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Facilitation Systems
         Maria Luisa Jorge
       Marina Cenamo Salles
        Raquel A. F. Neves
         Sabastian Krieger
        Tom叩s Gallo Aquino
       Victoria Romeo Aznar

Southern Summer Mathematical Biology
       IFT  UNESP  S達o Paulo
             January 2012
Presentation Outline

 Facilitation: definition and conceptual
 Facilitation vs. competition in a gradient
  of environmental stress
 The simplest model
 A real case our simple model
 Results of the model
 Other possible (and more complicated)
  Species that
positively affects
another species,
   directly or
Bruno et al. TREE
Bruno et al., 2003
Bruno et al., 2003
-       -
A    B
Salt Marshes

          Physical conditions

          - Waterlogged soils

          - High soil salinities
Juncus gerardi

More tolerant to
high salinities
acts on
amelioration of
physical conditions:

shades the soil 
limits surface
evaporation and
accumulation of soil
Iva frutescens

Relatively intolerant to high soil salinities and
waterlogged soil conditions
     -               -
Juncus girardi
                  -      Iva frutescens
Bertness & Hacker, 1994

         A                      -                     B

Change of       Exponential   Saturation    Competition     Effect of
species A       term of       or logistic   effect of       salinity on
(facilitator)   population    term of       species B       species A
abundance       growth        population    (facilitated)   (facilitator)
over time                     growth        on species A
                               -                           B

Change of      Exponential   Saturation        Competition     Effect of
species B      term of       or logistic       effect of       salinity on
(facilitated   population    term of           species A       species B
abundance      growth for    population        (facilitator)   (facilitated)
over time      species B     growth for        on species
                             species B         B

A                                      B

    Final      Initial  Effect of
    salinity   salinity abundance of
                        species A on
Reducing the number of parameters.
        dA           A                    A
           =r A A1    b AB Ba A S 0 e 
        dt           KA

        dA'                             A '
            =A ' 1A 'c AB B ' F A e       

        dB           B                    A
           =r B B1    b BA Aa B S 0 e 
        dt           KB

        dB '                               A'
             =rB ' 1B ' c BA A ' F B e      
Looking for fixed points
      A f , B f =0              A=0B=1 A F A e
                                                             / c AB                             A f
  dt                                                                   Af   are that 撃 A f  e        =0 have
  dB                              B=0 B=1c BA A F B e    A

      A f , B f =0                                                                                        analytical
                                                                                                            solution !!
  =1c AB , =1c AB c BA , = F A F B c AB

                                                      A f
Ok, we look ...              1' A f =' e
                                                                                       ' 1
                                                                                  ' 0  one A f 0
                                                                                else don ' t  A f 0

                  We can have:
                         No solution
How do fixed points varie with the
                                 ' 1

                             ' 0  one A f 0
                        0'   e   f
                                         two A f 0
                           else don' t  A f 0

We can have:
    No solution
    Two solutions
Some critical cases

             dA      dB
A=A f =0       =0     = B 1 BS B =0        B f =0, B f =1S B 0
             dt      dt

    S B 1                          B f =0 is instable
                 two fixed
                                    B f =1S B is stable

      If B doesn't suffer too much                          survives
      stress, and doesn't suffer

     S B 1                           B f =0 is stable
                  one fixed
                                     B f =1S B don ' t 

      Although B doesn't have
      competition, the stress is hard
Some critical cases

             dB     dA              A
B=B f =0       =0  = A1 AS A e =0              A f =0 and some A f 0
             dt     dt

    S A 1                       A f =0 is instable
                                 A f 0,1 is stable

      If A doesn't suffer too much
      stress, and doesn't suffer

                                               A f =0 is stable
     S A 1 
                                       A f 0 don ' t  if  is small
                                       two A f 0,1 if  is large.
                                      One stable , the other instable.

