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Friday, May 28th, 2010Leslie Camacho & Judith Gazzola5/28/2010Career Development Center1Facilitator Training for Advising Staff: Day Twoand Group Work
Career Development Center2and Group Work Welcome Back!  Todays agenda:Key points from day one
Demonstrate the eCareer Plan NSAR activity
Become familiar with eCareer Plan
Next steps: transition5/28/2010
Career Development Center3and Group Work NSAR Activity Begins Here5/28/2010
Career Development Center4and Group Work Introduction to Career PlanningCareer planning is a life-long process
 Includes several steps: knowing yourself; exploring occupations; sifting through choices; trying out options; making a decision and creating a plan
 In todays evolving workplace, most people will go through this process multiple times5/28/2010
Take inventories to learn about yourself
Learn about occupations you might not be familiar with today
Test your ideas and make a decision
Create a step-by-step career plan
Prepare for your future with eCareer Plan!Career Development Center5and Group Work eCareer Plan5/28/2010
Career Development Center6and Group Work eCareer Plan Key FeaturesIcon representingimportant information that need special attention.
Points of Reflectiongive you the opportunity to think about you have learned about yourself.

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Facilitator Traning For Advising Staff Day Two

  • 1. Friday, May 28th, 2010Leslie Camacho & Judith Gazzola5/28/2010Career Development Center1Facilitator Training for Advising Staff: Day Twoand Group Work
  • 2. Career Development Center2and Group Work Welcome Back! Todays agenda:Key points from day one
  • 3. Demonstrate the eCareer Plan NSAR activity
  • 4. Become familiar with eCareer Plan
  • 6. Career Development Center3and Group Work NSAR Activity Begins Here5/28/2010
  • 7. Career Development Center4and Group Work Introduction to Career PlanningCareer planning is a life-long process
  • 8. Includes several steps: knowing yourself; exploring occupations; sifting through choices; trying out options; making a decision and creating a plan
  • 9. In todays evolving workplace, most people will go through this process multiple times5/28/2010
  • 10. Take inventories to learn about yourself
  • 11. Learn about occupations you might not be familiar with today
  • 12. Test your ideas and make a decision
  • 13. Create a step-by-step career plan
  • 14. Prepare for your future with eCareer Plan!Career Development Center5and Group Work eCareer Plan5/28/2010
  • 15. Career Development Center6and Group Work eCareer Plan Key FeaturesIcon representingimportant information that need special attention.
  • 16. Points of Reflectiongive you the opportunity to think about you have learned about yourself.
  • 17. All information saved on eCP is secureonly you will have access to it.
  • 18. Printing, saving, and editing are easy!
  • 19. Connect your major with a variety of occupations.
  • 20. Plan for your future, step by step! 5/28/2010
  • 21. 7and Group Work Start working on these sections in your first semester.Start working on these sections in your second and third semesters.Use this section as needed. Log-in before you start classes. eCareer PlanCareer Development Center5/28/2010
  • 22. eCareer Plan8and Group Work LoginUsername: Official First name & Last name Example: ThomasJones becomes thomas.jonesPassword: Date of Birth (yymmdd) + the last 4 digits of your CUNY Student ID Number Example: Year born: 1985 Month Born: FebruaryDate born: 12th ID: 123-45-6789 becomes 8 5 0 2 1 2 6 7 8 9Career Development Center
  • 23. eCareer PlanTo use eCareer Plan go to: www.lagcc.cuny.edu/ecareerplan9and Group Work Career Development Center5/28/2010
  • 24. Career Development Center10and Group Work NSAR Activity Ends Here5/28/2010
  • 25. Career Development Center11and Group Work Lab TimeC-1265/28/2010
  • 26. 12and Group Work Next Step: Transition - Making Connections Facilitation skills
  • 28. Power of the group
  • 29. Teach your students to fishCareer Development Center5/28/2010
  • 30. 13and Group Work Next Steps.Coming together, sharing together, working together, succeeding together.-UnknownCareer Development Center5/28/2010
  • 31. 14and Group Work Summary Lessons from GeeseCareer Development Center5/28/2010
  • 32. 15and Group Work Thank You! Career Development Center5/28/2010
  • 33. 16and Group Work Blair, G. (Ed.). (1996). Group Facilitation. MEDD Team at the University of Science and Engineering at The University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/~gerard/MENG/MECD/index.html.Characteristics of Effective Groups. (2010). Florida State University College of Medicine. [PDF document]. Retrieved from http://med.fsu.edu/education/facultydevelopment/PDF/5%20Stages%20of%20Group%20Development.pdf.Harris-Bowlsbey, J. H., Suddarth, B. H., Reile, D. M. (2008). Working with Groups. Facilitating Career Development Student Manual (2nd Revised Ed., 9.19.14.) National Career Development Association: OKSmall Group Facilitation Skills and Small Group Learning. (2010). Florida State University College of Medicine. Retrieved from http://med.fsu.edu/education/facultydevelopment/small%20group%20skills.aspBookman, B, Valenti, J., Latourelle, S., Maitland, L. (2001). Cooperative Learning: Descriptions of Some Commonly Used Techniques. NYS Biology-Chemistry Mentor Network, DDE Title II, FLCC. Retrieved from http://opas.ous.edu/Committees/Resources/Research_papers/15CommonlyUsedTechniques.pdfBlair, G. (Ed.). (1996). Group Facilitation. MEDD Team at the University of Science and Engineering at The University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from http http://med.fsu.edu/education/facultydevelopment/PDF/Lessons%20From%20Geese%20for%20participants.pdf.Downing, S. (2010). On Course: Strategies for Success in College and in Life (6th Ed., Table of Contents). Retrieved from http://www.oncourseworkshop.com/Student%20Success%20Strategies.htm. Monkton, MD.References

