Tiny Tea Teatox is a 14-day or 28-day herbal tea cleanse product formulated by Chinese medicine practitioners to nourish and cleanse the digestive system without a laxative effect. The tea is made from oolong tea and Chinese herbs and is intended to reduce weight, ease bloating, improve digestion, clarity skin, boost energy and alleviate food intolerance issues. It retails for $35 for a 14-day set and $55 for a 28-day set and can be purchased from America.yourtea.com.
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Danny Sickafoose
Comm 2321 - MWF 10:20 a.m.
Tight Deadline Assignment 7
Fact Sheet
Media Contact:
Danny Sickafoose
Brand Ambassador
(661) 753-6308
Tiny Tea Fact Sheet
The Product: Tiny Tea Teatox comes with your choice of a 14-day or 28-day
set. The intricately balanced herbal blend is intended to nourish
and cleanse your digestive system, providing it the support it
needs to replenish and restore back to its natural state.
Formulated with Chinese medicine herbs and based upon
Chinese medicinal principles, Tiny Tea is the only herbal cleanse
on the market that does not produce a laxative effect. TinyTea
was created by qualified Chinese Medicine practitioners with
considerable years of experience.
Ingredients: oolong tea, jue ming zi, he ye, shan zha, lai fu zi, chen pi, mai ya,
contains gluten
Features & Benefits: This cleanse and consumption of Tiny Tea Teatox was designed
to assist the consumer in the following:
reducing weight
easing bloating
increasing digestion functionality
improving skin clarity
increasing energy levels
alleviate issues associated with food intolerances
Availability: Tiny Tea is available at America.yourtea.com
Retail Price: Tiny Tea Teatox (14 day) has a retail price of $35.00 and the Tiny
Tea Teatox (28 day) has a retail price of $55.00.