount Holyoke College
Northwestern University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Claremont McKenna College
California Institute of Technology
Washington University, St. Louis
University of Puget Sound
Haverford University
Wesleyan University
Swarthmore College
Harvey Mudd College
University of Pennsylvania
Willamette University
Marymount College
Kenyon College
Vassar College
Mills College
Reed College
Williams College
Whitman College
Grinnell College
Carleton College
Oberlin College
Amherst College
Bard College
Bates College
Bowdoin College
Cornell University
Bryn Mawr College
Hampshire College
Additional resources
 California Dream Network
 United We Dream
 National Immigration Law Center
 Educators for Fair Consideration
 Dream Team Los Angeles
 Orange County Dream Team
 UCLA Labor Center
 Dream Resource Center
 California Dream Team Alliance
 US Citizenship & Immigration Services
 Customer Service: 800-375-5283 or 800-
Contact information
Iliana Perez
J辿ssica Itzel Valenzuela
Dr. William Perez

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  • 1. FACES TALK SERIES: BUILDING INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY AND UNDOCU-COMPETENCY TO SUPPORT UNDOCUMENTED AND UNDOCUQUEER STUDENT SUCCESS AT CGU Iliana Perez, @iliana_perez J辿ssica Valenzuela, @jitzelv Claremont Graduate University #undocuCGU February 19, 2014
  • 3. CGUs mission Follow the problem. This means that our research and teaching transcend academic boundaries. Our University disregards artificial divides between theory and application. We believe that academic rigor and addressing big questions can go together. Our research aspires to advance knowledge and also to do something more: to convene leaders and scholars to tackle the most important problems facing our region and our world.
  • 4. The local context Immigrants as a Proportion of the Total Inland Empire Population by Decade, 1860-2010 http://csii.usc.edu/documents/INLANDEMPIRE_web.pdf Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition
  • 5. Progress in higher education access for undocumented students
  • 6. Undocumented and UndocuQueer figures 11 million undocumented people 267,000 identify as LGBTQ 3.2 million children & young adults under the age of 24 1.5 million children enrolled in K-12 65,000 high school graduates/yr < 5% graduate from college
  • 7. A portrait of undocumented students Age of arrival to the US Bilingual, but English Language Dominant DREAMer narrative Undocu Moms
  • 8. Historical and legal context Federal Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe (1982) Undocumented Student Movement Federal DREAM Act DACA State In-state tuition State Dream Acts Restrictive policies (e.g. Georgia) Anti-immigrant policies Institutional Funding Admissions Campus climate
  • 9. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) 2-year work authorization possibility to renew Temporary relief from deportation NOT the DREAM Act NOT a permanent solution For more information, please visit: http://www.uscis.gov/
  • 10. Support for DREAM Act National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) National PTA California Federation of Teachers AFL-CIO National Education Association Microsoft Corporation The College Board For more information on the DREAM Act: http://nilc.org/dreamsummary.html
  • 11. Bridging Theory and Practice Undocu-competence Undocumented student advocates/activists DREAM Resource Centers UC Berkeley UCLA CSU Fullerton
  • 12. Life After College: A Guide for Undocumented Students Published by Educators for Fair Consideration (E4FC): Going to Graduate School and Professional School Types of Professional Schools Internships Earning a Living Going Abroad Exploring Your Immigration Remedies Staying Motivated: Emotional Health
  • 13. Undocu-competence at CGU Financial assistance Campus climate Raising awareness Institutional support Classification of undocumented students Transparent access to resources Additional resources Peers as sources of information Identifying institutional agents Recognizing DACA limitations CGU Undocu-competence Taskforce
  • 14. Emotional concerns Undocumented and UndocuQueer students express: Fear of deportation Loneliness Depression Frustration Helplessness Shame Sense of isolation
  • 15. Shame & fear: School personnel perspective They are fearful that they cant trust anyone or that anyone can understand them. Im sure that it can go as deep as students being depressedtheyre also dealing with the law and this is a constant fearAm I going to be deported? Do I have to worry about my family being deported?they dont feel permanentany day its possible that things can change John, Academic Counselor
