CHARM is a risk management platform that can accept or reject trades within 10 milliseconds to provide certainty of clearing for futures commission merchants (FCMs). It monitors intraday risk and margin requirements in real-time to help FCMs efficiently utilize client collateral and adjust prices based on changes to portfolio risk. CHARM integrates with central clearing parties, trading platforms and other systems through APIs and can be installed in-house or as a software-as-a-service to manage risk without high hardware costs.
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Fact sheet CHARM
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Regulators want instant acceptance for Clearing Certainty
CCPs are required to accept/reject within 10 seconds
FCMs need much faster times for SEFs & Hubs
Our times are within 10 milliseconds
Client Clearing
High Performance
10 Millisecond Check
Client Accounts
House Accounts
Pricing Libraries
OTC Derivatives
Listed Derivatives
Incremental Risk
Initial Margin
Stress Scenarios
Delta, Gamma
APIs to integrate
In-house install on
Commodity hardware
FCMs need to provide their Clients
with Certainty of Clearing.
You need to connect to CCPs,
Hubs or SEFs.
This exposes FCMs to the intraday risk that Margin held is not
You need to provide your clients
with Certainty of Clearing and
efficient use of their collateral.
Trading on SEFs means this risk
can change sub-second.
You need to monitor intra-day risk
of client activity in real-time.
FCMs need real-time monitoring
of limits to accept or reject trades.
You need to accept or reject, client
orders/trades as quickly as possible.
Clients expect their collateral to be
utilized efficiently by use of
portfolio margin limits.
You need to use true portfolio risk
measures to know the impact on
the client margin held.
House Clearing
You dont want hardware costs to
consume your entire budget.
Bid/Offers should be adjusted for
the cost of margin.
This requires calculating the
impact of an order on our existing
portfolio margin.
And doing this sub-second.
is a Limited Company Registered in England
and Wales: No 07979557
You need your prices to adjust in
real-time for the increase or
decrease in funding cost of
You need your prices to adjust with
trading activity in real-time.