This document discusses three existing fanzine products that will influence the design of the author's own fanzine. The first uses a simple color scheme and effective blend of text and large bold images. The second stands out with its monochrome tones and "twisted" food photography. The third has a vintage look while using a wide variety of fonts and gritty rock-themed images. The author aims to combine these elements of style and visual interest in their fanzine about whisky, putting a modern twist on the history and culture.
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3. Whisky
-deep dive into the culture of where the whisky has come from
-give information on the whisky and what its all about
-put a modern funky twist ono the images that I will have in the
fanzine and of the whisky
-show the history of the whisky but also put my own twist on it
5. This is a existing product that I have found
and liked the style of with some pages
looking like its been draw and then other
pages looking like its been made digitally
and also the very simple but affective
colour scheme is something that stands
out to me. I also believe that the blend
between the amount of text and images is
very good with there not being too much
text to were it looks boring and too much
to read and there being images that are
big and bold that cover a page that draw
your attention to the page more and
makes it look interesting. This existing
product will relate to my product because I
want to create a fanzine that has text and
information on it but doesn¡¯t look boring
and has a interesting new refreshing feel
to it that combines the weird but smart
6. This is another existing product and is
very different to my last one with there
being mainly no colours and just tones
from white, grey and black but its very
out there and I like the wired almost
twisted images that have been used
thieve made food look like art with the
way they have taken photos of the food
and because there just on plane white
backgrounds and the images have no
colour to them. Even the pages that
have colour on them like the pink page
still have a element of simplism but also
is a very modern and eye catching
page. I think this existing product will be
like my final product in the way that I
want every image to look different but
unique to me and my style on how I
want to do it.
7. This is my third existing product and is a
fanzine about rock music which is a lot
different to the fanzine that I aim to do
but the style of the fanzine is a lot like the
style I aim for. The person that has made
this has made it look very old and almost
vintage and dated but is actually quite
new. A lot of things about this fanzine is
what I like for example the wide range of
fonts they have used is really good with
there not being much text that is in the
same font. The images that have been
used are very grungy and gritty to fit the
whole rock theme of the fanzine.
8. 1. What is supernatural medicine
Answer- supernatural medicine is the use of dead
crows to test the pureness of the air and people believed
that it would be the reason why you get ill if the air is not
pure enough.
2. How did herbal remedies work
Answer- home remedies are medicines that were
made using the basic things you found in a home at that
time period like flowers from the garden and herbs that
would be crushed together that would be left at your
bedside to cure you.
3. What's the weirdest medicine that was used in the
medieval periods
Answer- The weirdest medicine they used was
bloodletting which is an old method where the doctor
would extract blood from the person's vein and collect
the blood and often mix the blood with other ingredients.
4. What's your favourite part of medieval medicine
Answer- my favourite part is that in the medieval period
they knew hardly anything about medicine and were very
clueless about what they were actually doing and how to
do it.
5. What is a barbers surgeon
Answer- A barber surgeon is the person that you would
go to if there was any type of surgery that you needed.
6. How far has medicine come
Answer- instead of medicine and illness being about
beliefs and if you go to church or not it's about facts and
research and the doctors know what they are doing and
not chance on people's lives
7. What's the most interesting part of modern medicine
Answer- The fact that we still don't know a lot about
cancer and the whole area of it is a bit of a mystery and
we are still very far away from getting a cure.