  • 16. Anti-immigrant sentiment: School personnel perspective Theyre dealing with racismhearing their professors talking about supporting the bill in Arizona or, being against illegal immigration. It might not necessarily be specifically directed at themthe teachers not necessarily sitting in front of them saying, You, but makinggeneral statements on a daily basis where they have to deal with racism in their face John, Academic Counselor
  • 17. Support networks Parental support Educators Allies Peers Activism/Civic engagement CIRCLE Project UndocuQueer spaces
  • 18. Funding for Undocumented students at private colleges Harvard University Stanford University Pomona College Occidental College Pitzer College Loyola Marymount Chapman University Santa Clara University George Fox University Brown University Yale University Columbia University Princeton University Dartmouth College Lafayette College Davidson College Franklin and Marshall College George Mason University Mount Holyoke College Northwestern University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Claremont McKenna College California Institute of Technology Washington University, St. Louis University of Puget Sound Haverford University Wesleyan University Swarthmore College Harvey Mudd College University of Pennsylvania Willamette University Marymount College Kenyon College Vassar College Mills College Reed College Williams College Whitman College Grinnell College Carleton College Oberlin College Amherst College Bard College Bates College Bowdoin College Cornell University Bryn Mawr College Hampshire College
  • 19. Additional resources California Dream Network United We Dream CHIRLA National Immigration Law Center Educators for Fair Consideration Dream Team Los Angeles Orange County Dream Team Dreamactivist.org UCLA Labor Center Dream Resource Center California Dream Team Alliance CaliforniaDreamAct.org AB540.org US Citizenship & Immigration Services Customer Service: 800-375-5283 or 800- 767-1833 http://www.uscis.gov/
  • 20. Contact information Iliana Perez Iliana.perez@cgu.edu twitter.com/iliana_gperez linkedin.com/in/ilianaperez J辿ssica Itzel Valenzuela jessica.valenzuela@cgu.edu twitter.com/jitzelv linkedin.com/in/valenzuelajessica Dr. William Perez William.Perez@cgu.edu williamperezphd.com facebook.com/drwilliamperez twitter.com/williamperezphd youtube.com/williamperezphd linkedin.com/in/williamperezphd

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Our story 5 minute testimonio each.
  • #4: Why this workshop is important...relevance to CGUs mission. How CGU has supported undocumented students.
  • #5: -California is home to the largest percentage of undocumented immigrants -24% CA; 14% TX
  • #6: Iliana to work on infographic here.
  • #7: What does undocumented mean? Why not illegal? -stigma and dehumanizing -campaigns to reverse this/stop this -noun (the individual is illegal) -Not in Immigration and Nationality Act the act of entering the country without proper documentation may be considered illegal however the status of being present without a visa is not an ongoing criminal violation -more than half of undocumented people have overstayed visas, which negates the accusation of even committing the crime of entering without documentation implied by illegal alien -innocent until proven guilty and illegal alien judges before even appearing before a judge --- the term is imprecise because the circumstances of each undocumented person are so varied from: http://nohumanbeingisillegal.com/Home.html An undocumented person is a foreign national who: (1) entered the United States without inspection or with fraudulent documents; or (2) entered legally as a nonimmigrant but then violated the terms of his or her status and remained in the United States without authorization (as defined by the National Immigration Law Center) this includes international students on student visas and families on tourist visas Pew Research Stats
  • #8: Interweave our own experiences: how we became undocumented Arrived in the US before/during formal schooling age Education and development in the US Language Only limitation = status that makes full integration into US society possible. Without status, creating a second-class citizenry.Immigrated before schooling age Have lived most of their lives in U.S. Low socioeconomic status Parents with low educational levels Work part-time jobs to assist family/pay for college costs Attend low-performing schools