    With a high self-facilitation, A can
    survive if it has already large numbers                  survives
Species A
                             Species B (with facilitation)
                             Control for species B

Temporal variation of both species and salinity when, at
equilibrium, both co-exist.
Species A
                              Species B (with facilitation)
                              Control for species B

Temporal variation of both species and salinity when, at
equilibrium, both co-exist.
Species A
                              Species B (with facilitation)
                              Control for species B

Temporal variation of both species and salinity when, at
         equilibrium, species B goes extinct.
Species A
                               Species B (with facilitation)
                               Control for species B

Variation of abundance of both species with respect to

Conditions of facilitation (treat - control > 0),
competition (treat - control < 0) and no difference (treat
- control = 0) with respect to a gradient of salinity and
competition of B on A. Beta ab: 0.68
Conditions of facilitation (treat - control > 0),
competition (treat - control < 0) and no difference (treat
- control = 0) with respect to a gradient of salinity and
competition of A on B. Beta ba: 1.2
Conditions of facilitation (treat - control < 0), competition
(treat - control > 0) and no difference (treat - control = 0)
 with respect to a gradient of competition of A-B and B-A.
Real world example sustaining our model!
   Sp. A     Stress level 0   Stress level 1   Stress level 2

 Without B        900              300              300
  With B          500              700              600
   Sp. B     Competition      Facilitation     Facilitation
                ( - -)           (+ +)            (+ +)
 Without A        750              200             150,2

                                                                Bertness & Hacker, 1994
  With A          125              350              300
Other scenarios

               facilitation of
               the facilitated

  -     -
               Why does it

   -- -

 A      B
Facilitation in Population Dynamics
Forest Clearing
-     -
A     B
This is what we had in the previous model:

There are
clear stable
And this is what I ended up with:

Another snapshot time:

Population at
time t = 4000
Population at
time 400

Plain competition: A is excluded
Population at
time 400

                exclusion     Competition/
B needs A, both are stable
Population at
time 400

                exclusion                   Successive    Competition/
                                            oscilations   facilitation
Facilitation in Population Dynamics
Facilitation in Population Dynamics
Facilitation in Population Dynamics
Facilitation in Population Dynamics
Facilitation in Population Dynamics
Facilitation in Population Dynamics
Looking for the bifurcation

            T = 400
                              T = 4000
                 fast to

Oscilating at
very low
frequency and
high amplitude

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Facilitation in Population Dynamics

