1. Conversion factors are fractions that relate units of the same kind and allow conversions between units.
2. To use a conversion factor, write the quantity and original units, then write a fraction with the desired unit in the numerator or denominator to cancel out the original unit.
3. Examples are provided for converting between meters and kilometers, kilometers per hour to meters per second, and grams per milliliter to kilograms per cubic meter using appropriate conversion factors.
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Factor label method
1. Factor – Label Method
To convert units we need what we call a conversion
factor. Conversion factors are valid relations between
units of the same kind or equities expressed as a
Steps to be followed for each conversion factor (fraction):
1. Write down the quantity and the units you want to be
converted. The symbol for the unit that we want to obtain will
be placed in the place of the fraction where we want it to be
(denominator or numerator). The symbol for the unit that we
want to cancel (eliminate) will be placed in the remaining
space of the fraction (numerator or denominator).
2. In the conversion factor: Write 1 before the highest unit and
the equivalent quantity before the other unit in the conversion
3. Examples:
1. 1200 m to km
2. 72 km/h to m/s
3. 1,6 g/ml to kg/m3
5. 1200 m to km
1 km 1200 · 1
1200 m x km 1,2 km
1000 m 1000
Unit we want to obtain Write 1 before the hightest unit
(km are higher than m)
Unit we want to eliminate goes in
the denominator to cancel it .
Here we will write the equivalent: 1 km
equals1000 m
End Other examples
7. 72 km/h to m/s
km 1000 m 1 h 72 · 1000 · 1 m m
72 x x 20
h 1 km 3600 s 1 · 3600 s s
This conversion This conversion factor
factor leaves m leaves permite s in the
in numerator y denominator and allows us
and km are to cance the h (numerator)
End More examples
9. 1,6 g/ml to kg/m3
g 1 kg 1000000 cm3 1,6·1·1000000 kg kg
1,6 x x 1600
cm3 1000 g 1 m3 1000 · 1 m3 m3
This conversion This conversion factor leaves permite
factor leaves kg m3 in the denominator and allows us
in numerator y to cancel the cm3 (numerator)
and g are
End More examples