  • #9: Jess: Undocumented youth come to the US for various reasons including escaping wars, poverty, or lack of opportunities often related to globalization of businesses or drug wars. Undocumented youth migrate with their families or often on their own to reunite with family or to escape life-threatening situations in their home country such as war, homophobia, poverty, etc. When youth migrate with their parents or other family members the push and pull factors are similar to the youths migrating on their own, and often parents/guardians are seeking opportunities for their children, although perhaps violating laws, we refrain from placing blame on parents/guardians for seeking a better future for themselves and the children. In Plyler v. Doe (1982) Case originating from Texas in which the state held funds from school districts that offered education to undocumented children (K-12). The Supreme Court ruled that undocumented children must be provided with a public education because they are people, in the most basic sense of the term and deserve equal protection under the law. The justices included in their opinion that denying K-12 education to undocumented children would result in an illiterate subclass. The results of Plyler v. Doe: although K-12, no resolve for status or access to higher education. With 65K graduating HS every year When was the DREAM Act introduced? What has been its path? When was DACA announced? What does it provide? the latest on federal level: Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) introduced a federal bill IN-STATE for Dreamers Act of 2014 that would make in-state tuition accessible through a proposed American Dream Grant Program. $750million over 10 years from fees paid by F-1 visas (intl students) as well as the national Dreamers fund Students face state polices that are sometimes restrictive and punitive and other times facilitate their access to higher education. Some factors to keep in mind at the institutional level: Scholarship/financial assistance Student outreach Campus climate campaigns
  • #10: Iliana: President Obamas Administration announced on June 15, 2012 that younger immigrants may apply, starting August 15, 2012, for Deferred Action and work authorization for two years with the possibility to renew that authorization at the end of the two years How many have benefitted from DACA as of today? 552,918 accepted as of July 2013 and approx 500,000 still awaiting biometrics appointments.
  • #11: Jess: What is the DREAM Act? S- Durbin & Hatch August 1, 2011 and last introduced in May 2011 Conditional permanent residence status to individuals who met the following criteria over the years the criteria has varied in detail, but in general it has remained the same Eligibility criteria: Arrival before the age of 15 Minimum 5 year residence in US 2 years College or Military service Age cap There is rumor that it will be reintroduced this year, however the division within the Republican party has made this very unlikely.
  • #12: How to best serve undoc students at CGU, what kind of support is needed? Recruitment efforts?
  • #13: Iliana: There are many other guides...no reason why everyone is not aware of this, because this work is out there. To support students at every level, at every step of the way Why are you going in the first place? Is it required in your field of study? Do you meet the academic requirements of the program? Do you have to take any entrance exams? Research safe communities. Options are endless for undoc students...undoc students are thinking about grad school/professional school.
  • #14: How to best serve undoc students at CGU, what kind of support is needed? Recruitment efforts? Financial aid from non-government sources Institutional funding for undocumented student organizations Examine and modify administrative procedures that may inadvertently stigmatize undocumented students Dissemination of information on resources for undocumented students Undocu-competence development Provision of specialized social and psychological support services Student health insurance access Coordination with 4-year universities to support students interested in graduate programs Utilize CUC consortium DREAM Resource Centers CGU task force
  • #15: Interweave our own stories: Jess pushing out and undocucompetence in HS counselor
  • #16: Jess
  • #17: Iliana: Think about personal experience that relates to quote
  • #18: Jess: Despite marginalization, undocumented students demonstrate a strong commitment to civic participation They channel their feelings of exclusion into political mobilization, activism, advocacy and service Some of the most instrumental work by undocumented queer Latina women has been in health-related advocacy and service including the creating of spaces such as the CIRCLE project where peer emotional support networks are strengthened. What does it mean to be an ally? the role of allies in any social movement and in the undocumented and UndocuQueer student movements is crucial. The role of institutional agents now and especially prior to the announcement of DACA or the introduction of the first DREAM Act in 2001 has been key in making higher edu resources known to undocumented youth. What was the impact of institutional agents or allies for students to access higher ed prior to DACA? Or even prior to 2001.
  • #19: Iliana: Opportunity for CGU to pave the way to increase access to grad schools. This is where undoc students are graduating from...you know you want them!
  • #20: Jess
  • #21: Jess