The Learning Lighthouse (TLL) is a new K-12 school for homeschooling families in New Delhi, India founded by Sandeep and Saloni Srivastava. TLL was started by 5 families with a total of 7 students ranging from grade 1 to grade 9 who wanted a different educational model than traditional schools. TLL aims to provide a nurturing environment where students can learn through curiosity-driven exploration and discussions led by a female facilitator. The facilitator is responsible for engaging and interacting with the students, facilitating their learning and potential, and helping create a joyful learning community.
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1. The Learning Lighthouse
A Parent’s School
The Dream
The idea of The learning Lighthouse (TLL) is rooted in 'The Parent's School' - a creation of Sandeep
and Saloni Srivastava as the model, unblemished K-12 educational institution for home schooling
families. Sandeep and Saloni 'liberally educated' their only child (they contemporarised 'home
schooling' and call it 'liberal education').
Andto the extent that they are also the leading reformers of the formal school education system -
for instance, pioneering the 10,000-Period-Plan model for whole-school transformation, they also
nurture The Parent'sSchool as one keyK-12 institutional formatina near future (for more on them,
please visit
The Team
Mentors - Sandeep & Saloni Srivastava
Players - A set of 5 parents unknown to each other but with two common threads; their kids
studying in the same school & the ‘thought’ that something is amiss in the traditional education
The Playground
As the Law of Attractionstatesthat if youreallywishsomethingwholeheartedly,the wholeuniverse
conspirestofulfil itforyou!Aptlyso,we 5 families gottogetherinanunprecedented turn of events
at the school - first time in our long association with the school varying from 2 to 5 years, and
decided that a traditional school is not enough for our kids.
And as the saying goes... when a student is ready, Guru appears. As we were ready to take the
plunge intounknown,we met Sandeep & Saloni and it culminated into the realisation of TLL in the
national capital (in Model Town, a west-Delhi colony) - a first of its kind.
It is a commitment of 5 families and 7 children! 3 weeks old as yet, TLL has all the elements of
institutionalisation, for instance, it has 3 children from Grade I, and one each from Grade III, IV, VI
and IX!
It may be pertinenttoemphasisethatTLL, andthe intentof 'home schooling', is NOT in response to
poor qualityof school education(inthe bestof the schools). Itisanembodimentof ourcommitment
to the educationwe wantforour children,aplatformtocatalyse a community of nurturing parents,
and the need to offer ourselves as the model life-long learners to our children.
2. We are lookingfora Female facilitator forour new-age Gurukul /Community-School with5to 15
Timings are 9:00am to 5pm
Job Responsibilities include:
ï‚· Livinginthe companyof kidsof ages5 to 15 for a good part of the day.
ï‚· Lovingthemand theircompanywholeheartedly.
ï‚· Facilitatingthemtodiscovertheirfullpotential.
ï‚· Creatinglearningenvironment aroundthemtotriggertheircuriosity.
ï‚· Helpingthemdiscoveranswerstotheirquestions/doubts.
ï‚· Nurturingthemtobecome joyful,curiouslearners.
ï‚· Interactingwithkidsondifferenttopics andindulginginopenendedconversations.
ï‚· Helpingkidsexpressthemselvesfreely.
Candidate Profile:
ï‚· A loving, happy &compassionate individual
ï‚· Full of energy& ideas
ï‚· Avidreader
ï‚· Lovescompanyof children,interactingwiththem.
ï‚· Lovestryingout newthings
ï‚· Notscared of makingmistakes
ï‚· Passionate about life
ï‚· Lovesnature
Location: North-West Delhi
If you are interestedinapplyingorwantto know more about the , please sendyourprofileat