1. Buro CITE is an engineering firm that provides construction project services including requirements definition, design, technical drawings, contract specifications, procurement, construction supervision, and maintenance planning.
2. Some example projects Buro CITE has worked on include a cycle bridge in the Netherlands, bridges in Suriname, modifying an oil jetty in Suriname, and raising river dikes in Suriname to withstand sea level rise.
3. Buro CITE works with clients to define requirements, design and optimize solutions, perform calculations, develop technical designs and contract specifications, oversee procurement and construction, and advise on maintenance.
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Factsheet burocite opmaak achterr-constructies
1. Schedule of requirements
Cycle bridge Zuidereinde (Netherlands)
In this phase together with the
Construction of a cycle bridge over the
client we define the require-
Hilversums Kanaal, which put an end to a
ments regarding functionality,
dangerous traffic situation. Commissioned
safety, design, sustainability,
by the local authority of Wijdemeren, Buro
manageability, and financial
CITE coordinated engineering and contract
supervision, according to the UAV 2012
2. Sketching
Our next step is to explore
possible solutions by sketch- Bridge over the Saramacca river near Pikin
ing, taking into account the Saron (Surinam)
schedule of requirements. Part of the program to upgrade the existing
second east-west connection bridges to
3. Design “class 60” bridges.
We optimize the chosen Buro CITE provided engineering and contract
alternative and perform the supervision commissioned by the Ministry of
necessary strength and Public Works.
stability calculations.
4. Technical drawings
Oil Jetty (Surinam)
Using the results of the
Modification of an existing oil jetty to allow
calculations we develop the
larger oil tankers to dock and unload.
chosen alternative into a
Buro CITE provided the design and project-
technical design, 3D if
mangement during construction commis-
sioned by the Port Authorities of Surinam.
5. Contract specifications
Based on the technical design,
(RAW) contract specifications
are drawn up. Bridge over the Saramacca Canal (Surinam)
Creation of an alternative north-south link to
6. Procurement and relieve the pressure on the congested
construction existing routes. Buro CITE provided
We organize the tender engineering and contract supervision
process up to the contract commissioned by the Ministry of Public
award. When the necessary Works.
permits are granted construc-
tion can begin, during which
we can supervise the work in
River Dikes at Commewijne and Albina
7. Application, management
The raising of existing river dikes with an
and maintenance
average of 55 cm, to withstand sea level rise
To ensure functionality and
over the next 15 years. Buro CITE was
structural integrity during it’s
responsible for the design and supervision
intended life-cycle regular
on behalf of the Ministry of Public Works.
maintenance is essential.
Identifying defects or deterio-
ration in an early stage can
prevent excessive mainte-
nance costs. Buro CITE
advises you on managing
construction maintenance and
sets up maintenance plans.
Buro CITE coöperates with the leading
construction engineers of Rustwijk &
Rustwijk in Surinam
Buro CITE BV The Netherlands Buro CITE NV Surinam
Postbus 150 T: +31 70 307 69 80 PO Box 2944 T: +597 47 45 63
2280 AD Rijswijk F: +31 70 399 24 83 Paramaribo F: +597 47 40 64
Visseringlaan 18 E: info@burocite.nl Mahonylaan 46 E: info@burocite.nl
2288 ER Rijswijk Paramaribo Buro CITE supports Kika