Editor's Notes

  • #2: (0 Minutes 120/120)Welcome and Hello!
  • #3: (JG : 5 Minutes 115/120)Review agendaAs an entire group, summarize key points of last weeks training. Add any additional points if any are missing
  • #4: (LC: 10 Minutes105/120)Tell the group that this will be the activity that they will be doing to introduce the eCP to students during NSAR. This will be a demonstration that will begin here!
  • #5: (LC: 10 Minutes Continued 105/120)Career Planning: What is it? What are some of the jobs you wanted when you were a kid? How many still want that job? Can you share the reasons you think this is a good choice for you?How many have changed their minds? Can you share the reasons you no longer want to purse that job?Think for a minute about your work or school experiences. What have you learned about yourself? What brought you to LaGuardia? What occupations are you considering now? Ask students to summarize the points they heard. They will make some of the points below add in the ones they miss. Career planning is a life-long process. They have been engaged in career planning their whole lives. Career planning involves several steps: knowing yourself; exploring the world of work; sifting through choices; and trying out options and making a decision. Going through this process increases the likelihood you will find yourself working in a satisfying occupation. You will probably repeat these steps several times throughout your life to adjust to changes in your goals and interests and the world around you. Summarize with this: The eCareer Plan tool that I am going to show you continues this process in a more organized way. Then go into power point presentation.
  • #6: (LC: 15 Minutes90/120)The eCareer Plan is a place to organize your accomplishments while at LaGuardia and beyond and a series of exercises that will help you learn about yourself, explore the world of work, decide on a career path and create a career plan to achieve your goals. The eCareer Plan will take you through steps (knowing yourself; exploring the world of work; sorting through choices; and trying out options) to show you how to make successful decisions. Career planning is a life-long process and each section on the eCareer Plan prepares you to engage in this process throughout your life.
  • #7: (LC: 15 Minutes Continued90/120)Touch upon key features
  • #8: (LC: 15 Minutes Continued90/120)Explain the pace of which eCP will be used throughout their academic career at LaGuardiaToday they will login and complete Hello! Begin Here.
  • #9: (LC: 15 Minutes Continued90/120)Explain how to log in using their CUNY LIVE account
  • #10: (LC: 15 Minutes Continued90/120)Handout the eCareer Plan brochure. Ask the group to process what their general impressions of application, what are the benefits to you as a student , and can they make connection to other information provided in NSAR?Process activity.
  • #11: (LC: 20 Minutes 70/120)Tell them that this ENDS the NSAR ActivityGive out handout, Career Planning: What is it? An Introductory Activity for NSARGive time for the group to read the handoutAsk them for impressions of this activityHow do they imagine themselves doing this activity with students?How does it fit with the rest of the materials/information provided at NSAR?Do they have any concerns or questions?Process activity. Take any questions from groupGuide them to C-126 so they can login and use the eCP
  • #12: (LC: 20 Minutes 50/120)Guide them to C-126 so they can login and use the eCPAsk them for impressions of this activityHow do they imagine themselves doing this activity with students?How does it fit with the rest of the materials/information provided at NSAR?Do they have any concerns or questions?Process activity.
  • #13: (JG: 20 Minutes 30/120)Review what they have learned these past two days of training.Ask them again, how do they see themselves implementing group facilitation skills?Inform them that they will involved in the developmental process of this transition of NSAR using group facilitation techniques. If stuck, using real materials, like the PEP, brainstorm ideas how they can introduce, unpack, and use a group activity with the PEP. To allow for a freer brainstorming session, ask them to provide ideas without time constraints or obstacles.Process and segue into quote: Coming together, sharing together, working together, succeeding together. -Unknown
  • #14: (JG or LC: 5 Minutes 25/120)Summarize points or concerns of last slides and relate them on this quote.Process and segue into Lessons From Geese
  • #15: (JG or LC: 10 Minutes 15/120)Relate quote on how geese work well together as group.Depending on time, either review or refer to Lessons From Geese