  • 1. Facilitation Systems Maria Luisa Jorge Marina Cenamo Salles Raquel A. F. Neves Sabastian Krieger Tom叩s Gallo Aquino Victoria Romeo Aznar Southern Summer Mathematical Biology IFT UNESP S達o Paulo January 2012
  • 2. Presentation Outline Facilitation: definition and conceptual models Facilitation vs. competition in a gradient of environmental stress The simplest model A real case our simple model Results of the model Other possible (and more complicated) scenarios
  • 3. Facilitation Species that positively affects another species, directly or indirectly.
  • 7. S - - -- A B -
  • 8. Salt Marshes Physical conditions - Waterlogged soils - High soil salinities
  • 9. Juncus gerardi More tolerant to high salinities acts on amelioration of physical conditions: shades the soil limits surface evaporation and accumulation of soil salts.
  • 10. Iva frutescens Relatively intolerant to high soil salinities and waterlogged soil conditions
  • 11. S - - -- B Juncus girardi - Iva frutescens
  • 13. - A - B Change of Exponential Saturation Competition Effect of species A term of or logistic effect of salinity on (facilitator) population term of species B species A abundance growth population (facilitated) (facilitator) over time growth on species A (facilitator)
  • 14. - - B A Change of Exponential Saturation Competition Effect of species B term of or logistic effect of salinity on (facilitated population term of species A species B abundance growth for population (facilitator) (facilitated) over time species B growth for on species species B B (facilitated)
  • 15. - A B Final Initial Effect of salinity salinity abundance of species A on salinity
  • 16. Reducing the number of parameters. Nondimensionalization dA A A =r A A1 b AB Ba A S 0 e dt KA dA' A ' =A ' 1A 'c AB B ' F A e dt dB B A =r B B1 b BA Aa B S 0 e dt KB dB ' A' =rB ' 1B ' c BA A ' F B e dt
  • 17. Looking for fixed points Condition : dA A f , B f =0 A=0B=1 A F A e A / c AB A f Don't dt Af are that 撃 A f e =0 have dB B=0 B=1c BA A F B e A dt A f , B f =0 analytical solution !! =1c AB , =1c AB c BA , = F A F B c AB A f Ok, we look ... 1' A f =' e ' 1 ' 0 one A f 0 else don ' t A f 0 We can have: No solution One solution
  • 18. How do fixed points varie with the parameters? ' 1 ' 0 one A f 0 A 0' e f two A f 0 else don' t A f 0 We can have: No solution Two solutions
  • 19. Some critical cases dA dB A=A f =0 =0 = B 1 BS B =0 B f =0, B f =1S B 0 dt dt S B 1 B f =0 is instable two fixed B f =1S B is stable points If B doesn't suffer too much survives stress, and doesn't suffer competition S B 1 B f =0 is stable one fixed B f =1S B don ' t points Although B doesn't have dies competition, the stress is hard
  • 20. Some critical cases dB dA A B=B f =0 =0 = A1 AS A e =0 A f =0 and some A f 0 dt dt S A 1 A f =0 is instable A f 0,1 is stable If A doesn't suffer too much survives stress, and doesn't suffer competition A f =0 is stable S A 1 A f 0 don ' t if is small two A f 0,1 if is large. One stable , the other instable. dies With a high self-facilitation, A can survive if it has already large numbers survives
  • 21. Species A Species B (with facilitation) Control for species B Salinity Temporal variation of both species and salinity when, at equilibrium, both co-exist.
  • 22. Species A Species B (with facilitation) Control for species B Salinity Temporal variation of both species and salinity when, at equilibrium, both co-exist.
  • 23. Species A Species B (with facilitation) Control for species B Salinity Temporal variation of both species and salinity when, at equilibrium, species B goes extinct.
  • 24. Species A Species B (with facilitation) Control for species B Variation of abundance of both species with respect to salinity.
  • 25. 多 Conditions of facilitation (treat - control > 0), competition (treat - control < 0) and no difference (treat - control = 0) with respect to a gradient of salinity and competition of B on A. Beta ab: 0.68
  • 26. Conditions of facilitation (treat - control > 0), competition (treat - control < 0) and no difference (treat - control = 0) with respect to a gradient of salinity and competition of A on B. Beta ba: 1.2
  • 27. Conditions of facilitation (treat - control < 0), competition (treat - control > 0) and no difference (treat - control = 0) with respect to a gradient of competition of A-B and B-A.
  • 28. Real world example sustaining our model! Sp. A Stress level 0 Stress level 1 Stress level 2 Without B 900 300 300 With B 500 700 600 Sp. B Competition Facilitation Facilitation ( - -) (+ +) (+ +) Without A 750 200 150,2 Bertness & Hacker, 1994 With A 125 350 300
  • 29. Other scenarios Auto- S facilitation of the facilitated - - Why does it -- - matter biologically? A B -
  • 32. S - - --- A B -
  • 33. This is what we had in the previous model: There are clear stable points
  • 34. And this is what I ended up with: UNTRUE!
  • 36. Population at time 400 Competitive exclusion
  • 37. Plain competition: A is excluded
  • 38. Population at time 400 Competitive exclusion Competition/ facilitation
  • 39. B needs A, both are stable
  • 40. Population at time 400 Competitive exclusion Successive Competition/ oscilations facilitation Ecological succession!
  • 47. Looking for the bifurcation T = 400 T = 4000
  • 48. Converges fast to stability Oscilating at very low frequency and high amplitude